I didn’t post yesterday because I had a stomach bug. It prevented me from eating lunch and dinner, as well as getting me up in the middle of the night. So yesterday was a short day for my brood, due to pausing them. But lets start from where I left off on day one.
So around the middle of the night, I hatched a tamagotchi on my Gameboy. In this game, one is given 8 eggs with the goal being to hatch all 8 (apparently more eggs might be given during gameplay). There can be three tamagotchis alive at once but, unlike running three Tamagotchis in real life, they are all on the same time. Time can also be fast-forwarded and the rate can be changed as well. Mines is set to medium time flow and I’m not going to be fast-forwarding. A day goes by in around an hour.
I hatched two tamagotchis previously to figure out the game mechanics so I decided to hatch my third in the middle of the night. I chose the black egg (blue when in the egg room) with stars on it and named the tamagotchi Lotte. Lotte hatched in a matter of seconds and, as is the case with all newborns on this version, looked sick.
Interestingly, happiness can actually be measured by the tamagotchi’s appearance as they become more active the higher the heart scale is (hunger doesn’t alter anything). Oddly, Lotte started looking weirded out or confused when she was down to three hearts in the happiness scale, which I haven’t seen before. I wonder if it was because I lost a bunch of the “smile game” (equivalent to the guessing game on the P1) before I filled her happiness. Additionally, I wasn’t sure if I had gotten this baby character before as she looked smaller than the shirobabytchi I got with my second hatching. Also, her weight is locked at 4 lbs and before I think everything was locked at 5 lbs.
Eventually she got back to her normal three hearts movement and simply crawled in a blobby way. When she lost the smile game she glared at me and scrunched up her mouth, flattening herself against the floor at intervals. I only have a drawing of the animation.
In the Gameboy game, there is a meter for IQ, Body (physical fitness), and Deed (discpline). IQ and Body both correspond to a certain game, each having three levels. I’ll feature pictures of each one when I eventually log day 3, which will be late evening or tomorrow. The game for filling the Body meter is called the “sports game” and is basically catching falling baseballs over a large area. It is a little like Heading on the V3, as the best strategy is to stay in the middle of the area and then go either left or right, eventually returning back to the centre. This game is rather difficult because the criteria for catching the baseballs is a bit above the ground, not necessarily the tamagotchi touches it. The tamagotchi is partially prone to moving on its own, sometimes in the wrong direction. I have gotten the hang of it now, but losing a game is still possible. I maxed out Lotte’s Body meter, which meant I progressed through level A (catching 5 out of 10), level B (catching 7 out of 10), and level C (catching 9 out of 10). I think all levels are available to play out of order but I haven’t tested it. They also stop adding to the meter after two completions. I should also add that the sports game actually reduces weight by 2 lbs (doesn’t apply to the baby stage as its static).
Next I maxed out Lotte’s IQ, via the “study game”. The setup for this game is basically that a math problem appears in a dialogue at the bottom and the possible answers appear on large cards above. One is supposed to point the tamagotchi in the right direction and get at least two of the three questions right. The higher the level, the more complex the question (the most complex it has ever gotten is Number + Number – Number = ?). Well, this isn’t too hard for me (albeit, I do sometimes have some doubt about my answer) but it is made harder to win because the controls are not very specific. It is fine when either three or two are lined up at the top, but when it becomes four in a square shape, it is a matter of chance what happens.
The baby stage was fairly regular and even though tamagotchis have certain preferences when it come to food (which is a bread slice, meat, and a carrot), this really doesn’t do anything (besides meat fills two hungry hearts). I think it is universal that they like the snacks (cake or an ice cream cone).
Lotte eventually evolved into the P2 toddler, Tonmarutchi. She fell asleep towards dawn. Overall, even though it was approaching 1 a.m., she was a joy to raise and I liked her wallpaper and the music that accompanied her. Both music and wallpaper varies, but one thing that is consistent so far is that the music is very pleasant. It is 8-bit and I guess fairly cheerful as well as conveys a certain mood. Lotte’s music made me think of starting an adventure, not with a passionate burst of energy but rather with a moderate, grounded positivity that would never truly flicker out. Perhaps it is understandable how the music reminds me of Pokemon Blue, the reason I have my Gameboy Advanced in the first place.
Now let’s get on to day 2. So Lotte was pretty much “paused” all of yesterday because I didn’t start her up due to my sickness.
Shifting to my V4, I saw the Easter animation both yesterday and the day before, but I forgot to post it. Its cute seeing both father and son watching it.
Both Marvn and his son got sick, once in the morning and once in the evening. Other than that, they had normal care before I paused them after 6 p.m.
I officially hatched my V3 around 12 p.m. on the 17th, and named her Henna. She began the 15th generation, and I’m aiming to get a near perfect care adult. I fed her one of each of the staple items in the V3’s pantry and then tried a game of Get, unfortunately only restoring one heart. I fed her a snack and tried again, this time succeeding. Pretty normal baby stage. I walked outside at one point to see if I would work out in the backyard, but it was too windy. I thought I might as well show Henna the backyard, and right after she evolved into Mizutamatchi. I’ve gotten this toddler allot, so I don’t have any fondness for it. She evolved around 1. Nearly an hour later, I gave Henna her second discipline, causing her to cry. Later I caught her and took her to the potty. At one point she got to listen to “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” on the gramophone, but I didn’t get a picture. However, I took one today during the same song, and you can see it below.
She was eventually paused in the evening, and had overall perfect care (except she evolved with two empty hearts in hunger or happiness).
As for my Dream Towns, they had an average day with average care. The only different thing was that I cleaned out the Music Cafe on both of them, because they needed more food. Paused in the evening like the others.
I unpaused my brood around 11:30, and they all abruptly went to sleep. Terupotchi evolved into Neotchi during the night and Turtlechi into Cosmotchi. I’ve got these characters every time before, so no particular fondness either. I took pictures this morning.
So, that’s all for day 2’s log and I’ll do log 3 either this evening or tomorrow.