*+.PuRe AwEsOmEnEsS.+*


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Dec 21, 2008
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[SIZE=16pt]Hello and welcome to PuRe AwEsOmEnEsS, a Tamagotchi log. Please PM me to comment.[/SIZE]

I have a recently-resetted V4 with an egg which has not hatched. I should talk to you about myself. My Tamagotchi Collection:



Music Star

I only have one battery which is in the V4. The egg hatched and is a girl. Her name is "Dot". She bleeps at me to care for her and now I must go. Bye! Please keep reading!

Important Events In Dot's Baby Stage

6:44 PM: Dot hatched out of an egg and was named

6:53 PM: Dot pooped for the first time

6:54 PM: Dot got sick for the first time (needed 2 medicine doses)

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I have beautiful, beautiful plans for little "Dot". I plan on getting a Memetchi. I'll get a Ura Young Memetchi or Itchigotchi if I'm lucky than bring up her '*' (Fashion?) points. Then I'll have Memetchi and if I have lots of Fashion points she'll evolve into a special character--Makiko! Dot might be my first special character Tamagotchi! *sighs dreamily*

7:12 PM: Dot's first nap

Or I could go for Mimitchi or Maidtchi. It depends on what child I get and I just can not wait to see Dot's character as a child!


I like your new V4 log! I was reading yourother one, but now your new one is really

cute so far!!

I actually have a question - is it a v4 or v4.5

cuz u say 'ura' characters, but you said you

had a v4 (just curious  )

keep posting! ---Tamagotchi~Dutchess
Aww, thank you for the mail! As a matter of fact, it is my first fan mail for my log so thank you! :) They have Young but not Ura Young characters in V4, so you're right. Thanks for correcting me on that Tamagotchi~Dutchess!


So last night Dot evolved into Mizutamatchi. According to spudilike, he-or-she made a chart and Mizutamatchi 58 times out of 2 became a Meme Character, and never a Kuchi or Mame Family character. Makiko, here I come!

Dot: Ma-whatto? :angry:

Makiko. She's a very pretty person and you'll be her.

Dot: Oh. Yay, I'll be pretty! :(

You could be ugly and I'd still love you, Dot.

*looks unconvinced* Dot: Yeah....

:) So this entry is coming to an end. PM me to tell me about the log! No comments!

[SIZE=14pt]Gotchi Conversation: Episode One[/SIZE]


Sure thing, Dottie-girl.

:angry: Don't call me that Mom! Now I'm sooo embarrassed and... and--

*snorts* We're on air, you airhead! ;-)

:( What are you talking abou-- :mellow: ZWAK! Omt (Oh My Tamas.) I was called Dottie-girl on air! Mom! Noo! Turn it off, turn it off!

You just said that on air.... Hope you realize that.

What a wonderful first episode this is turning out to be. And what a supportive mother you're being... cancel the episode. Or you can take over. I'm. So. Ashamed. *sob*

Okay then, I will. So sorry about this episode and I did not mean to hurt your feelings, Dot. :-( This show woudl've been cooler but wasn't. Sorry. 'Til then, keep a-readin' this Tama blog an'--

Mom, say bye! Bye! *thinks they're off air* Mom, commas at the end of words are so not cool!

[SIZE=14pt]ATTN: Just FYI, I pause my Tama for about 4 or 5 (maybe more) hours while at school so do not be waiting for me to post about my Tama evolving at a certain time. I unpause them on weekends though. Thanks![/SIZE]


Kickthekan123 & Dot

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OMG! I woke up to see that Dot had evolved--into Itchigotchi! Go Meme Family teens! I might go for Violetchi... who knows?

Dot: I got accepted into School! My teacher is Ms Flower and she's nice! My skill points are 10-20-14... But Mommy's gonna lemme go to school a lot and become a Memetchi, right? :)

Yes mam! ;-) So until something happens... PM me to tell me some feedback. Bye!

[SIZE=14pt]Gotchi Conversation: Tamagotchis In Space! Chapter One[/SIZE]

I got mail! :)

I love your log and I'm glad to see you read mine!*waves* Hi people!

So, anyway, I think its interesting, like being right there as Dot grew up.

Aww, thank you Monchi! That is so sweet of you and readers of PuRe AwEsOmEnEsS, if you have not read Monchi's log you definitely should because it's an informative and cute log! :-D

Yes it is Dot! :-* You're so cute!

:blink: WhatEVER, Mom... Time for the episode to start! The real first episode. Mom used to read me bedtime stories but now I'm old enough to read so I will read the first episode of a classic, epic tale called... "Tamagotchis In Space!" Ready, Mom?

Go ahead, I'm ready. ^-^

It was a dark, dreary night in Kuchi Village, a small town in the country of TamaTown. Pearl the Memetchi's mother instructed her before she left her home, "Bring this bag of GotchiPoints to King Peter please and be back within the hour!" "Yes mother," said Pearl, and she set off bravely. Now was not a good time for a young Tama to be out but Pearl hurried down the path to the castle, determined not to dwell on the fact.When Pearl reached the grand castle, she knew it had been about forty-five minutes since she'd left home. She ran inside, dripping wet raindrops onto the marble floor.

The King's assistant was there. "What are you here for?" he asked.

"A special delivery for King Mametchi," said Pearl, trembling with fear and feeling cold.

"Ah. This way." He lead her down a corridor and into the beautiful, velvet-carpeted throne room. Then he left her in the throne room. After several minutes, Pearl wondered where the King might be.

"Are you going to speak?" a voice in the room said softly and gently. Pearl jumped and looked up to see a Mametchi on a throne wearing a regal red cape.

Pearl hurried over to him and stood before him, bowing. "Your majesty, I have a special delivery for you," she explained.

"What is it?" the King asked.

"Ten thousand Gotchi Points," Pearl answered.

"Why do you pay me?" He asked, not being rude but inquiring.

Pearl shifted uncomfortably. "I would like to work as an assistant for you," she mumbled.

"I have a policy and only males may be my assistants." Tears stung Pearl's eyes and the King recoiled. "I didn't mean to hurt you, but I have a different job in mind for you."

"What may that be?" Pearl asked eagerly, wiping tears away with the back of her hand.

"Are you, Pearl Memetchi, willing to take this job first?" He asked.

"Yes!" She answered happily.
For the first time I tried playing "Flag" and won! I've decided to keep playing Flag for two days until Dot evolves into a Violetchi

--> :D <--

:-D She'll be my first Violetchi I've ever owned--I'm so excited! Eep!

First entry of the day. Woot! :D Here's little Dot's skill points: 12-28-25. I need to boost up her Spiritual Points but I'm so lazy. I might go to Gamestop later but it HAS to open at noon on Sundays. Sigh. It's like it opens late cause it KNOWS it bugs me! Argh! I'm gonna buy Harvest Moon Cute if I have enough money. So this entry is comin' to an end. Bye!

Hallo! Time for the stats!


Skill Points: 12-28-33

2 Yr

36 lb

1st Gen

7200 Points

Most of those points are earned from TamaTown, actually, and I've been barely playing games. I'll seriously have to start playing lots of games so I don't get a Universal Adult... So byebye!

Let us mourn the death of Dot the Itchigotchi. :-( She was a beautiful and compassionate little Tam and I blame myself for her death. I put the sound off as I watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and then thought "Where's Dot?!" I frantically searched for the little Tam and when I found her, it was too late. Tears truly came to my eyes. I reset the Tama and did not touch it until today...

I am setting the time, date and my bday. An egg appears and until it hatches, I'll tell you some changes in this blog.

First, no more Gotchi Conversation Episodes. Yeah. I went there. (Jk)

Second, the Gotchi Conversation Episodes are replaced by "Tama's Point Of View", where the Tama talks (Hehehe, Tama talks. As in Tama talks as in Tamatalk! That was so cheesy.) about things happening.

'Kay, so the egg hatched and it's a boy. If any of you have read Peter and the Starcatchers you'd understand the name of this Tama-- Ammm. f you have not read the book, he is a dolphin who has a cute name. So now I name Ammm. :) A new generation has been born.

[SIZE=14pt]If you'd like to leave a message for Dot then PM me and I'll put it under Dot's tombstone. May you rest in peace Dot.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Through Tama's Eyes[/SIZE]

I remember being somewhere small and cramped, and pushing my way out. I gasped for air and somone named Kickthekan started cooing and said, "I'm naming you Ammm! Yes I am, yes I am!" Does she know how disrespected I feel?!

She feeds me sushi (raw fish is surprisingly quite tasty) and we play Jumping Rope. I'm good at it.


:lol: Ammm :lol:

So unsure--my friend Fern has a Rising Star Music Star and I want to be able to connect with her. What should I do, put Ammm's battery in my MS or keep Ammm? PM ME! PLEEEASE!

Since nobody PMed me I took it upon myself to decide so I put the battery in my Music Star. I'm going to quit writing in blue now--too... what's the word? Blue-ish. Yes, that's it, blue-ish.

Now, this is more like it! I'm writing in teal! Beat that! Lol. So I have a Tamatchi named Emily. My friend Fern yesterday had a Hitodetchi named Luna but she was absent today so I don't know what Luna evolved into. Emily's toy is a horse and she sings her little heart into her mic. So cute! She hasn't got accepted into preschool yet. In this blog, info in my point of view is in teal and info from the Tam's POV is in violet.

Dear Diary,

My name's Emily. I'm a Tamatchi. Why'm I writing in a book full of lines? Shouldn't books be full of words? Momma has something like "walking pneumonia" and... I'm so tired.


♥ from Emily

101 views? Thank you guys soooo much! I forgot where Emily is, so BRB while I check my backpack...

Hmm. I do not know what's wrong with me. Why did Emily die? Hmph... guess I'll never know. JK! She died cause I left 'er in my backpack unattended... to. I'm removing the back of the Music Star, unscrewing it and putting the battery into my sadly-bedazzled V4.5. I'm picking off the sequins... This is a sloooow proooooccccceeeeessss. I'm getting verrrrrrryyyy boooorrrrreeeeedd wiiiithhh thiisssssss. Alllmoooooossstt doooone.... Oh. My. Gawd. That seriously took 'bout 10 minutes and the Tam's shell still has glue dots. I removed it by rubbing alchohol on it. So yay. Now, to change da batteries! -_- --OMG! OMG! OMG! I put the battery in and NOTHING'S HAPPENING! ...I tried again and it worked. "Reset". Set date, time, meh Bday and username. Now a littie-bittie egg shall hatch.

[SIZE=14pt]Through Tama's Eyes[/SIZE]

W-where am I? Hello? Please rescue me!

Ugh. After resetting Tam 5 or 6 times (ending up with a baby boy each time mind you) I wanna give up. But no. I shall get a girl. VICTORY! I got a girl! "Aly" is her name and I luv luv LUV reading RPs (Role plays) so I'm pausin her. Later gator!

Oh, BTW, wanna hear the cheesiest volleyball joke I made up? "You just got served!" xDD
