Internally screaming year 12 student and her Tamas ♡


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Apr 1, 2017
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I'm not exactly sure why I've decided to start a tamagotchi log. Considering this is the second most busy and stressful time of my life so far. I'm currently in the middle of my trial exam week, with today being Sunday and my second exam starting tomorrow.

Unfortunately at the moment signal is terrible here and I won't be able to upload this until prehaps Tuesday but I'll see how things go.

Today is Father's Day, a day to celebrate our fathers and make money for companies selling fathers day gifts. Not that I'm complaining or anything but I made my father a large photo album filled with embarrassing photos of all of us kids and yes even some of me.

At this moment I'm waiting in the car eating a large chunk of ice. No not icecream just ice! I love ice, the frozen water kind of course.

Well we're moving again and I suppose I should introduce my tamagotchis now.

At the moment I'm running the only two I own. My ID L and my Tamagotchi Friends. I have a 2017 Chibi on pre-order at my local EB Games but I've got little information about when it will come. They don't even know what designs could be on the Tamagotchis. I'm not too bothered by the designs I just want to get it.

On my ID L Sabosabotchi is currently living in. She's quite adorable, and I love her happy animations! Extra flowers bloom on her body which is cute! She is my second generation.

On my Tamagotchi Friends Bokuhoshitchi is also currently living in. He is a cutie also, my little star boy. He calls me for attention all the time. But there isn't any discipline on either models so it can get a little annoying sometimes but I can forgive him. Generation one on this Tamagotchi.

I still don't really get the care system for my Friends, I've been aiming at Kuchipatchi for a while now but have never got him. Hopefully this time fingers and toes crossed.

We're off to the beach at the moment so they'll have to stay in the car. I wish I had waterproof cases for them! Could you imagine how cool that would be?! Well I think it would be awesome anyway! I wonder if there actually are waterproof cases for Tamagotchis. Hmmm I'll look into that when signal is back online. If not I wonder how hard it would be to make them, or how much money to have them made? I will also look into that, that way I can keep them with me anytime.

Tamagotchis were never a casual game for me when I was younger. Of course I wasn't born when they first came out so I've never had any of the originals but I did have a few when they got popular in my town around 2006ish. Give or take a few years,

I've never been good at remembering time, so I'm not sure why I took ancient history where you do have to remember important years, or why I took legal studies, in which you need to know the years of any act you mention.

I'm currently near the end of year 12 in high school. I'm not sure how education in other countries work but here in Australia students last year is year 12, which ends with 2 sets of exams. Trials, and then HSC Exams.

2:05 pm-

I have a math exam tomorrow that I haven't studied for but as long as I pass I'm happy. We've been at the beach since 10 ish this morning. I'm back in the car now, and my tamas seem to be glad I'm back. It looks no one seemed to neglected, as I made sure everything was 100% before I left them in the glovebox.

Math is the only exam tomorrow and I'm sure it's only 1 and a half hours long so I can use the rest of the day to study for Tuesdays exams which I think could be Visual Arts and maybe Legal Studies. I'll have to check when I get home.

Anyway, I'm not really expecting anyone to read this but if someone is, Hello! Nice to meet you, I'm FidgetTama but you can call me Aba or Sis if you wanted. Two nicknames of mine, with seven siblings you gather a few. Until next time, see ya


Howdy, I'm just writing to take a break from studying and of course to announce that my math exam was in fact 2 and a half hours long. It felt fairly easy to me so of course that must mean I've gotten everything wrong. But we'll see, so tomorrow's exams are visual arts and english paper 2. I should be fine for visual arts but english is making me worry. But I should be fine, anyway! Tamagotchi news!

On my Friends, I did not get Kuchipatchi like I wanted to but did get Mametchi so at least he's a cutie pie. I've had him on my ID L before plenty of times it would be interesting to have them both at the same time.

Confession time, I've never had a tamagotchi leave from old age before. I've always married them off. But I'm going to let Mametchi live to old age taking the best care of him I can.

But on my ID L I'm trying to get Tama Tomo characters so I can unlock new destinations! So unfortunately they won't be around that long or maybe they will I'll see.

You write in a burst of energy. I actually thought you were older, but I guess I interpreted things differently. In Canada, we say "glove compartment" instead of "glovebox", which is an interesting difference since we both still use "glove" (although everything but gloves are kept in it). I'm not sure of my American cousins XD

You write in a burst of energy. I actually thought you were older, but I guess I interpreted things differently. In Canada, we say "glove compartment" instead of "glovebox", which is an interesting difference since we both still use "glove" (although everything but gloves are kept in it). I'm not sure of my American cousins XD
That is very interesting!! Thanks for the fun fact! I'm also not sure what Americans call it! I'm almost 18 lol I often get told I'm older than I seem! Thanks for the comment!!


Well! 5 exams down and 2 to go! Todays exam was a bit of a bust but luckily for me trials aren't extremely important. I have my textiles exam tomorrow and my ancient history exam on friday! It's probably really boring reading about my exams! Promise they are almost over!

On to Tamagotchi news! I've just realised I never said what character I got on my ID L! Whoops anyway I ended up getting Perotchi! She's cute adorable. She's got all 4 of her happy symbols so I'm happy about that. I was considering marrying her off but I'm really not sure, with exams and all. I might sit on it for a little while. As for Mametchi I plan on keeping him until he naturally leaves. He has the cutest animations. I would put them up but I don't really want to mess around with putting photos.

Okay while writing this I decided to marry off Perotchi, man I must be crazy. But I don't think that that's such a bad thing lol. She had a beautiful baby boy, and after a bit he evolved into a leaf boy lol Nannokitchi!

Well both Nannokitchi and Mametchi are both just chilling, I suppose I should stop doing too much chilling and get back to studying!!!! Hopefully I can update soon with some less boring news! Until the next update, se ya!

Hello hello hello the date is 24/09/2017, it's a Sunday and my life is in shambles.

I've graduated highschool as of the 22/09/2017 (Friday). We had a very nice farewell assembly which my mother couldn't attend since my sister is sick. She is looking so much better today which is amazing. Hopefully she continues to get better.

On the morning of rhe assembly I dropped my phone while I was grabbing something out of the car for my brother. It smashed and does not work. I am devastated but I was able to get a new one today. I lost a lot of things on the phone but onwards I guess.

I also lost a lot of entries I had been writing for this log. I can't be bothered to rewrite things in there. Long story short, I'm not running any tamagotchis right now. Things are just hectic right now and during exam week I accidentally neglected both of my tamagotchis and they both left. I was( am still) very sad about it and haven't touched them since not even to take the batteries out. Which is probably very bad.

I will update this as soon as anything major happens in my life. As well as when I decide to start my tamagotchis back up again. I need a support group about tamagotchi death I swear.

Anyway, bye for now hope everyone is good. I'll make sure to update if I can.


Hello hallo hello, I am an awkward bean right now. I mean I am literally an awkward bean all of the time but tonight is different. I'm on my way to a party. Why? I have no idea.

I also was almost in a car accidentally before. A young teen (I think?) Flew out in front of the car on his scooter. My dad slammed on the break just in time. Very silly.

Idon't want to be here but it's a half hour drive to my house so I don't even know how far it is to walk. I don't even know my way. I wish I had run my ID L and brought it with me. I'm thinking of starting it up again I miss them.

In other news my sister is slowly on the mend! Woo!

Okay bye for now!


14/10/17 - just a note to say I often write these entries on my phone in the notes since there often isn't internet where I live!


9:14 am:

Helllo hello hello hello, it's a Wednesday and exams are quickly approaching. I'm pretty stupid for writing this instead of studying but I'm taking a break (mostly to get my chores done).

My first exam is the 16th. Of this month. See how close they are?!?!


9:32 pm

Well tomorrow I'm heading back into my (old) high school to get some extra help with studying. It's been going really well so far so I'm happy with that

13/10/17 Friday!

Happy Friday the 13th!

Even if you aren't a horror fan I hope you have a good day anyway.

Anyway, studying this week has been hectic. I wasn't aware I could get so distracted sometimes. Sigh. But I tried my best so I just have to put in that final stretch effort and do my exams to the best of my ability. I'm sure I'll do okay.

Still no tamagotchis yet, I'm tempted but I'm waiting until all my exams are over, which is the 3rd of November.

November! If anyone else has seen the news online lately, Tamagotchis are going to be getting released outside of Japan! Yay!! I'll finally get my pre-order I've been waiting for for months!

November is also the month I move.

Man is it a big move. Okay so its not that big but We're leaving the state so it's fairly big. But hey at least where we are going to be living, a two hour drive is this large shopping place that has this cute shop, I think it sells anime and other stuff like that, but it had tamagotchi Friends in it and that was the first time I had seen them in stores so woo.


I'm pretty happy I was able to get a bit of internet today so I could update this log! Unfortunately I'm not that eventful at the moment so it probably sounds all over the place. I'll try get a hold on that!

Today I traveled about 2 hours in the car to visit a dress shop. I almost never wear dresses but it's for our formal. It's pretty much is based on the same idea on prom (well from what I've seen from American movies lol!). We dress up, they feed us, we take some pictures and apparently some other stuff. The formal is the night before all of our furniture has to be handed over to the moving people. So no intense after parties, mainly I'm talking about my older brother since he is the more social sibling than I am.

My older brother and I are in the same year so we often get mistaken for twins but we aren't, I just started early. Oh but anyway I did get a nice dress. Maybe I'll upload a photo of it some time? I dunno.

Anyway, then two days after that the moving place and us take ourselves and things all the way to our new home. I think I'll be getting my own room so that'll be pretty cool, though I don't mind sharing with my sister who is officially a teenager tomorrow.

Wow the time sure flies, I know a present she is getting! A phone! I'm sure she'll be excited. She's getting one earlier than I did but she's a good kid, and my parents are watchful and caring so I'm sure it'll be okay. We're pretty close so I hope she'll come to me if she's in need.

I almost did something stupid also. Apparently I had forgotten to take the batteries out of my ID-L....

Big mistake. I think I caught it in the nick of time. Or maybe I'm being paranoid. But there was this white powder (?) stuff in there from the batteries so I had to clean all that out then had to get new ones to test it and it seemed to work fine. I almost left the batteries in... but no I took them out.

After my exams I'll be getting my tamagotchis out again I promise!

I'll have my 20th anniversary mini then too! Wooo! I've never had a mini/chibi before so I'm pretty excited from pictures I've seen of others they are really tiny. Like super tiny. My Friends is going to look like a monster compared to it!!!!

Exams. I'm feeling so worn out. I honestly don't know if I can even go through with them. I'm just kidding of course, well about the not going through with my exams part anyway.

Yesterday I worked my last shift. I had my two favourite managers on shift so that was awesome. Very sad though but life goes on.

Sorry to sound depressing, I'll be in higher spirits soon!!

After I've settled in in our new house I'm attending University there. I'm going to be studying Auslan, which is Australian sign language, it differs in different states and areas though! So certain signs I've already learnt through a course I did aren't going to be the same as the ones I will be learning in my new state. Bummer but I'll pick it up okay.

I actually got interested in the language because of a thriller movie! It's called Hush, I really liked it haha! I enjoy the sign for a female dog, terrible word to call someone but a sassy sign which I like lol!

Anyway, I'm super tired! See ya!


It's my sisters birthday! I got her an ipod, so hopefully she doesn't lose this one! She seems very happy with it and extremely happy with her new phone. It's a very cool phone, ten times more better than my first phone lol! It's got one of those really protective hard cases on it so that'll help stop it breaking. She's officially a teenager now. Wow. Makes me feel old. Considering I'm going to legally be an adult in the upcoming May, which I think is roughly a bit more than 7 months away. I'd say just about 8 to be sure. Jesus, one of my younger brothers hit double digits earlier this month too. I get sad when I think of how old they are getting. Just now I'm tearing up lol.

Well I'm writing this mainly beacuse I wanted a break from studying. My exam is at 10:20 tomorrow morning, and goes to about 12:30 so it's not insanely long but bleh anyway!

Anyway since I am a terrible hoarder who can't help but keep things, I've been reading Marie Kondos book " The life-changing magic of tidying". I'm a little under halfway through it. I'm enjoying(?) it so far I think. I also have the illustrated guide but haven't started that yet. I'm reading it so when I move and unpack all of my things I can really get rid of things I don't need. I mean I haven't had them for 6 months since they are in storage. It will be nice to have my computer and my books back. As well as another virtual pet I have that I got from my local cheap shop, that I accidentally packed.... poor thing I can only imagine the pain it went through.

Speaking of virtual pets, as soon as the end of the 3rd of November hits I'm starting my tamagotchis up again and close to this time I should have my Tamagotchi Chibi. Yay!


I'm pretty happy I was able to get a bit of internet today so I could update this log! Unfortunately I'm not that eventful at the moment so it probably sounds all over the place. I'll try get a hold on that!

Today I traveled about 2 hours in the car to visit a dress shop. I almost never wear dresses but it's for our formal. It's pretty much is based on the same idea on prom (well from what I've seen from American movies lol!). We dress up, they feed us, we take some pictures and apparently some other stuff. The formal is the night before all of our furniture has to be handed over to the moving people. So no intense after parties, mainly I'm talking about my older brother since he is the more social sibling than I am.

My older brother and I are in the same year so we often get mistaken for twins but we aren't, I just started early. Oh but anyway I did get a nice dress. Maybe I'll upload a photo of it some time? I dunno.

Anyway, then two days after that the moving place and us take ourselves and things all the way to our new home. I think I'll be getting my own room so that'll be pretty cool, though I don't mind sharing with my sister who is officially a teenager tomorrow.

Wow the time sure flies, I know a present she is getting! A phone! I'm sure she'll be excited. She's getting one earlier than I did but she's a good kid, and my parents are watchful and caring so I'm sure it'll be okay. We're pretty close so I hope she'll come to me if she's in need.

I almost did something stupid also. Apparently I had forgotten to take the batteries out of my ID-L....

Big mistake. I think I caught it in the nick of time. Or maybe I'm being paranoid. But there was this white powder (?) stuff in there from the batteries so I had to clean all that out then had to get new ones to test it and it seemed to work fine. I almost left the batteries in... but no I took them out.

After my exams I'll be getting my tamagotchis out again I promise!

I'll have my 20th anniversary mini then too! Wooo! I've never had a mini/chibi before so I'm pretty excited from pictures I've seen of others they are really tiny. Like super tiny. My Friends is going to look like a monster compared to it!!!!

Exams. I'm feeling so worn out. I honestly don't know if I can even go through with them. I'm just kidding of course, well about the not going through with my exams part anyway.

Yesterday I worked my last shift. I had my two favourite managers on shift so that was awesome. Very sad though but life goes on.

Sorry to sound depressing, I'll be in higher spirits soon!!

After I've settled in in our new house I'm attending University there. I'm going to be studying Auslan, which is Australian sign language, it differs in different states and areas though! So certain signs I've already learnt through a course I did aren't going to be the same as the ones I will be learning in my new state. Bummer but I'll pick it up okay.

I actually got interested in the language because of a thriller movie! It's called Hush, I really liked it haha! I enjoy the sign for a female dog, terrible word to call someone but a sassy sign which I like lol!

Anyway, I'm super tired! See ya!


It's my sisters birthday! I got her an ipod, so hopefully she doesn't lose this one! She seems very happy with it and extremely happy with her new phone. It's a very cool phone, ten times more better than my first phone lol! It's got one of those really protective hard cases on it so that'll help stop it breaking. She's officially a teenager now. Wow. Makes me feel old. Considering I'm going to legally be an adult in the upcoming May, which I think is roughly a bit more than 7 months away. I'd say just about 8 to be sure. Jesus, one of my younger brothers hit double digits earlier this month too. I get sad when I think of how old they are getting. Just now I'm tearing up lol.

Well I'm writing this mainly beacuse I wanted a break from studying. My exam is at 10:20 tomorrow morning, and goes to about 12:30 so it's not insanely long but bleh anyway!

Anyway since I am a terrible hoarder who can't help but keep things, I've been reading Marie Kondos book " The life-changing magic of tidying". I'm a little under halfway through it. I'm enjoying(?) it so far I think. I also have the illustrated guide but haven't started that yet. I'm reading it so when I move and unpack all of my things I can really get rid of things I don't need. I mean I haven't had them for 6 months since they are in storage. It will be nice to have my computer and my books back. As well as another virtual pet I have that I got from my local cheap shop, that I accidentally packed.... poor thing I can only imagine the pain it went through.

Speaking of virtual pets, as soon as the end of the 3rd of November hits I'm starting my tamagotchis up again and close to this time I should have my Tamagotchi Chibi. Yay!


2 exams down out of 7! Whoo! My next one is on the 23rd, and it's just general math. I'm not too concerned with it. I can breeze through these types of math just fine. Just division for me sucks haha! A friend of mine does unit 2 math which is a much harder course. I'm glad I only stuck with general.

Anyway tamagotchi news- today i went to my local eb games and the man working there told me they have received information about the new Tamagotchi chibi, I should get it on the 2nd of November. But he did say it could be earlier or a little later than that, like on the 5th. But those dates are fine because we don't leave town (and state) until the 11th, which is my mother's birthday!

Well I've begun painting my tamagotchi Friends shell, since all of the paint had come off, the poor thing. Note to self never let anyone borrow them ever. I'll see how it comes out.

See ya!


I have some bad news and some good news!

My exams are over!

It was very stressful but I went good.

My last one was this afternoon and when I got home my tamagotchi Chibi was waiting for me!

Unfortunately some things happened when moving and I had to pack my other two tamagotchis which is extremely sad but I'll be okay. It's only like 2 weeks at most.

My new baby tamagotchi is doing good. His name is Charlie!

My mother and father picked it up for me so they picked up the design. Luckily for me it was one I liked. The clear blue one!

Well sooo close until we move!

We won't actually get there until the 11th. Since we are making another stop in the opposite direction.

I'm not really sure if my new one is worth the $30 I spent but it's pretty good to just go and get one in store. But I've just got it so only time will tell!!

11:03 PM

I'm pretty restless tonight! My younger brother is sleeping in the loungeroom with me since we had a movie night and boy can he snore!! Haha I'm sure I snore too lol!

I'm not sure how I feel about being out of school for pretty much good. The next time I've got to go in there is the 8th for my formal. Wow, I still don't have shoes yet eheh. I've got a nice dress though, I'm not a huge dress wearer (rare to see me in one haha!) but I think it looks nice enough. It's similar in colour to my best friends so that's pretty cool.


8:21 am

I forgot how it can feel like forever for your tamagotchi to wake up! Especially if you've been up since 6:00!

Charlie is currently attached to my phone, Charlie is what I've named my new tamagotchi haha. My sister picked out the name!


We're on the road! Just going to the next town over, it's only about an hours drive. Charlie isn't exactly what I'd call needy. He only just called then for the first time all morning. So far he has only pooped once! I wasn't prepared for such an easy going baby but here I am. Though maybe he is since I have a sneaky suspicion that my two brothers are spoiling him when I leave my phone down somewhere, since he is attached to my phone case. He isn't alone for very long but I wonder. I think I might invest in a tamagotchi for my eldest younger brother. I've got 3 younger brothers lol! I don't remember if I've already said so in a previous post but if not then yes I've got 3 younger brothers, 3 younger sisters, an older brother who him and I always get mistaken for twins since we've been in the same year in school since we started. Before exams started earlier last month one teacher asked us

"who do you think will be the smartest twin?"

My brother said me, sweet but not true, we both have our own strengths and weaknesses. He's good at hands on stuff and is emotionally stronger than I am most of the time, he's pretty smart too. I'm think I'm mostly an average kind of gal, I usually come first second or third in assignments and essays but exams aren't my strong point, I stress easily.

Anyway I politely reminded sir that we aren't twins.

Oh we're just getting into town now! Whoo.

I'm beginning to wonder how I will carry around my 3 tamagotchis. My Chibi is fine to stay on my phone case for now but it is pretty old and falling apart.


Well long time long write!

I've had very limited internet so I haven't been able to upload the entries I've written but I'm still here and so is Charlie. Who today evolved from a Mametchi to the secret character Bill. To be honest I prefer Mametchi but he's still my Charlie.

So we traveled for like 6 hours today in the car and still have about another hour tomorrow. We are officially on the move! A few more days and we'll be in our new house, I'll get my ID-L and Friends and my other virtual pet. Whoo hoo


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