Pretty Cure


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You rang?

My favorites...

Group: Yes! Pretty Cure 5/ Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo

Single Character: Aqua, Beauty, Dream.

Leader: Dream

Series: GoGo

Most watched: Fresh Precure

First watched: Original-Max Heart

Special: Passion, Milky Rose

Fairy: Candy

Commune: CureMo, Heartful Commune

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Well... Since this last post.

The DokiDoki team are rushing into my heart. Such a great season so far. Surprised they all got power up already. Then they match, surprising since Bandai makes a killing when they are different.
i love dark, bad end, evil precures! (and i love the song that is with the video)
i think they are pretty cool! anyone else?



here are some pics of the evil precures from of the sieres.
i have not seen any evil pretty cure battle. i have seen AMVs about them fighting, but not a whole seen. i have only watched one episode of dokidoki but i was reading about them the other day and they seem awesome!

Go watch the Yes! movie. That one seems like the best to me.

The heartcatch was like their personal doubts.

I haven't seen the darkside smile cures. I think they might have been fears or something simmilar.

i will watch it. i am looking forward to that siries. i am trying to go in order. i am like 7 episodes and 2 movie away from finishing futari wa heart max for good. then i get to move on to splash star. i have seen some episode of smile precure. i think it might be my fave. i watched the first 7 epidoes. then i watched the one where they get turned inot little kids. and i watched the one with brian taylor, i like that one. and i watch some episodes of heart catch. and the heart catch movie. i watched all the dx and new stage movies. and did noe get to watch new stage 2 yet. and i only watch about 4 parts of the new stage 1.

and here is something kool. either nao, raika or both can been seen a lot at around 8:40.
i did not find this out btw​
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