Any Violinists Out There?


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2007
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Here! :)
I'd love to hear about your experiences on how playing the violin has touched your life as much as it has touched mine!

Hey, Debatchi and Sugarfunpouch...thanks for answering! Yeah, I know what you mean...I've been playing for about 7 years and it does get tough! Always remember to have fun! String basses are awesome integral part of the orchestra. As long as we're rocking out on the strings, it's all good! Anyone else proud to be an orch dork? :furawatchi:

Well put!! Basses are actaully necessary in an orchestra, although some people don't care about them. I am a huge bass fanatic!

My life: School, friends, bass, internet, knitting, dance, Tae Kwon Do (I'm a black belt) Yeah, that's it.

(Waiting for bass avatar BTW)

oh! I have wanted to play the violin for so many years now. The other day a violin was given to me that used to belong to a very special lady. I was both honoured and excited to receive such a gift. I am actually without a bow right now, so I havent been able to play but I cant wait. I am going to find somewhere to take lessons. They are absolutely the most beautiful instrument out there. I do have a love of all strings though. (Bass is totally my second favourite, sugarfunpouch :wub: )

Hey, sugarfunpouch! That's a pretty well-rounded life you've got there! Keep it up...that's excellent! Trilby...what a wonderful gift you have received!!! Good luck with all of your violin experiences! It'll definitely be hard at first but you will produce such beautiful music as you go along!

Well as long as bass is your 2nd I can forgive you LOL!!!!! I'm always doing something bass related. I've only been palying for 3 months and my friend who has been playing for two years with a private teacher, says I'm catching up to her!!! (I'm not sure if that's true though.) I may make a recording of my playing and put it on Youtube. We'll see. :)

Gotta love the bass though!!!

Yeah, I was the same way for my violin: I started out pretty late in life but I had the same (if not better) skill as my peers when I entered the advanced orchestra in high school. It helps to already have musical background. In my case, I had already played the piano and flute and in your case, sugarfunpouch, it was the violin! So glad to hear that you're very into bass...I'd love to see you on YouTube sometime! :p Do you guys listen to a lot of classical music? Any other violinists out there?

At our concert we played:

We Three Kings Rock

Burgundian Carol

Dance of the Reed Flutes

Go Tell It On the Mountain -Yeah (A walking bass life. We don't actually walk. that link may explain it.)

Last year the Kraemer orchestra was on Youtube.

I wasn't at Kraemer last year, so I didn't play with the orchestra. :furawatchi:

(Type in Kraemer Middle School Orchestra 2006 on a Youtube search, you probably will find them.)

Oh, awesome! I'll be sure to check that out! I love We Three Kings! You mentioned that the one you performed was a "rock" version, sugarfunpouch? That's pretty cool! What about favorite composers? Some of mine are Beethoven, Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Holst, Paganini, and definitely John Williams (pure genius), Hans Zimmer, George Gershwin, and Danny Elfman for the more modern composers. :furawatchi: I love music!

I played violin for 3 years...then quit. I was playing too many instruments at once and it was causing too much stress. When I was playing violin I was also playing guitar and drums. Playing the violin was fun but i like playing all instruments. I play the violin, piano, drums, guitar and flute.


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