Bobo Panda Byte question


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Feb 26, 2021
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I'm looking for some help with Bobo Panda Byte, if anyone is familiar. I had and loved this giga pet as a kid, but could never get it to grow into an adult, and now that I have a new one, I'm learning why. When she reaches 2 years old, she'll stop drinking her bottle and only eat apples, but this doesn't fill her hunger bar... how are you supposed to keep her full?? She reached 2 the other day, I kept trying to feed her bread and bamboo (and occasionally scolding her when she wouldn't eat), thinking that maybe she'd either get sick and realize she needs to eat, or just start eating once her bar got too low. However, she just ended up dying and I had to start over. Am I missing something? I got her to 2 again today and was determined to try again, but it ended up resetting by mistake when I had it laying on the bed and my cat jumped up and ran by it really fast... I swear this thing resets if you look at it wrong, lol.

I actually did see a thread about this same issue from years ago with no answer, so I'm hoping that maybe someone who is familiar with Panda Byte will see this and offer some help. I've been looking everywhere for suggestions! Also came across a webpage called Bookmice which has someone's daily logs while playing with this pet many years ago, they address the same issue but don't seem to mention how they got around it. 😓

The Bobo Panda Byte was by Trendmasters, and wasn't part of Tiger Electronics' Giga Pets line, so I've moved it over to Virtual Pets - General, where it will hopefully catch someone's eye. :)

Unfortunately I've never owned one of these, but I do notice that the long-lived virtual pets site Tamenagerie suggests that the Bobo Panda Byte and the Bobo Baby Byte had similar functions - perhaps information about the Baby Byte might also be helpful for the panda? :huh:

Regarding the resetting: If it does it again, it might be worth your while to take the batteries out, and use a tiny flat-head screwdriver to carefully bend the contacts upwards a little bit. Chances are that the resetting is due to an insecure connection to the batteries.

Thanks for moving it to the correct area! Also thanks for the link and resetting suggestion, I'll have to look into both of those. 🙂

Unfortunately my panda reset again over the weekend but just turned 2 today, so hopefully someone who is familiar with Panda Byte will see this and offer some help with getting her to eat... I have her watching tv at the moment so her hunger doesn't go down. 😶

Panda turned 3 today, still won't eat anything other than apples and candy, and these don't raise her hunger hearts. I just made her watch tv for most of yesterday in an attempt to keep them from decreasing, and am planning on doing the same today. Wanted to put together a little log of progress so far, if any other Panda Byte players come along and want to add their own info, feel free! Really hoping there are some active BPB players around here somewhere. 😔

Ages 0-1, she's a baby panda and only drinks a bottle to keep her hunger and thirst hearts full. Aside from this, she'll only play the two games in the game section (shell game and rock, paper, scissors). She can also watch tv but I only turn it on if I'm going to be away for a while and want to pause her progress. Can't really do much with her for these days, which is why I've been looking forward to getting her to grow a bit.

She changes her appearance once she turns 2, but this is when it seems to become difficult. She no longer drinks the bottle, and only wants to eat apples and candy, which won't fill her hunger hearts. She does drink water to stay hydrated, but if it's possible to get her to actually eat bread and bamboo at this stage, I have no idea how to do it. I try feeding them to her and then scold her after she refuses, but this still doesn't change anything. She still plays games (though I've been avoiding this since it seems to drain her hunger hearts) and she can now read as well, to increase her IQ. She also lets me wash her face and bathe her more at this stage, seems like she doesn't want it much as a baby. She still doesn't exercise or do the other "learning" activities (hula hoop and swing set) yet, so maybe that'll be once she's 5 and reaches her next stage.

If anyone who hasn't played with Panda Byte is interested in learning about this pet (and maybe offer suggestions to try to get her to eat), here are the icons and options within each one:

Food: She can have a bottle of milk as a baby, and then also has a glass of water, bread, candy, apple, and bamboo

Games: Shell game and rock, paper, scissors. These mostly just fill her happiness hearts and boost her IQ when she wins. I always pet/comfort her if she loses.

Training and discipline: hula hoop (doesn't seem to want to do this yet), reading (starts reading at age 2), swinging (doesn't do this yet), comfort (for when she's been good or seems sad), and discipline (when she won't eat or play after beeping for attention).

Medicine: I haven't had to use this yet. If a skull appears, you need to decide if your panda needs medicine, a shot, or a ride to the doctor.

Exercise: Swimming, weight lifting, golf. As of right now, mine doesn't want to do any of these.

Weather: If a weather face appears, you need to decide how to dress your panda for the weather. I haven't had to do this yet.

Home: This is where you can turn things on and off, like the lights when she goes to sleep, letting her watch tv, turning off the sound (this is a very loud and musical pet!), and the air conditioner to keep her at a comfortable temp.

Checkup: This is where you check her stats, such as age and weight, hunger, thirst, happiness, and IQ.

Bathroom: Cleaning up after her when she goes to the bathroom, washing her face, giving her a shower.

These are her age groups where she changes appearance: 0-1, 2-4, 5-9, 10+

I've been trying to feed her a bunch of apples to see if she'll either stop eating them or maybe even get sick and need medicine (and maybe this will get her to eat something else), but as of right now, she just keeps eating and eating apples, and her hunger hearts don't increase. This is kind of frustrating...

Age 4 update (March 3): Today panda turned 4, still won't eat bread or bamboo, and is down to half a hunger heart... I have her watching tv now, am a little scared to let her spend much time away from in because she'll probably die. 😑 Once I saw that she had turned 4, I shut the tv off and fed her some apples and candy. She probably ate around 10-12 times but her hunger hearts didn't move at all. I'm hoping I can get her to last until 10 am tomorrow (when she turns 5 and grows again), but I won't be surprised if she doesn't make it. I she does die, I suppose I'll start over again and maybe keep a daily log on here to see if anything will change.

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When panda woke up at 9 this morning, she immediately died... which wasn't a surprise since she was down to half a hunger heart yesterday. I was hoping to just turn the tv on as fast as I could to hold her over until 10:00 when she'd turn 5. I've reset her and once she turns 2 again, if she won't eat bread or bamboo, I think I'm just going to have her watch tv the entire time she's awake until she turns 5 to prevent her hearts from decreasing. While still searching for other info on this pet, I did see a couple videos from a few years ago of someone playing with Panda Byte... the first video was pretty much starting out as a baby, and the next one started at day 5, with a comment saying something along the lines of "when I got to this stage, I felt like I had won the olympics" which makes it seem like it's supposed to be really challenging and not much goes on from ages 2-5. 😒

Anyways, let's hope this attempt works out and I can get her to age 5...

(I'm guessing once people react to your post, you can't edit it anymore? Was going to keep editing instead of making new posts. 😝 But I suppose making new posts makes it easier for anyone interested to notice updates.)

Panda turned 2 today and grew a little again. I made sure her hunger hearts were full, but she did lose half of one when she grew, so she's currently at 4.5. I attempted to feed her bamboo, she wouldn't eat it, so I fed her an apple and turned the tv on. Guess she's just going to be doing that and sleeping until she turns 5 on Monday morning to see how things go.

Also, fun fact, Panda Byte grows another year older at 10 am each day, so even though I reset her at 9 am yesterday, she turned 1 right away and I only had to have her as a baby for one day. 😊 I think this is neat because I'm pretty sure that other pets I had as a kid would age at whatever time you started playing them.

(I'm guessing once people react to your post, you can't edit it anymore? Was going to keep editing instead of making new posts. 😝 But I suppose making new posts makes it easier for anyone interested to notice updates.)
To clarify, you can edit for 24 hours after making a post. ;)

Incidentally, though I know that you're logging in this thread in order to shed some light on the issue that you're having with this pet, if you'd like to run a "proper" log at any point, don't forget that we have a section specifically for those! It's titled "Tamagotchi Logs", but logs of any virtual pet are allowed there. :)

To clarify, you can edit for 24 hours after making a post. ;)

Incidentally, though I know that you're logging in this thread in order to shed some light on the issue that you're having with this pet, if you'd like to run a "proper" log at any point, don't forget that we have a section specifically for those! It's titled "Tamagotchi Logs", but logs of any virtual pet are allowed there. :)
Good to know, thanks!

Oh okay, that sounds fun. Tomorrow panda will be turning 5, and shouldn't die when she wakes up in the morning (currently at 3 hunger hearts) so if all goes well I'll finally, for the first time ever, be getting to a new "level" with this pet. 🥳 Perhaps this will be a good time to move over there and keep a log of her progress. If anyone has been checking in on this thread and wants to see how things go, feel free to look for a Panda Byte thread the log area, I'll plan to start one over there when panda wakes up in the morning and give updates. 🙂

I'm aware this is a really old thread, but I think I might have found the answer to your problem. I was looking at this blog here and it mentioned on the entry for March 5th the panda being able to still drink milk while being able to eat apples, so I think yours might be glitched. I found an post on Instagram that said that the Bobo Panda Byte had some bugs also well, so maybe that's why she won't drink milk at age 2 even though she's supposed to still able to that at that age.
I bought one not to long ago and went to start it up and put new batteries in and the screen wont stay lit, it disappears. If i hold it closed without the screw it lights up im trying to figure out how to keep it lit. Thanks
I had these virtual pets when I was a kid... I have 3 brothers and me and one of my brothers had the panda and my other two brothers had the monkey. I use to love playing it although I don't remember it being hard to play I do remember it dying in my school bag in the middle of class one day back in elementary school lol. I recently bought a tamagotchi because I figured they would be the same and I seen new tamagotchis at Walmart but they have way less to do and way less options... I think the Panda Byte is alot more fun plus it reminds me of my childhood so I paid alot for it but I ordered one brand new still in packaging off Ebay... I was worried at first because when I opened it and pulled the plastic tag it didn't start up and then when I opened it I saw the batteries were slightly corroded so I thought I had just paid alot of money for a broken Panda Byte... luckily once I cleaned it and put in new batteries it worked. :) I was trying to find info online about the Panda Byte Virtual Pet but your blogs seem to be the only thing I could find besides small short YouTube videos... I havnt had my Panda die yet but I got to the same point and issue you were having where it can now eat Apples and drink water plus the original milk bottle and candy but my food hearts weren't going up even though I was feeding it the new things it could eat and drink... I was worried my Panda would die tomorrow because I was down to 1 food heart and full on drink hearts... turns out the only way to solve that is to play games to lower your hearts so that both your drink hearts and food hearts are lower because you need them both down in order to have your Panda drink milk and when it drinks milk your food and drink hearts will go up. So yeah it took awhile but I finally figured it out... Since my food bar was so low I could only play 1 or 2 games max at a time before he was too tired to play, then I'd drink a bottle or two, play a few more games, drink a bottle or two, play a couple more games, and eventually you will get both your food and drink meter back up to full. I don't know why the apple and candy doesn't work to raise the food heart meters but when he's at the young age mine is where he can't eat bread or bamboo you have to still feed him milk in order to raise both meters so your food and drink go up the same time if not you'll end up with a full drink meter and he won't even drink the milk then so the only option is to play games so that both the food and drink meter have empty space to fill. I'm glad I figured it out because I didn't want to cheat and leave him watching tv for days because too much tv can have bad outcomes with him in the teenage or adult years... Anyways your welcome to all if you havnt figured this out yet. <3

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