The following topics/post contents are banned from TamaTalk.
If you post them.. they will be closed or maybe just deleted!
1. Attention Seeking and Public Shaming
At TamaTalk, we have a group of people called Guides. We are here to help you with any problem that you may have... that includes various social problems. If you feel like you are being mistreated by one or more other members, please contact us and we shall do our best to resolve the problem.
On the same note, if you have seen someone misbehaving, please don't make an example out of them! Let us know (hit the "Report!" button found on the bottom right of every post or send us a PM) and we shall deal with it. Public shaming really only tends to make things worse. It causes a member to have a poor reputation which is often unwarranted, it starts flame wars, it makes the targeted member even more aggravated and can result in them acting up even further and it makes a nasty mess for us to clean up afterwards.
Remember, TamaTalk is NOT a popularity contest. If you have friends - that's great! Let's not post about it please.
At TamaTalk we have many members who are able to open up and talk about their problems, using the group to help sort things out. Normally, we don't mind this, however, we have to draw the line in regards to topics discussing death, dying, suicide threats, cancer, abuse, etc. We have unfortunately, had a number of unpleasant experiences where members have faked their own or another member's death for the purposes of attention seeking. As a group, TamaTalker are very sympathetic individuals however, our trust has been abused a few too many times and we can no longer allow these topics to be posted.
We do care for you emotional, psychological and mental health but recommend that you discuss these issues with a responsible adult e.g. parent, friend, teacher, minister, counsellor, doctor, police or ambulance officer. They will be in a better position to provide you with the emotional and psychological support that you require.
Remember also there are a number of professional, ANONYMOUS & CONFIDENTIAL telephone and online counselling services available to you:
International Child Helpline - A Global portal for all child help lines around the world.
Just select your region to find out what help is available for you in your country.:
Kids Help Line Australia - Phone, email and chatroom counselling.
ChildLine UK - Phone, email and forum counselling
Nineline USA - Phone, email and forum counselling
Kids Help Phone Canada - Telephone and forum counselling.
Most importantly, if you feel that you or someone else you know is in immediate life threatening danger, call your country's emergency phone number:
Australia 000
USA 911
UK 999 or 112 (European Union)
(European Union standard emergency number 112 is automatically routed to 999 operators)
2. Prank Links
This is essentially any post or thread that leads another member to another place under false guidance. For example:
You see a link saying "Get a free tamagotchi here!" and thinking you've scored well, you click the link only to end up looking at someone's zooreka pet or one of those nasty brain eating website.
Prank links are not nice and not funny... and they are banned. Remember that nasty pranks with frightening or surprise endings or brain eating can result in damaging psychological effects such as nightmares and anxiety, particularly on younger children.
Note: You are welcome to post Zooreka and brain eating links in your signature AS LONG AS they are clearly labelled as such: 'Visit my star pet!' and "Get your brain eaten here!".
3. Clubs
At TamaTalk, we consider everyone here to be equal. That means that everyone is allowed to participate in all aspects of TamaTalk. Clubs create exclusion and noone likes to be excluded. As exclusion is against TamaTalk policy, we don't allow clubs.
Help keep TamaTalk one big happy family!
4. Chain Letters
Chain letters are designed to prey on people's deepest fears. They cause so much anxiety to the individual that they feel compelled to pass these rediculous pieces of work on!
This is psychological bullying. If you feel the need to engage in chain letters, do so in your own time and space. DO NOT bring them to TamaTalk - that includes the PM system!
5.1 Please don't use TamaTalk to sell, buy or trade tamas (or anything else) on any part of TamaTalk.
TamaTalk's tbay forums are closed and we've tried our best to explain clearly why we don't want any further trading on this site (see Admin's post):
Please respect this difficult decision and be reasonable. If you want to trade, sell or buy, please use other sites to do so, not TamaTalk.
5.2 Please don't beg for free tamas (or anything else).
We're all different people from different walks of life and our common interest in tamagotchis brings us together.
Please keep interactions positive and don't abuse the friendly, community spirit of TamaTalk by begging for free stuff?
6. "Come to me for help" topics are not allowed
See: "Come to me for answers!" - Topic Ban , Please read
7. Topics or posts to advertise a Personal Web site or personal link (to your own Zooreka pet, for example) are not allowed
See: No Personal Web site advertisements - Please read
If You Find a Banned Topic/Post:
If you see a post that breaks the site rules please don't reply. Just click on the REPORT button, the little orange ! triangle that appears in the bottom right hand corner of every post on the forums or send us a PM with a link to the offending post and one of the TamaGuides will deal with it
There is no need to tell the topic starter that they are breaking the rules. There is no need to tell them that the topic will be removed.
There is no need to tell them that you have reported it.
There is no need to tell them that you will "get a Guide to close the topic".
If you post them.. they will be closed or maybe just deleted!

1. Attention Seeking and Public Shaming
Everybody hates me! What have I done wrong? etc..
Do you like me?
Who likes or dislikes X member/Guide/Admin?
X person said that I look like a prawn!
At TamaTalk, we have a group of people called Guides. We are here to help you with any problem that you may have... that includes various social problems. If you feel like you are being mistreated by one or more other members, please contact us and we shall do our best to resolve the problem.
On the same note, if you have seen someone misbehaving, please don't make an example out of them! Let us know (hit the "Report!" button found on the bottom right of every post or send us a PM) and we shall deal with it. Public shaming really only tends to make things worse. It causes a member to have a poor reputation which is often unwarranted, it starts flame wars, it makes the targeted member even more aggravated and can result in them acting up even further and it makes a nasty mess for us to clean up afterwards.
Remember, TamaTalk is NOT a popularity contest. If you have friends - that's great! Let's not post about it please.

At TamaTalk we have many members who are able to open up and talk about their problems, using the group to help sort things out. Normally, we don't mind this, however, we have to draw the line in regards to topics discussing death, dying, suicide threats, cancer, abuse, etc. We have unfortunately, had a number of unpleasant experiences where members have faked their own or another member's death for the purposes of attention seeking. As a group, TamaTalker are very sympathetic individuals however, our trust has been abused a few too many times and we can no longer allow these topics to be posted.
We do care for you emotional, psychological and mental health but recommend that you discuss these issues with a responsible adult e.g. parent, friend, teacher, minister, counsellor, doctor, police or ambulance officer. They will be in a better position to provide you with the emotional and psychological support that you require.
Remember also there are a number of professional, ANONYMOUS & CONFIDENTIAL telephone and online counselling services available to you:
International Child Helpline - A Global portal for all child help lines around the world.
Just select your region to find out what help is available for you in your country.:
Kids Help Line Australia - Phone, email and chatroom counselling.
ChildLine UK - Phone, email and forum counselling
Nineline USA - Phone, email and forum counselling
Kids Help Phone Canada - Telephone and forum counselling.
Most importantly, if you feel that you or someone else you know is in immediate life threatening danger, call your country's emergency phone number:
Australia 000
USA 911
UK 999 or 112 (European Union)
(European Union standard emergency number 112 is automatically routed to 999 operators)
2. Prank Links
This is essentially any post or thread that leads another member to another place under false guidance. For example:
You see a link saying "Get a free tamagotchi here!" and thinking you've scored well, you click the link only to end up looking at someone's zooreka pet or one of those nasty brain eating website.

Prank links are not nice and not funny... and they are banned. Remember that nasty pranks with frightening or surprise endings or brain eating can result in damaging psychological effects such as nightmares and anxiety, particularly on younger children.
Note: You are welcome to post Zooreka and brain eating links in your signature AS LONG AS they are clearly labelled as such: 'Visit my star pet!' and "Get your brain eaten here!".
3. Clubs
At TamaTalk, we consider everyone here to be equal. That means that everyone is allowed to participate in all aspects of TamaTalk. Clubs create exclusion and noone likes to be excluded. As exclusion is against TamaTalk policy, we don't allow clubs.
Help keep TamaTalk one big happy family!

4. Chain Letters
*Insert relevant poem/story/other here*
Pass this on to at least 20 other people or you will have 7 years bad luck!
X person didn't do it and they died!!!!!!!!
*Insert relevant poem/story/picture*
Forward this to 1-5 people and you will never have love
Forward this to 6-10 people and your crush will ask you out
Forward this to 11-15 people and you will marry your crush etc.
Chain letters are designed to prey on people's deepest fears. They cause so much anxiety to the individual that they feel compelled to pass these rediculous pieces of work on!
This is psychological bullying. If you feel the need to engage in chain letters, do so in your own time and space. DO NOT bring them to TamaTalk - that includes the PM system!
5.1 Please don't use TamaTalk to sell, buy or trade tamas (or anything else) on any part of TamaTalk.
TamaTalk's tbay forums are closed and we've tried our best to explain clearly why we don't want any further trading on this site (see Admin's post):
Please respect this difficult decision and be reasonable. If you want to trade, sell or buy, please use other sites to do so, not TamaTalk.
5.2 Please don't beg for free tamas (or anything else).
We're all different people from different walks of life and our common interest in tamagotchis brings us together.
Please keep interactions positive and don't abuse the friendly, community spirit of TamaTalk by begging for free stuff?
6. "Come to me for help" topics are not allowed
See: "Come to me for answers!" - Topic Ban , Please read
7. Topics or posts to advertise a Personal Web site or personal link (to your own Zooreka pet, for example) are not allowed
See: No Personal Web site advertisements - Please read
If You Find a Banned Topic/Post:
If you see a post that breaks the site rules please don't reply. Just click on the REPORT button, the little orange ! triangle that appears in the bottom right hand corner of every post on the forums or send us a PM with a link to the offending post and one of the TamaGuides will deal with it

There is no need to tell the topic starter that they are breaking the rules. There is no need to tell them that the topic will be removed.
There is no need to tell them that you have reported it.
There is no need to tell them that you will "get a Guide to close the topic".
Last edited by a moderator: