thoughts on tamagotchi pix?


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Sep 4, 2021
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so i have been a fan of tamagotchi for years
i believe the first one i got was for christmas in 2007? maybe even 2006? and me and my cousins would get one as a present for every major holiday pretty much
anyway, so when i learned about the tamagotchi on and the tamagotchi pix, i was really stressed out because i didnt know which one to get. i had read so many reviews about how the tamagotchi pix was inferior and it wasn't worth it - and a lot of good reviews about the tamagotchi on so i had my mind set on the On

however, the On was sold out everywhere within a 100 mile radius near me. i spent all day pouting about it. my bf was just like "lets order it, it'll be here in two days" and i ALMOST did.. but i saw that there were a couple tama Pix's left at the target near me
we spent almost forty minutes in the car while he waited for me to make my decision: was i going to order a tamagotchi on or just go in and get a pix?


long story short, i got the pix. i was hesitant; we even kept the receipt and the box just in case i would want to return it and order the on later.

but i am utterly OBSESSED with my pix! i love how much one on one time i get with my tamagotchi. i love how detailed the game play is, how aesthetic the animations are, how endless the opportunities are, and so so so any more things about this game
I have yet to play an On, but I wanted to know if anyone else feels the same way that i do? all of the reviews i read on the pix were pretty awful so i am just curious...


also side note if anyone has a pix and wants to drop their qr code i would be so happy bc my tama needs new friends 😄
I was equally hesitant about picking up the Pix, as I had no interest in the Meets/On whatsoever and honestly, the faceplate designs were super uggo.

Like you, though, I'M SO GLAD I DID. It might be enormous and drink batteries like water, but the new levels of interactivity the touch pads enable really elevate the entire Tamagotchi experience. I appreciate that camera use is not mandatory in caretaking, either. 

Anyway, I've become attached to my little pink Pix. The aesthetics are a little childish compared to the very "now" Smart, but only the Pix will let me fulfill my dream of raising Mimitchi and Ginjirotchi in full color! If you need me I'll be playing ping pong with my Tama...! 

I wasn't initially thrilled with the Pix for some of the most notorious reasons – reports of the screen having backlight issues where a big dark spot ruins the look, and most commonly unresponsive buttons or responding incorrectly. I only recently decided to buy another after a full refund made me whole, and I couldn't believe it! None of those issues are apparent after thorough testing.  :eek:  I can actually enjoy all of the mini games finally!

It would really seem that these have some quality issues per model to be very aware of, but are overall worthwhile. I'm grateful I also managed to get one that did not have the common cosmetic issue of the faceplate paper being misaligned either.

The gameplay is so much more fun! I now see why there is a divide in reviews. Furthermore I highly recommend the baby sitter function in the phone that appears at child stage, if you find yourself getting overwhelmed or too busy. It's something that started to happen to me truthfully. They're a bit more demanding than other models, but much easier to care for if you get a model with properly functioning buttons, and make use of the sitter.

That being said however, I will forever love the mix feature from the past gen (m!x/meets/on/some) the most, with the P's coming in as my second favorite.  :p  I would 100% recommend them even if you prefer the new smooth animations and features. The mymeets app, magic hut, and on app really add depth to the things you can do!

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I was wondering about the pix- does it have seasonal/holiday decorations or animations like the meets/on has? I haven't heard anyone mention those, but I don't know if it's because the pix is so new or because they don't have those kinds of things.

Great question! 

There are seasonal decorations that you can pick up through Missions on the Tamagotchi website, as well as seasonal accessories and items in the shop...but not as many as on the Meets, Mix, or Smart. I've yet to see a proper holiday happen, but I've admittedly been focusing on the Smart for the past several weeks...maybe others have seen something? 

I love my Pix, honestly my favourite Tama. I definitely enjoy that feeling of "connection" with my Tama (even if that sounds a bit silly).

I have an ON as well, and while it's fun, it's definitely less enjoyable (for me) than the Pix. Less connection, less to do, etc. I feel way less like making sure my ON is perfectly happy, compared to my Pix who actually feels like a "proper" virtual pet.
The only other color Tama I've had besides my Pix is the P's. I think the Pix is way better in terms of gameplay and if I had to choose one I'd definitely choose the Pix.

My one main gripe with the Pix aside from the touch buttons getting finicky when the batteries are close to giving is that I really wish it beeped before your Tama poops instead of after. I think I've only managed to get mine to use the toilet twice. I wonder if there's some set amount of time after eating when they always poop so I can try to catch it more often.
The only other color Tama I've had besides my Pix is the P's. I think the Pix is way better in terms of gameplay and if I had to choose one I'd definitely choose the Pix.

My one main gripe with the Pix aside from the touch buttons getting finicky when the batteries are close to giving is that I really wish it beeped before your Tama poops instead of after. I think I've only managed to get mine to use the toilet twice. I wonder if there's some set amount of time after eating when they always poop so I can try to catch it more often.
That is annoying, I actually watched it poop once while I was on the screen and it didn't even give me a warning animation so I guess maybe it's just not possible to be on time with the pix?
I also kind of wish we could have a little pet again, and I wish we could remodel more of our house instead of the one room. I really liked that feature on the I DL. We could change our bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and main room.
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The pix is super fun and it really feels like another connection tama to me in a way! I enjoyed the mix/on for it's mixing features, I ran my mix for over 50 generations when I first got it LMAO but I'm also glad that the pix doesn't have that, there's a joy to raising a tama to try to get a specific one. Though I havent been able to run my pix since a little after I got it due to battery issues..... that thing runs them dry so FAST. I need to invest in some good rechargable ones first so that I wont have to deal with getting new batteries every few days, its really a shame how cool the camera feature is but how little i could use it so that I could save on battery energy. Same with the touch controls, I feel like I would've preferred the regular buttons but they're alright, albeit a bit unresponsive sometimes. Other than that, it's a super fun tama and I've had a lot of fun with it!
The pix is super fun and it really feels like another connection tama to me in a way! I enjoyed the mix/on for it's mixing features, I ran my mix for over 50 generations when I first got it LMAO but I'm also glad that the pix doesn't have that, there's a joy to raising a tama to try to get a specific one. Though I havent been able to run my pix since a little after I got it due to battery issues..... that thing runs them dry so FAST. I need to invest in some good rechargable ones first so that I wont have to deal with getting new batteries every few days, its really a shame how cool the camera feature is but how little i could use it so that I could save on battery energy. Same with the touch controls, I feel like I would've preferred the regular buttons but they're alright, albeit a bit unresponsive sometimes. Other than that, it's a super fun tama and I've had a lot of fun with it!
I haven't had the issues with the buttons like most people, but I have the green one and some people say that one is better as it came out later and they might have improved it.
I also agree about the batteries, I go through them so quickly but I made sure to get rechargeable beforehand. I use the camera a lot trying to unlock the characters you meet sometimes (been working off and on with that the past month.) I think the worst was having to replace them in a day and a half.
That is annoying, I actually watched it poop once while I was on the screen and it didn't even give me a warning animation so I guess maybe it's just not possible to be on time with the pix?
I also kind of wish we could have a little pet again, and I wish we could remodel more of our house instead of the one room. I really liked that feature on the I DL. We could change our bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and main room.

My Pix Tama does a sort of a... wriggle... actually more like a shiver. Initially I thought he was cold. But no, if he does the "shiver", he poops a second later. You do have to be really quick but you can definitely be on time.
My Pix Tama does a sort of a... wriggle... actually more like a shiver. Initially I thought he was cold. But no, if he does the "shiver", he poops a second later. You do have to be really quick but you can definitely be on time.
I saw that animation before he was an adult but not after. :( I'll try to catch it again.

I was wondering about the pix- does it have seasonal/holiday decorations or animations like the meets/on has? I haven't heard anyone mention those, but I don't know if it's because the pix is so new or because they don't have those kinds of things.
I wondered about this as well, when I got mine I changed the time and I noticed that the leaves don't change color for fall. It does snow for winter and the Santa tama came to my door but it doesn't seem like there's much. :(
so i have been a fan of tamagotchi for years
i believe the first one i got was for christmas in 2007? maybe even 2006? and me and my cousins would get one as a present for every major holiday pretty much
anyway, so when i learned about the tamagotchi on and the tamagotchi pix, i was really stressed out because i didnt know which one to get. i had read so many reviews about how the tamagotchi pix was inferior and it wasn't worth it - and a lot of good reviews about the tamagotchi on so i had my mind set on the On

however, the On was sold out everywhere within a 100 mile radius near me. i spent all day pouting about it. my bf was just like "lets order it, it'll be here in two days" and i ALMOST did.. but i saw that there were a couple tama Pix's left at the target near me
we spent almost forty minutes in the car while he waited for me to make my decision: was i going to order a tamagotchi on or just go in and get a pix?

long story short, i got the pix. i was hesitant; we even kept the receipt and the box just in case i would want to return it and order the on later.

but i am utterly OBSESSED with my pix! i love how much one on one time i get with my tamagotchi. i love how detailed the game play is, how aesthetic the animations are, how endless the opportunities are, and so so so any more things about this game
I have yet to play an On, but I wanted to know if anyone else feels the same way that i do? all of the reviews i read on the pix were pretty awful so i am just curious...

also side note if anyone has a pix and wants to drop their qr code i would be so happy bc my tama needs new friends 😄
I would say honestly the only downside i feel about the pix is the battery life. Besides that it is rly one of the most creative and fun tamagotchis yet for me and in comparison I find the on a little boring!! Maybe I havent explored all the features yet? The graphics on the pix are even better and theres so much more options. Also your ending with your tamagotchi is soooo cute. It is so worth it.
I would say honestly the only downside i feel about the pix is the battery life. Besides that it is rly one of the most creative and fun tamagotchis yet for me and in comparison I find the on a little boring!! Maybe I havent explored all the features yet? The graphics on the pix are even better and theres so much more options. Also your ending with your tamagotchi is soooo cute. It is so worth it.
It's weird because the on has more features yet I got bored with it and didn't play it as long. There's less things to do on the pix yet I'm playing it longer. And yes the animation at the end is cute but also made me so sad when they play that music!
I feel like the odd one out here, but I didn't like the Pix at all. :tongue: I felt, upon its reveal, that the touch-controls would make or break the experience depending upon user-tolerance and hardware quality, and for me they absolutely break it and make it pretty much unplayable.

It doesn't help that there's some inconsistent menu and interface design compounding that problem as well (for example, you can avoid the menus and perform some common actions with a swipe, but not others - why? There seems to be no good reason for this). I've been a computing enthusiast my entire life, and having seen the progression of interfaces from the home-computer boom of the 1980s up until today, I've got a low tolerance for that sort of thing.

It frustrates me, because the Pix has actually got plenty of really fun ideas that, in most cases, didn't even need to have awkward touch-inputs tacked on. The various camera/colour-related features are particularly great - I especially liked being able to go and meet Tamagotchis based on what colours the camera was picking up. :smile2:

For me, it's the only Tamagotchi that I've ever regretted buying, and is my second least-favourite release after the Connexion line (which I also never liked very much). I also found its build-quality to not be as good as the Meets (which remains the only colour Tamagotchi that I've ever liked).

Of course, this release isn't aimed at folks like me - its primary audience is youngsters who've been raised with imprecise capacitive touch-screens their whole lives, and who may not have ever encountered the precision of physical inputs on electronic devices and therefore won't miss them, and us older folks will fall into the "make or break" category of how they get along with the touch-panel on this particular device, even before we take manufacturing variances and quality-control issues into account. However, I can't help but feel that having physical buttons paired with a touch-screen might have improved my experiences with this one.
I feel like the odd one out here, but I didn't like the Pix at all. :tongue: I felt, upon its reveal, that the touch-controls would make or break the experience depending upon user-tolerance and hardware quality, and for me they absolutely break it and make it pretty much unplayable.

It doesn't help that there's some inconsistent menu and interface design compounding that problem as well (for example, you can avoid the menus and perform some common actions with a swipe, but not others - why? There seems to be no good reason for this). I've been a computing enthusiast my entire life, and having seen the progression of interfaces from the home-computer boom of the 1980s up until today, I've got a low tolerance for that sort of thing.

It frustrates me, because the Pix has actually got plenty of really fun ideas that, in most cases, didn't even need to have awkward touch-inputs tacked on. The various camera/colour-related features are particularly great - I especially liked being able to go and meet Tamagotchis based on what colours the camera was picking up. :smile2:

For me, it's the only Tamagotchi that I've ever regretted buying, and is my second least-favourite release after the Connexion line (which I also never liked very much). I also found its build-quality to not be as good as the Meets (which remains the only colour Tamagotchi that I've ever liked).

Of course, this release isn't aimed at folks like me - its primary audience is youngsters who've been raised with imprecise capacitive touch-screens their whole lives, and who may not have ever encountered the precision of physical inputs on electronic devices and therefore won't miss them, and us older folks will fall into the "make or break" category of how they get along with the touch-panel on this particular device, even before we take manufacturing variances and quality-control issues into account. However, I can't help but feel that having physical buttons paired with a touch-screen might have improved my experiences with this one.
I wish the camera picked up color better. I really struggled with it registering.
Maybe there will be the improvements you are looking for in the next one, the Pix Party I think it's called.
It's weird because the on has more features yet I got bored with it and didn't play it as long. There's less things to do on the pix yet I'm playing it longer. And yes the animation at the end is cute but also made me so sad when they play that music!
I KNOW LMFAO I LITERALLY SAID OUTLOUD “wait why am i crying a lil” what features does the on have more of? I havent discovered them yet i guess
I was equally hesitant about picking up the Pix, as I had no interest in the Meets/On whatsoever and honestly, the faceplate designs were super uggo.

Like you, though, I'M SO GLAD I DID. It might be enormous and drink batteries like water, but the new levels of interactivity the touch pads enable really elevate the entire Tamagotchi experience. I appreciate that camera use is not mandatory in caretaking, either.

Anyway, I've become attached to my little pink Pix. The aesthetics are a little childish compared to the very "now" Smart, but only the Pix will let me fulfill my dream of raising Mimitchi and Ginjirotchi in full color! If you need me I'll be playing ping pong with my Tama...!
I KNOW LMFAO I LITERALLY SAID OUTLOUD “wait why am i crying a lil” what features does the on have more of? I havent discovered them yet i guess
I haven't played it since it came out, but from what I remember you can go more places and you can mix and match features from parents to create the tama that you want. Unless I'm thinking of something else. 😄
Another thing that I missed from the other colored versions is how you could unlock different banners/ menu design but I guess it's different with the way it's set up now.
I think with my favorite color tamas (the id l and p's) you could have a little pet for your Tamagotchi. I haven't played them for so long I might be getting them mixed up. I really like unlocking things and there isn't anything like that with the pix. That's why I was so hyper focused on getting all the tamas you meet the my journal. With the p's, 4u and id l, I unlocked everything and that was satisfying. At least with the pix you don't need another device to do things thanks to the codes being online.
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