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So basically the TamaTown for V6 and Tamago no longer exists sadly. However you can still access the United Kingdom and Ireland's (Wales, England, Scotland and N.Ireland) ones by going to and click on the UK and Eire'

I think that the new new was the Tamagotchi Life app. However they might have updates so! They may even recreate the Angel and Ocean tamagotchi. That would be good considering many people weren't born during the 'vintage' years when they were first released.

Knew it, Bandai basically gave up on it, they just stopped trying in the end and didn't bother with it. (just like me with social interactions because let's face it it's a hopeless cause) Although it didn't come as a shock, it is quite saddening. I'll miss making CDs I had a favorite one called Lion Pop and I wish I could have recorded it or something but now it's too late, I'll also miss the synesthesizerwhatdoyoucallit. :(

Awwwww almost had a tear in my eye reading that. Because I remember how much fun I had as a kid playing Tamatown. Ah those days. Before all the hacking and erasing of accounts happened. I'm really going to miss it and all the people I met and fans. So long Tamatown. :(
I'm just as sad as you are, my friend. But this is a message to everyone. No matter how hard we play, love and care for our little friends. It may not change. But we have to stay strong. Like they said we don't know what Tamagotchi has in store for us. They could bring back something even better than we already had. They could try and remake Tamatown. The only thing we can do, is wait. I had so many memories with my friends and Tamas. Mametchi, he is smart. Memetchi, she is stylish. Kuchipatchi... well he eats a lot. We still have them! We don't just give up now! We gotta do something! And thats important!

Yeah, it stinks, but it's only the V6 and Tama-go that got affected (I'm pretty sure) And although I would of loved to get a chance to try the Music city, you can still go on the v3-v5 on

Noooooooo! Why???? Well, Tamatown never worked out well for me anyway... but I just checked the v4.5 tamatown, and it worked just fine!
REALLY?? I looked for the link for V4.5 Tamatown and nothing worked! Where does it work??

Well, a little part inside of me just died. :(

I remember playing on TamaTown a lot when I was younger, especially on Music City and the v4 Tama Town. Logging in to unlock a new character I just got, playing all those games to get Gotchi Points and passwords for new items, playing the Club Pop game with friends, decorating my Music City room, waiting for Swirly Sweet City, Patchi Falls and Flower hills to open... good memories. I'm sad to see it go. :(

This almost made me tear up honestly. I remember the old games and the catchy-- yet somewhat annoying music would play over and over... I had dial-up to so it was slow but yet I kept trying. To know I will never be able to go back makes me really sad, but I'll learn to live with it. It's been probably years since I got on TamaTown, but to know that I don't even have the option anymore... :(

R.I.P TamaTown!

I had so many fond memories playing TamaTown. Its hard to see it go. I hope sometime in the future they release a new TamaTown.

V3 and V4 TamaTown aren't gone...but V6 was the best one. I'm not too sad that V5 got shut down because I never really liked it, but it's great that V4's still open, because for some reason I really enjoy that one.

I'd left the V6 one a long time before it closed, but I'll still miss it. I won't miss the hacking or cheating, but I'll miss the friends I made through TamaTown.

But everyone who's really sad about it - BanDai created Tamas and TamaTown, and although they abandoned it, that doesn't mean we have to. We can go on using our gender-neutral, well-priced Tamas no matter how many girly and expensive ones they make. Yes, they might be able to take away TamaTown or discontinue Tamas in our countries; but unless they take away our imaginations, we'll go on knowing and loving Tamas for as long as we want.

V3 and V4 TamaTown aren't gone...but V6 was the best one. I'm not too sad that V5 got shut down because I never really liked it, but it's great that V4's still open, because for some reason I really enjoy that one.

I'd left the V6 one a long time before it closed, but I'll still miss it. I won't miss the hacking or cheating, but I'll miss the friends I made through TamaTown.

But everyone who's really sad about it - BanDai created Tamas and TamaTown, and although they abandoned it, that doesn't mean we have to. We can go on using our gender-neutral, well-priced Tamas no matter how many girly and expensive ones they make. Yes, they might be able to take away TamaTown or discontinue Tamas in our countries; but unless they take away our imaginations, we'll go on knowing and loving Tamas for as long as we want.
I really couldn't agree more :)

Luckily I've got all the souvenirs on my V3 but I don't want the European servers to close down before my V4 and V4.5 arrive in the mail so I can get a chance to play with them on Tama Town. Sigh, I have some happy memories of Tama Town but I guess it was just good of Bandai to keep it open so long. We will miss you Tama Town!

This makes me sad. -_- -_- -_- -_- . Come back to us Tamatown... I didn't even get to say goodbye. *Sigh* Goodbye. :wub:

So, how much is this going to affect us new members who never got onto it in the first place? Limited functionality on the TamaGo?

So, how much is this going to affect us new members who never got onto it in the first place? Limited functionality on the TamaGo?
I wouldn't think you'll be too limited. Music Star is affected the most as this has rendered some items unobtainable.
Tama-Go tends to only be limited by the number of figures you have rather than Tamatown functionality. In Tamatown shutting down you aren't missing much :p

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