Oobi the Mametchi's Great Adventure


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...the sun started to set. He saw an little green glow coming from somewhere far away in the ocean. Oobi thought nothing of it until...

he saw that it really was a :p a few feet away tha was drowning.Hequickly went 2 rescue her.

Oobi saw the treasure and it was mystical powers.

Oobi saw more treasure like,tamagotchi culture, GP, and food.

p.s. the ps thing was all for people to make up treasures. since nobody posted I posted.

...Then oobi pulled out his AK-47 and went on a killing spree...

but instead of saving the :lol: . oobi held her under and killed her. then suddenly...

a giant angelgotchi and a giant devilgotchi appeared."You have killed,"they both said in unision"Now,you will never find true love"Angelgotchi disaparead into the cluds.Devilgotchi said"Teen love don't count."Then he disappeared.

Then Lisa went to Tama Church and prayed.

After praying she went to Tai Chi Chinese restraunt (sorry for misspelling).

Last she met her cousins Lisa Marie ^_^ , Skylar :huh: , Jaden -_- , and JC :D .

Then, Oobi woke up in clouds. A smiling Angelgotchi looked at him. "welcome, Oobi. To Heaven... But We have to take you back. You are going back. Only you must not kill. Or Something Bad Will Happen....... Be Careful." Then the Angelgotchi disapeared and Oobi woke up in the Church. He got up. He realized he was a babytchi!

oobi was hungry and started crying until...

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Harutchi happily smiled. Then, he went to sleep taht night, and the angelgotchi appeared again.

"Hello, Oobi." She said, smiling at him. "I can tell you what that bad thing is. It is a fate... Worth than death... Something... That will pain you and leave a hole in your heart forever..." She smiled one more time, and dissapeared. "WAIT!" Oobi yelled, chasing after her. But then, he fell and fell somewhere deep down... And he woke up in the morning.

He found himself surronded by whiteness.A Debotchi appeared "I have been called by Devilgotchi"she said."You will now become a pokemon"

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