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I'm waiting for a lot of 5 anime keychains i won from an auction. it should be here on the 12th or on the 28th

waiting for my blue ID~ so happy!!!!!! its coming from tokyo -_-

Nice price for a devil!? How mich did you pay? Where did you buy it? :D
I bought it from eBay, I won it in an auction. I paid 260 dollar for it. It's in excellent mint condition. I made photo's, they're in the 'what you've got in the mail today' topic.

Will soon have a few vpets in the mail...forgot what I traded for lol.

I think it was a V3, Nano Kitty, and Compu Kitty.

I don't really care for non-Tamagotchi pets much... Tamagotchi for the win! But I love cats and wanted the cat vpets for my cat collection.

Also been waiting for a pink translucent V5, Tamagotchi books, and some other Tamagotchis for a while... they'll probably never arrive <_<

Waiting for an orange Tamagotchi Mini and a pink Tamagotchi Plus! Waiting is so hard! D:


(eBay photo, I do not own this image)

I won this Tamagotchi iD on eBay for $35. It shipped a while ago, so it should be here any day now. Can't wait!

I am waiting for a bunch of things and I am so excited!

Things coming soon:

-A blue Umino with the packaging. It's from TamaTamatchi so it should arrive soon.

-A set of four vintage Tamagotchi's, the screws on all of them are stripped to different degrees so I might have to drill the screws out. There is a wave Umino, a green waved Mothra, a Tamaotch and, a Morino.

-An Aikatsu Deco Pierse V.1.

-An Aikatsu Deco Pierse v2.

-My nephew to be born. (I am so impatient!!!)

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I'm waiting for a limited edition black Tamagotchi Nano. It should arrive sometime in the middle of June to the first week in July. I don't have a Nano, and waited to find the one I wanted for a decent price. Patience does pay off.

I am currently waiting for the following :

Kids nova tamasuku

Fruit design tamasuku v2

Yellow tamawalkie

Green spiral v3

Hanerutchi one green

Hanerutchi two blue

Mesu tama smokey black

Osu pink vintage case

8 more vintage hard cases

Sunflower design v4

Red design v5.5

Blue v5

Silicon connection covers x4

Flowers design Keitai

I'm actually getting a new tamagotchi! (What a rare event).

The tamagotchi in question is none other than the Tamagotchi P's...blue. Hopefully it will come soon, until then I will research like mad.

Unfortunately I am posting from ny phone so I can't post a picture...but most of you know what a tamagotchi P's looks like, righ

Gah! I need to stop buying tamagotchi things for my collection. I am now waiting on too many things.

-A set of four vintage Tamagotchi's, the screws on all of them are stripped to different degrees so I might have to drill the screws out. There is a wave Umino, a green waved Mothra, a Tamaotch and, a Morino.

-An Aikatsu Deco Pierce V1.

-A Tamagotchi plus colour in pink, I caved when the amazon seller canceled his/her listing and went with the more expensive one from a seller I had bought from before.I should be able to pick it up either tomorrow or Friday from the post office which is exciting.

-A blue space P2.

-A White and blue P1.

-A white and pink Keitai, I am not sure if it's a real tamagotchi shell because I haven't seen it before but it has strawberries on it and it's cute.

-A blue and green Uratama, it has the little kiss lips character on it like my V2.

-A Royal Change Pierce, After this one arrives I will only need two pierces which are the love and melody and the Nameko pierce.

-A white ID new in box, I don't know much about the ID but it will match my IDLE and my P's so I'll be a happy duckling.

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