Bobby (one of the first non tamagotchis)


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Well-known member
May 11, 2018
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I'm looking for some help. Back in 1996/1997 I bought my first Tamagotchi. Yellow and orange. But shortly after that I managed to pick up another, unofficial one. It was called Bobby and looked a lot like the originals. It was blue with a yellow detail around it and it was supposed to be a dinosaur.

I still have all my old tamagotchis including Bobby but I'm looking to buy a new one. I've looked all over Google and ebay and vintage toy stores with no luck. I cannot find these bobby's anywhere. Does anyone know where I can find them? Any help from anyone here? I figure this is the best place to ask.

Thanks in advance.

Here is a photo of my one as an example. Anyone remember them or know where I can get another?


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I haven't heard of Bobby before, but it might be possible to identify what programming it runs on if you can provide a picture of it in action, and some additional information about it.

Basically, there are a number of "families" of non-Tamagotchi virtual pets from back in the day, and some of them were sold in various casings and under various different names. Seeing what Bobby looks like when it's running (what the animal itself looks like, how the menus look, and what game or games there are) means that we could point you to other virtual pets that function identically, so that you'll have an equivalent to look for even if you can't find an exact duplicate.

Bobby in Egg and Baby Stage.

Okay, I brought Bobby to life today. Took a while as the screws in the back are rusted and hard to unscrew to change the batteries. Regardless, its done now.

The link above is a video on my YouTube channel I just uploaded. It shows Bobby in action as an egg, hatching, as a baby, eating and playing games. The game is ROCK PAPER SCISSORS, and I'm not sure if its because its old and damaged or because I have a bad memory, but sometimes it shows food as pictures and other times as Japanese writing. Also, the same happens for the status meters.

Does anybody recognise Bobby yet? I will share more as he ages and grows.

For those that cannot watch videos, here are some screenshots.


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I'm very sorry to say that Bobby appears to run on programming that I've never encountered before! :eek:

I really hope that someone else will be able to provide further information on the basis of your pictures and video - good luck! :)

Thank you it is a mystery. Going through my 90's collection I found this. If I remember correctly, I had two bobbies back in the day. My memory could be false but if not it's most likely that this was the other one. I cannot be sure. But it seems to have the same mountain background and even says bobby above the buttons. Trying to share as much as I can find for information.


I might have to bring this one to life also if I have no luck.

For the record I'm from England. Maybe this helps? Thanks in advance.

Thank you it is a mystery.
But hopefully one that will have an answer! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someone will chime in on this one.

For the record I'm from England. Maybe this helps? Thanks in advance.
I'm from England too, which is why I'm finding this puzzle to be so interesting - I've never seen one of these before.

I wonder if it's something that a local or regional chain, rather than a national one, imported?

I'm genuinely mystified by this. As you suggested maybe it was regional. I bought the first one In a small toy shop whuch has long since closed down. It was called Ely's Toys and was located in Snakes Lane in Essex. Why I remember this I don't know. I just do. Strange. The other one I cannot remember but (maybe?) I got it South End seaside. I used to get hundreds from there back in the 90's so maybe. But I cannot be sure.

Ely's Toys shut down in 2001 and the owner Peter Dobson passed away in 2009 unfortunately. At least according to Google.

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Ok folks, Bobby evolved today into childhood stage from baby stage. I will share a video and screenshots tomorrow to add to the information gathered here to help identify him! Here's hoping.

UPDATE: Okay, here's a video on my YouTube channel showing his child hood stage. Anyone recognize him yet?

Bobby in Childhood Stages

Screenshots will be added soon.

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This pet is most known as "Akachan 1", It uses the "Dragotti" programming, and yes, it is a remanescent of the first tamagotchis, but "Akachan" is a bit better and more original than a dragotti.
This pet is kinda rare, and harder tho obtain than the akachan 2 (that runs with Nano programming, so, it's a fully different pet).
Here' is one, new In package, you can compare that the game in the back of the package is the same (or not), but this pet is a bit too overpriced, tbh isnt that worthy :p

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