Dreams about Tamagotchi's?


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mimitchi ^o^

Well-known member
Mar 11, 2010
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Haha, this is a bit of a random post, but I thought I'd share.

Has anyone else had any dreams specifically about Tamagotchi's? I haven't had any recently but MANY MANY times I've had dreams where I've gone into a store or somewhere and there were Tamagotchi's lining the walls, and I'd grab as many as I could and put them in my cart or even in my shirt holding it like a sack to collect them all, lol! One time I even had a dream I went outside to take the trash bin to the curb, but when I opened the bin to put a trash bag inside it was over-flowing with tamas! I grabbed as many as I could and ran to my room, shoving them under my pillows for some reason?? And then when I woke up I looked under my pillows and the Tamagotchi's weren't there. I was heartbroken. :(  😆 

I don't think i've had any dreams about characters specifically, but I definitely have frequent dreams about collecting Tamagotchi's. What about everyone else? Any interesting Tama-related dreams? :)  

When I was 12/13 years old I remember I wanted to collect as many Tamagotchis as I can, at that time I believe V5 was released and I was hoping that I will get it along with a V4.5!  :D

So during that time I remember I dreamt there was someone that was knocking on our door, and when I opened the door, I saw a lady wearing a fluffy beanie and was holding a stick and on the other hand she had something that looked like a thermometer! She looked like a fairy sent from tama-planet!  :lol: She then told me I came here to give you as much Tamagotchis as you want BUT the much you take it will be detected from here and pointed at the meter!

Sadly I woke up and never saw that lady!  :angry:

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She then told me I came here to give you as much Tamagotchis as you want BUT the much you take it will detected from here and she pointed at the meter!
Haha, thats funny! It seems you had something to stop you from being too greedy, whereas in my dreams I just went full-on crazy with no guilt XD

I had a dream recently where I was realizing that in the end I actually still had one of my Tamagotchis, and that all I had to do was look up in my old stuff to find it. Of course as soon as I woke up I realized how nonsensical the thought was.

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Haha, this is a bit of a random post, but I thought I'd share.

Has anyone else had any dreams specifically about Tamagotchi's? I haven't had any recently but MANY MANY times I've had dreams where I've gone into a store or somewhere and there were Tamagotchi's lining the walls, and I'd grab as many as I could and put them in my cart or even in my shirt holding it like a sack to collect them all, lol! One time I even had a dream I went outside to take the trash bin to the curb, but when I opened the bin to put a trash bag inside it was over-flowing with tamas! I grabbed as many as I could and ran to my room, shoving them under my pillows for some reason?? And then when I woke up I looked under my pillows and the Tamagotchi's weren't there. I was heartbroken. :(  😆 

I don't think i've had any dreams about characters specifically, but I definitely have frequent dreams about collecting Tamagotchi's. What about everyone else? Any interesting Tama-related dreams? :)  
Oh my gosh I have the exact same dreams as you, they're occasionally reoccurring (every few months) and there's always either so many (usually free) or so little (usually costs money, weirdly). I once had a dream about going to a thrift store (it looked more like a grocery store with its shelves and layout tbh), and I saw a weird flip-phone Tamagotchi with a transparent background (no paper sheet inside)! Starting this year I've had around two dreams about going to this mall and seeing this store - in the first dream it was a huge store going out of business and it was selling all of it's NIB color tamas for $1 each, then a dream I had way later involved the store back in business, where you could play luck-based games (like the ticket-earning machines you can find in arcades) to win tamas. I won two pink iD Ls (also new in box)! Amazing.

I never fail to wake up in a sad state after these dreams. They always vary in location too (similar to yours) - I once had this dream where I was at this country fair of sorts and there was this massive building-sized crate full of Tamagotchis. That was a few years ago now iirc? It was super weird, but pretty cool either way!

when i was little i was actually really terrified of my tamagotchis dying and that happened a LOT in my dreams :(  also ive had a lot of dreams about the 2nd tamagotchi movie since that movie is one of my all time favorites. its kinda funny thinking about it now cuz i havent really had many dreams about the tamagotchi toys themselves, but more about the tamagotchi characters lol

I sometimes experience this - specifically, the invisible field of falling pieces, usually after staring/closing my eyes - with different puzzle games I play, though it only really happens if I've been playing them for waaaaay too long. I've never thought about it being connected with my tamagotchi dreams! They usually happen very rarely, during a time when I'm not running a version, or when I haven't thought about the subject entirely for a while. It could totally be a reason for them though.  :eek:

I remember having a strange dream.
I had woken up at 12:30, knowing that I woke up too late. I ran to my living room, where I used to leave my tamagotchi. My first tama, Henry had died.
When I woke up, my same tamagotchi, Henry had died at 12:30.
Haha, this is a bit of a random post, but I thought I'd share.

Has anyone else had any dreams specifically about Tamagotchi's? I haven't had any recently but MANY MANY times I've had dreams where I've gone into a store or somewhere and there were Tamagotchi's lining the walls, and I'd grab as many as I could and put them in my cart or even in my shirt holding it like a sack to collect them all, lol! One time I even had a dream I went outside to take the trash bin to the curb, but when I opened the bin to put a trash bag inside it was over-flowing with tamas! I grabbed as many as I could and ran to my room, shoving them under my pillows for some reason?? And then when I woke up I looked under my pillows and the Tamagotchi's weren't there. I was heartbroken. :( 😆

I don't think i've had any dreams about characters specifically, but I definitely have frequent dreams about collecting Tamagotchi's. What about everyone else? Any interesting Tama-related dreams? :)
Haha, this is a bit of a random post, but I thought I'd share.

Has anyone else had any dreams specifically about Tamagotchi's? I haven't had any recently but MANY MANY times I've had dreams where I've gone into a store or somewhere and there were Tamagotchi's lining the walls, and I'd grab as many as I could and put them in my cart or even in my shirt holding it like a sack to collect them all, lol! One time I even had a dream I went outside to take the trash bin to the curb, but when I opened the bin to put a trash bag inside it was over-flowing with tamas! I grabbed as many as I could and ran to my room, shoving them under my pillows for some reason?? And then when I woke up I looked under my pillows and the Tamagotchi's weren't there. I was heartbroken. :( 😆

I don't think i've had any dreams about characters specifically, but I definitely have frequent dreams about collecting Tamagotchi's. What about everyone else? Any interesting Tama-related dreams? :)

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