I've heard people compare the Entama to the v4, and while they are similar; they are very quite different (it's my favorite Tamagotchi from the Japanese Connection Era). Instead of how you care for your Tama determining it's evolution; it's totally different. You instead collect GUTS POINTS (different for the Entama and Uratama but works essentially the same). For the Entama they are Intelligent Points, Style Points, and Kindness Points. You earn the points by playing corresponding games to each section of points, and using the items that also corresponds with each type/section of points as well. These are also gathered by certain foods you eat that boost the points, certain types of medicines used that boost types of points and certain toys/job tools that go a long with your type of job you receive; example: Chef Hat gives the category your job is based from, extra points(s) when used (same with items that also go a long with types of subjects your character is studying in school, as you also can go to school for different things before becoming an adult character, also based on the highest point category). Not available on the v4 that's available on the Entama and Uratama is also the option to cook! You do this by combining items of the same category (the categories mentioned above) and doing such will give you foods that boost that type of categories points. I enjoy this Tamagotchi because the life stages are drawn out longer and it's a more "tougher" and challenging Tamagotchi. It's actually deemed for Older Tamagotchi Audiences/players according to a original 2005/6 advertisement, and is why it's more of a challenge compared to other Tamagotchis with a less functional or "needy" behavior/tasks. Although I personally believe ANY Tamagotchi is for ANY AGE (I'm 31 LOL and I still will forever love ALL kinds of virtual pets/kinds, probably until the day I leave this planet, and possibly even then. Who knows, maybe my love is so strong I'll end up on Tamagotchi Planet xD

The Keitai and the V3 are sort of the same situation. They are similar in a lot of ways, but at the same time are completely different. They are however, more closely the same in comparison to the V4 and Entama. Hopefully this helps some. And if it only confuses you more, I am very very sorry. The best way is to try them out if you get the chance!!! A lot of people turn away from the Japanese, believing them to be more impossible to play due to language barriers. But I personally promise you this is a mistake, which many others have also learned. They are more content rich, and that's expected being the original creators/where it all started. You'll have a lot more respect for the series possibly playing a Japanese version, as they are actually quite easy to learn!!! But I will be honest and say if language is a big issue for you, the Entama has alot of translations needed for the Mail section and other dialogues that happen, but there is very nice and easy to find translations done online by our community

. I really believe it's a great Tamagotchi for those already use to Tamagotchi, those that have more time to care or do tasks, those up for a challenge etc. It's by no means the hardest Tamagotchi, at all. There's plenty of others that hold that title. But I feel in my personal opinion, it's a great option. I just miss the discipline option of the game with this version.
I wish you plenty of luck on your Virtual Pet endeavors and if I'm understanding correctly that you are new to this, Welcome to ONE OF THE BEST HOBBIES AND BEST VIRTUAL PET DEVICE FAMILY EVER!!!! Though there are many great other virtual pets from Bandai and beyond, nothing beats a Tamagotchi!!!