"Girlfriend" magazine...
must print at least one indecent word on every single page.
...prints pointless stuff with no information, like "blah celeb lost 5 kg in blah weeks! 20% of blah answered blah to blah!"
...answers readers' questions about trivial stuff, but never seems to care about
real problems.
...thinks that all girls need to have dozens of lame posters of boring boys covering the walls and ceiling of their room.
...thinks that knowing the difference among bra sizes is extremely important.
...it's a magazine aimed at girls, but what the purple dolphin do I know, right?
"Discovery Girls" magazine...
...always prints depressing stuff that no one wants to read ("my friend died blah I'm jealous of everything want to buy lots of expensive make-up blah blah blah...")
...also thinks that knowing the difference among bra sizes is important.
...thinks that all girls need to have page-long guides on what important fashion stuff to buy.
Video game magazines...
...have to print cheats that are easily accessible all over the Internet.
...insist that you need an incredibly advanced headset with the latest technology, a massive super Full HD 3D monitor, and a 500-button "gaming mouse" to play video games.
...print a preview of an upcoming game saying how unbelievably great it is going to be, and then review the game later saying how bad it is.
...list all the detailed features of the next console, and when the console is released, it's nothing like what they said it would be.
The fact that I never even
expected there to be something like periods (not full stops) until TamaTalk. Sometimes I wonder if there's more stuff like that which my friends never tell me about. Frightening. o__0 Finding out that there are periods is like finding out that chili dogs enjoy travelling in elevators.
Soo unexpected.
The peculiar period questions in the GLQ. Why would anyone want to know about it?

It's like asking how old you were when you got your first pair of blue socks.
Wondering why a certain someone posts the answers to said period questions when they know I read all their posts, including those posts. O____o I am slightly creeped out when one gets that, you know, because...
Great, now I can't stop thinking about it!
Alcohol. I avoid it and have never done it and never will, like all other awful stuff.
When the word "good" is in quotation marks, because then it leaves you wondering "Why is the word 'good' in quotation marks?

Coffretchi putting on make-up.