tamagotchi ENTAMA

Your Tamagotchi can prepare new items by mixing ingredients. To do this you click on the third option at the meal icon. It depends on your Tamacharacter what it can mix, look at the chart to see what group your character belongs to. You can buy the ingredients at the Tama market or from the sales man.

Select two items and your Tama will mix them, Memetchi does this by playing her trumpet ^_^

Most items you prepare can be eaten and will give you extra points on your meter.
Intelligence group

You can mix two at a time together to get a new item, like bread or a special drink.
Style Group

You can mix two at a time together to get a new item, like a Star Kinoko or a special drink.
Kindness Group

Go ahead and mix two items at a time to prepare a special food or candy.
What Items can I make?
Square appleFruitSmiley breadHeart DoughnutHeart mushroom
Square Apple
Smiley bread
Heart doughnut
Heart mushroom

Please click here to see all the items you can prepare.