Kajah995's Awesome Log of Amazingness (Take 5; Part 2)


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Jan 3, 2011
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New York City
"Whaaaaat? What is this weird name I'm seeing as a first-time reader of your log? Take 5?? Part 2?? And that silly name??"

"And hey, I've been reading your log. Didn't you JUST update your other one? What gives?
"Yeah, what's goin' on here?!?!"

Settle down, children. Settle down. All shall be explained.

I've been on and off logging since 2012. Of course, having started back then I decided to make my log title as over the top as possible (hence the awesome... of amazingness). I've been naming my logs that ever since as an homage to that time. You can see all my past logging experiences down below (the third and fourth installments are veeeeeery short. Reflects my attention span at the time). I do a dialogue style log to give the characters personalities, and make them feel more personal.

I'm still on my 5th log, because I'm continuing on the same vein. I wanted to have a fresh start because Take 5 was very convoluted (a lot of death happened), but it's still within the same sort of continuity... If you catch my drift.

TL;DR- I want to keep logging, but with a fresh start. Everything at Generation 1 (unless otherwise stated). This is just a continuation of Take 5 of my logs.







So here's the gameplan. I'm going to start this log with my M!X. Yes, I own one now. Deal with it

I'm definitely going to add my Coffret Set P's and iDL, and that'll hopefully be by tomorrow. Then I might add my Dream Town Friends or a Connection or something. I'll have to see.

Before I activate my m!x and kick off this log next post I have to ask, do you guys want synced generations or not? I've done both synced (Where all the tamagotchis marry/leave at the same time) and desynced (marry them off whenever). On the one hand, synced would make generation progression easier to track, but I feel like desynced could give these tamagotchis more "character," because of my dialogue style (and don't worry, if the dialogue isn't your thing there will always be stats at the end of every post). Ideally people will PM or even comment here what they want. And please do respond, I want to hear your feedback and improve this log to the best of my ability. All criticism (as long as it;s nice
) is welcome!

See you in the next post with my baby m!x~~


I'm going to kick things off with my M!x. Let me show you how stats are going to work with the M!x:


Name: I always name my Tamagotchis.This is a name like "Kevin" or "John." Just a unique identifier.

Stage Name: This is the basic name of the baby/toddler/teen character. This becomes obsolete in adult stages past Gen. 1

Breed Name: This is the name of the m!x on the toy. For Gen. 1 this is the same as the stage name, but beyond it will be a m!x of previous names (e.g. Mamememetchi)

Age: Age of the Tamagotchi. Self Explanatory.

Generation: Also self explanatory.

Parents' Breeds: This is where I post the breed names (and other names if applicable) of the parents of my current tamagotchi.

Points: Self Explanatory... again.

# Of Characters Bred: There are 27 total pure adults. This is where I track how many of them I've bred with.

Recent Occurrences: This is what's happened recently in the tama's life (for evolutions and the like)

Future Occurrences: This is what will happen in the tama's life (evolutions, marriage, etc.)

I'm not going to go over every single stats thing like I did with the m!x. the m!x is just so complicated and different that it warrants its own. In the future I'll assume people know about Happy Symbols, TaMaToMo, and Puzzle Pieces.

Anyway, onto the actual m!x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hatched a baby Tamabotchi. My hope for this generation is to get Shimagurutchi (The Jester character). Unfortunately, that does mean almost constant neglect. Buuuut at least after that I'll have a character that appears nowhere else on the Tamagotchi! So I think that's a good first generation. Now, onto the dialogue portion:

Me: Hmmm...

???: Uguu?

Me: I think I'll name you... Chéad.

Chéad: Aguwaaah?

Me: Ah... yes...baby stages cannot talk. Well little guy, your name means "first" in Gaelic. You're going to be the first Tamagotchi in a new line. I'm going to try my very best.

Chéad: *poops*

Me: ...yeah... we can start with that...

That's just a snippet of what dialogue is like. I hope the colors make it easy to understand! I'll be back shortly with yet ANOTHER log once this little guy evolves into a toddler. And sorry for these first few posts being so information-dense. I just like to be very precise.


Name: Chéad

Stage Name: Tamabotchi

Breed Name: Tamabotchi

Age: 0


Parents' Breeds: N/A

Points: 600

# Of Characters Bred: 0/27

Recent Occurrences: Birth

Future Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

~Kajah and Chéad~

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I can assure you three log posts is going to be the most you'll ever see at around the same time.

Chéad evolved! He turned into Mittsupotchi one hour after hatching. Unfortunately though, he did go to bed with some poops around him.

Chéad: ZzZzZzZz...

Me: Awww, look at him...So cute... I feel so bad for that poop situation though... but oh well.

*knock, knock, knock*

Me: Huh, who could that be?

*I open the door*

Me: Hello?

Turtle: Down here! Can you help me?

Me: Oh! Yes, certainly.

*I help the turtle up*

Turtle: Why thank you lass. Now, let me return the favor.

Me: Really, it isn't necessa-

Turtle: Nonsense! Take this map!

Me: Map? Where does it go?

Turtle: Why, Mermaid Place of course!

Me: Oh! I've heard of that! Thank you so much!

Turtle: My pleasure. Now, with that, I'll be off. Thank you for helping me up!

Me: Not at all. Goodbye!

*I close the door and look at the map*

Me: Wow... Chéad is going to be excited for this!

I feel like unlocking Mermaid Place and evolving Chéad is some pretty good progress for day 1. I'll see you all tomorrow to see Chéad's teenager evolution and adventures!


Name: Chéad

Stage Name: Mittsupotchi

Breed Name: Mittsupotchi

Age: 0

Generation :1

Parents' Breeds: N/A

Points: 900

# Of Characters Bred: 0/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution, Unlocking Mermaid Place

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution, Unlocking Gozaru Village

~Kajah and Chéad~

Gooooooood evening everybody! Shameless Sardonyx insert done!

No evolution happened today, that's going to happen tomorrow morning because I hatched Chéad late at night (about 11 on the 6th). He lived a day of neglect :(
Also I will be getting the iDL and Coffret Set P's into this log, but it will have to wait until later. I'm beat and my day has been hectic.

Me: It's for the character Chéad! I'm sooooooorryyyyy!

Chéad: Talk to the hand.

Me: Come oooooon! I know I'm neglecting you on purpose and I'm sorry but the character you're destined to become is unique on the m!x. He and Momotchi appear in no other town!

Chéad: I know, but talk to the hand. You make me go to bed sick, you pay honey.

Me: Chéad please! You think his is how I'll treat you in your adult stage? Heck no, everything gets turned around then. A few glorious days (or tama-years) of pampering and love before you find the love of your life.

Chéad: ... Fine. But I want the amount of pampering time to be equal to my suffering time.

Me: So... two days?

Chéad: Precisely.

Me: Fine. You can stay for at least four days. But Shimagurutchi is so cute I might have to keep you for moooore :p

Chéad: Eppieeeee! That's embarassing!

Me: Aww, to whom?

Chéad: Well... that's... I guess... The fans of the log?

Me: Aww, fair enough little baby.

Chéad: I AM NOT A BABY!!!

Me: Says the toddler :p

Chéad: HEY!!

Me: Awww, is someone angry?

Chéad: NO!

*we spend the next few minutes squabbling as I tease him.*

Me: Ah... that feels like a good end point


Me: Uh... we need stats. Quick.

*I dodge a pencil*



Name: Chéad

Stage Name: Mittsupotchi

Breed Name: Mittsupotchi

Age: 1

Generation :1

Parents' Breeds: N/A

Points: 1200

# Of Characters Bred: 0/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution, Unlocking Mermaid Place

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution, Unlocking Gozaru Village

~Kajah and Chéad~

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Howdy! Let's get it out there now. Chéad woke up at 7 and promptly evolved into Waamuwaamutchi. Exactly the character I needed. I spent the day neglecting him and-

Chéad: Yeah you did.

Me: Hey! Wait... how did you interrupt the news?

Chéad: I wanted to snarkily interject.

Me: But... tamagotchis shouldn't be able to see or hear the news portion.

Chéad: Well, I did, I guess.

Me: ... Uh... Okay...

Chéad: So yeah. Tomorrow I'll evolve and then I get that pampering, right?

Me: Yes, Chéad. I assume you'll never let me forget that I owe you that, right?

Chéad: Oh yeah, definitely.

Me: Oh yeah, I've also decided I'm gonna keep you for at least six days.

Chéad: Ooh! Well... I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but why the extension?

Me: Well, tomorrow I'm gonna start up the iDL, Coffret Set, or both. I want to give you all adult time together.

Chéad: Welp, sounds good to me.

Me: Well... I can't wait to see you as Shimagurutchi.

Chéad: I can't wait for you to stop accidentally saying "Shigurumotchi" and say it correctly.

Me: ... Hey Chéad.

Chéad: What?

Me: Shut up.

Chéad: Nyeh.

Well... I guess now that Chéad's asleep... We can end this here. Sorry not much has been happening other than evolutions. Once I add more tamas and get off the first generation of the m!x things will pick up.



Name: Chéad

Stage Name: Waamuwaamutchi

Breed Name: Waamuwaamutchi

Age: 2

Generation :1

Parents' Breeds: N/A

Points: 1700

# Of Characters Bred: 0/27

Recent Occurrences: Teen Evolution, Unlocking Mermaid Place

Future Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Unlocking Gozaru Village

~Kajah and Chéad~

Heya! I'm sorry I've already broken my thing of logging daily, but if I'm being honest a log post EVERY SINGLE DAY is an unsustainable goal.

Anyway... I SUCCEEDED! Chéad finally evolved into Shimagurutchi! Finally we can start actually playing!

Me: So, Chéad, anything been happenin' for you recently?

Chéad: Well... I finally visited Mermaid Place.

Me: Aaaaand?

Chéad: Aaaaand I got some weird conch. Then you insisted I just HAD HAD HAD to buy the ninja wallpaper.

Me: Yes, AAAAAND???

Chéad: You jerk! As soon as I used it these ninjas kidnapped me! That's why I hate this wallpaper so much!

Me: Weeeeell... You did get access to a new location!

Chéad: Still no excuse.

Me: Well you did get a new friend, right?

Chéad: Yeah... this Gozarutchi. His name is Joseph. He kept muttering something about a "Drew" and and "Anna."

Me: ...Uh... Yeah weird...

Chéad: His watch was neat. I wonder where he got it.


Chéad: ... Eppie you're acting really weird.

Me: Ah... Never mind me. Tell me what you did in Mermaid Place today, though. You were gone for like an hour.

Chéad: Oh, yeah. I met this Kotohimetchi named Alia. She's cute. We played with blocks and the conch for a long time before I came home.

Me: Really? That's sweet.

Chéad: Yeah... Oh, Eppie, can we go to the restaurant tomorrow? I'm thinking of getting a color change.

Me: Color change? Sure, it's your body. What color were you thinking?

Chéad: Maybe a nice purple.

Me: I think that's a great idea. We'll head to Gozaru Village first thing tomorrow to feed you some Shuriken Cake.

Chéad: That sounds great... but for now I'm exhausted. This is the most fun I've had in my life.

Me: I know. And get ready for even more of that in the future.

Chéad: ZzZzZz...

Me: Ehehe... Awww Chéad...

Seems like a good stopping point. Isn't this turning out to be a nice generation?

I'm thinking this generation should be Chéad only. I'm finding it difficult to start up another Tamagotchi at this point. It's just a bit much for me, especially having just gotten out of raising FOUR.

One more mini announcement. At the end of each generation of any tamagotchi I'm gonna have a post dedicated to them as a photo album! I've been collecting A bunch from Chéad and I can't wait to showcase them in a few days.

That being said...



Name: Chéad

Stage Name: Shimagurutchi

Breed Name: Shimagurutchi

Age: 4

Generation :1

Parents' Breeds: N/A

Points: 2000

# Of Characters Bred: 0/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Unlocking Gozaru Village

Future Occurrences: Color Change, Marriage, Baby

~Kajah and Chéad~

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Hey hey hey everyone!

It's been a couple of days, so let's get to it...


Chéad: Eppie... it's not a big deal.

Me: THAT WAS 550 GP!!!

Chéad: You're making a scene! And we have plenty more!

Me: Uugh... yeah, sorry. It' just... I bought five shuriken cakes and your color basically didn't change.

Chéad: Yeah... that sucks. But it's okay. We made up the money quick at the onsen.

Me: Yeah... two 1000GP events in a row.

Chéad: Ballin.

Me: ...did you just say "ballin" unironically?

Chéad: Yeah...?

Me: I'm disowning you.

Chéad: nonononONONONONONOO!!!

Me: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Now YOU'RE the one making a scene :p

Chéad: ...Let's just go home. I've gotta prepare for my date with Alia.

Me: The Kotohimetchi? You interested?

Chéad: Yeah, not gonna lie. I think she wants to pop the question...

Me: I'm sure she will tomorrow morning.

Chéad: ...How can you be sure?

Me: Oh, just a hunch.

Chéad: A hun-

Me: shshshshsh... All shall be revealed. But, tomorrow dear child. Enjoy your date. Be back soon.

Chéad: Well... okay then. Bye!

Me: Bye Chéad.

That was a sweet little post. And now for some future news...

So I'm getting a little tired of the color tamas I've run for so long now, which means both my P's and iDLs. I don't think I'd really want to run either right now. I'm thinking I should give my connection/friends tamagotchis some well deserved love since it's been so long.

Tomorrow morning I'm starting my v6 at about the same time I marry off Chéad. This syncing of the generations may or may not be a thing I continue. Who knows.

Also, very exciting, I've created an excel spreadsheet on Google Drive to represent the timeline of my log.

Here it is, for all to see!

I'll also be putting this link in my signature soon, so you can also view it there! I'm excited that I finally get to make one of these. Be sure to check there occasionally, as it will be updated almost daily, and you can get news on what changes have occurred before they even happen in the log :3

QUESTION FOR EVERYONE: Do you want me to do what I'm dong this generation, which is an album at the end, or intersperse pictures throughout each individual log post? Please feel free to leave a comment down below or shoot me a PM. I need y'all's feedback :p

That was a lot for one post. Sorryyyyyyy~ <3

Anyway on the agenda for tomorrow we have: Chéad's photo album and the beginning of two new tamagotchis.

Until then...



Name: Chéad

Stage Name: Shimagurutchi

Breed Name: Shimagurutchi

Age: 7

Generation: 1

Parents' Breeds: N/A

Points: 2510

# Of Characters Bred: 0/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Unlocking Gozaru Village

Future Occurrences: Marriage, Baby

~Kajah and Chéad~

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It's time for the Chéad Album! (in two parts because photo limit)

I think this will probably be the only time I have a log post exclusively for pictures. for the m!x it's important to know what they look like at each stage.

But without further ado I present...

Baby Chéad!!!


"Eppie! I'm hungry!!!!"


"Wh... whoah!! I'm evolving into Mittsupotchi!"


"So... wait... am I a sheep? Or........"


"Jester rockin' that leaf crown. Ballin."

"I'm still disowning you for saying ballin."



"Alia? Alia??"


Alia: Chéad... We've known each other for so long. I have to know...

Chéad: Oh my god...

Alia: Will you marry me?

Chéad: YES! YES YES YES!!! I love you, Alia!





Well... if you want to find out... TUNE IN TOMORROW ;)

I know this isn't exactly the best format. Sorry for the huge pictures, I'll work on that in the future. Until then, here's Chéad's legacy.

And who is the mystery egg? Well, find out tomorrow, or get a small sneak preview at the timeline chart found HERE.

Can't wait to see you all on the flipside...

With the m!x and music star.

~Kajah, Chéad, and Alia~

Hey howdy everyone!

So, today's log is going to be a bit constrained. Tonight has been very hectic for me, so I'm not going to do dialogue. Don't worry though. These tamas will get heaps of love tomorrow in dialogue.

So... let's introduce two new tamagotchis!

As you all remember, Chéad and Alia got married, and surprise surprise, AN EGG APPEARED!


But who was inside that egg? Well none other than the beautiful baby girl...



Her name is indeed Caoimhe. I decided to call her "Shimahimetchi." She began her life as a bouncing baby Tamapatchi. After one hour she turned into Tantotchi!


Look's like she inherited dad's hat, but in only one color. So cute!

She stayed like that the whole day, and since she went to bed before evolving she'll evolve at 7 on the 16th (Just like Chéad).

We also have a new tamagotchi to introduce!!!!

Everyone, please meed Tadhg!

Tadhg lives on my Tamagotchi Music Star v6. He hatched with a Dinosaur for a toy and a Trumpet, an 3000 GP in the bank.

He first popped out of the egg a male Petitchi


But after one hour (at 4AM, half an hour from now, no less) he evolved himself into Kuchitamatchi.


I missed the baby stage, unfortunately. I hatched and named him but then fell out almost immediately. I awoke and cared for him before going to school. He remained with me through the day and unfortunately racked up some stress. I tried to get it down but classes are hard :p He also got to experience classes, though, when Ms. Frill came and offered him a spot at her school! He had fun with the other students.

Anyway, tomorrow I promise I'll be back with great dialogue. And don't worry, logs and photos will start becoming more concise in the future. I'm trying my best to make this log less confusing than my last.



Name: Caoimhe

Stage Name: Tantotchi

Breed Name: Shimahimetchi

Age: 2

Generation: 2

Parents' Breeds: Shimagurutchi and Kotohimetchi

Points: 2810

# Of Characters Bred: 2/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution, Unlocking new Area

Name: Tadhg

Character: Kuchitamatchi

Age: 0
Skill Points-

  • 27 Tone
  • 27 Rhythm
  • 26 Original
Music: Latin

Stress: 64
Weight: 15lbs
Generation: 1
Points: 3000
Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolution, School
Future Occurences: Teen Evolution

~Kajah, Caoimhe, and Tadhg~

Sorry everyone, but today's log won't have pictures. Photobucket is being mean and won't let me use it at all. Tomorrow's log will most likely have pictures.

Hoo boy. It's been a couple days. How've you all been?

Caoimhe: Eh, I've seen better.

Tadhg: Yeah, same.

Me: ... Wait... how did you guys interrupt the news? Is this going to be a thing?

Caoimhe: What're you talking about? That was just what you said.

Me: But I wasn't talking to... Ah, whatever. This family is insane.

Tadhg: You're telling us.

Me: Yeah, yeah. Hey, since you guys want to interrupt my news, why don't YOU guys tell everyone what your lives have been like.

Tadhg: I guess I'll go first. After spending time as Kuchitamatchi I evolved into Nonopotchi. Eppie took simply STELLAR care of me.

Me: Yeah, yeah. Just continue would'ja?

Tadhg: Fine. After I evolved Classictchi came and took me to the Gotchi Preforming Arts School, where I met Thu the Ringotchi and Colleen the Chamametchi. After sending time with them we decided to form a band called "Gaelic!". Shortly thereafter, I evolved again into Tarakotchi. Again with the amazing care.

Me: :angry:

Tadhg: Ah... Sorry, yeah I know. Anyway, I went to show off my adult form to Thu and Colleen, and I was surprised to find they'd evolved into Mimitchi and Chamametchi respectively. Perfect care.

Me: Tadhg I swear I will put you on time out if you do-

Caoimhe: Hey hey hey!!! Come on now! It's my turn!

Me: Oh, alright.

Caoimhe: Heh, thank you Eppie. So anyway, let's talk Caoimhe. After Tantotchi, I evolved myself into Waamuwaamutchi. Regrettably, Eppie forgot to get pictures of me, but I looked just like the basic Waamuwaamutchi but with my dad's hat and tail. Yes, I had two tails. Afterwards I decided I wanted a room change, so I settled on the flower room. Suddenly, I found myself whisked away to flower town! What a surprise!

Me: Yeah. That wasn't planned at all...

Caoimhe: Oh hush Eppie. Of course I know it was. Anyway, after that I reached my final form! I evolved into a beautiful adult, who we regrettable cannot show you. But I can describe me! I look just like my dad, but I have my mother's eyes and the beautiful ribbons flowing behind me. Eppie took me to a restaurant where I got my color changed to red. Now I'm striped yellow and red and look simply amazing.
Tadhg: Yeah. Better than an ordinary Tarakotchi.

Me: Oh hush up Tadhg. Accept yourself for who you are. Tarakotchi is not that bad. You look great.

Tadhg: :/

Caoimhe: Eppie is right, darling. Love yourself!

Me: Oh, Caoimhe, do you want to ask everyone the question?

Caoimhe: Oh! Yes! Well, I do have a question for everyone! I've been looking for a suitable partner. I went to each of my unlocked destinations and found the first boy in each. The list is Kikitchi, Yotsubatchi, Bushinosuketchi, Jellytchi, and Morijikatchi. I need you guys to comment or PM or something and recommend which one would make a good husband. Ideally you'd tell me after My fabulous picture is revealed.

Me: Well guys, you heard her! Send in your recommendation for the lovely bachelor you choose! Excited to hear from you all!

Tadhg: And... y'know. If you guys wanna recommend a v6 wife that'd be nice.

Me: Sure! Send in anything you want. They're looking for anything, the little heartthrobs.

Caoimhe: Ey!

Tadhg: Oi!

Me: Ehehe. Hey, isn't it about time you two went to bed? Good night guys!

And good night everyone else! Pictures definitely tomorrow.


Name: Caoimhe

Stage Name: N/A

Breed Name: Shimahimetchi

Age: 5

Generation: 2

Parents' Breeds: Shimagurutchi and Kotohimetchi

Points: 910

# Of Characters Bred: 2/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Unlocking New Area

Future Occurrences: Marriage, M!xing


Name: Tadhg

Character: Kuchitamatchi

Age: 2
Skill Points-

  • 77 Tone
  • 75 Rhythm
  • 56 Original
Music: Jazz

Stress: 62
Weight: 30lbs
Generation: 1
Points: 3000
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Band
Future Occurrences: Passing Judges

~Kajah, Caoimhe, and Tadhg~

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Hey howdy everyone! Time for the NEWSSSSS

Well there... hasn't been much. I've been a bit busy so I haven't made much progress with Tadhg recently, and I haven't married off Caoimhe yet because she's too pretty to give up quite yet.

Caoimhe: Why thank you, darling!

Me: Aagh! God... you two HAVE to stop doing that...

Caoimhe: What, darling?

Me: Interrupting my news bit!!!

Caoimhe: Oh, yes. Well, can't help it.

Me: -_-

Tadhg: Heyyy so can we show off our pictures yet?

Me: Oh, yeah, of course. Here they are!


Me: Since you brought it up, you can go first with your awkward teen photo, Tadhg!

Tadhg: Uuuuuuugh

Me: That's what you geeeeet.

Caoimhe: Hehe... Glad you forgot to snap a photo of that phase for me.

Me: Well then your adult photos can go next


Me: Pre- and post- color. I must say, red suits you well.

Caoimhe: I know! I may decide to go for blue soon just to change things up.

Me: Well, whatever you choose.


Me: And the last picture is one I snapped of Tadhg playing with his band.

Tadhg: Wait... when did you get this?

Me: I took it candidly while you played.

Tadhg: Wow...

Me: Yeah. Also, Tadhg, I've got a bit of bad news.

Tadhg: ... Yes?

Me: I'm going to have to put you on pause for a couple of days. Midterms are ALREADY on top of me and I need to take a break from you because you're a difficult tamagotchi to care for.

Tadhg: Oh. Understandable. And Caoimhe?

Me: Well... the m!x is super low maintenance. Don't worry though, it's only for two days.

Tadhg: That's fair.

Me: Glad you understand. Well, I think this is a good wrapping up point.

Caoimhe: Really?

Me: Well, not much has happened with you two. So... yeah.

Caoimhe: Oaky. Oh, also! Everyone! Please send in suggestions of who i should wed. I'm always looking!

Me: Ehehe, that you are. But yeah, guys, send in suggestions! Bye everyone!

Caoimhe: Bye!

Tadhg: Bye!



Name: Caoimhe

Stage Name: N/A

Breed Name: Shimahimetchi

Age: 8

Generation: 2

Parents' Breeds: Shimagurutchi and Kotohimetchi

Points: 910

# Of Characters Bred: 2/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Unlocking New Area

Future Occurrences: Marriage, M!xing


Name: Tadhg

Character: Tarakotchi

Age: 4
Skill Points-

  • 97 Tone
  • 95 Rhythm
  • 85 Original
Music: Jazz

Stress: 46
Weight: 30lbs
Generation: 1
Points: 7000
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Band
Future Occurrences: Passing Judges, Marriage

~Kajah, Caoimhe, and Tadhg~

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Hey everyone.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in 2 weeks.

My life has been extremely hectic recently.

But nobody's died. Caoimhe and Tadhg have helped me cope through some really difficult times.

But we're baaaaack! Well, Caoimhe is. Tadhg ran out of battery and I don't have a replacement yet XD

He's 6, so the day I get a new battery I'll marry him off. Caoimhe is a whopping 22 now. I'll be marrying her off later on the 6th, though. It's time for change.

Also I realize some of the photos from last post are gone, so here they are again. Hopefully better this time...


Caoimhe lookin' good (she's blue striped now) and Tadhg rockin' out with the bank Gaelic!

Caoimhe: Finally! It's been too long since we spoke.

Tadhg: Forreal.

Me: Yeah. Sorry guys. I've been going through a rough time recently.

Caoimhe: Yeah, but we're here for you.

Me: but this is my Tamagotchi Log, not a personal log! Caoimhe, tell everyone who you're marrying.

Caoimhe: Well, the ceremony is tomorrow. I've been with my amazing love for 10 days now. His name is Barry and he's a Yotsubatchi.

Me: coughbeemoviecough

Caoimhe: What was that?

Me: Nothing.

Tadhg: *giggling*

Caoimhe: Whatever.

Me: And Tadhg...

Tadhg: Yeah, ain't nothin' happenin until my battery gets replaced. I did meet this really nice girl at one of my concerts. He name was Arelle. She was a Onuputchi.

Me: Awww, how cute!

Tadhg: Yeah. If the matchmaker makes her meet me I wouldn't be too mad.

Me: Niiice. Well, best of luck to both of you. I'll be on the lookout for a battery for Tadhg, but later on the 6th we're beginning generation 3 on my m!x. And, of course, be on the lookout for any new tamagotchi hitting the scene. Keep up with my timeline spreadsheet and you'll know about them even before they're posted on this log! Until then, I guess this is us signing off. Again, sorry for not being too present everyone. I'm going to make a real effort to have daily updates from now on. And something happening every day. Bye all! love you!

Tadhg: Bye!

Caoimhe: Bye ~ <3



Name: Caoimhe

Stage Name: N/A

Breed Name: Shimahimetchi

Age: 22

Generation: 2

Parents' Breeds: Shimagurutchi and Kotohimetchi

Points: 2310

# Of Characters Bred: 2/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Unlocking New Area

Future Occurrences: Marriage, M!xing


Name: Tadhg

Character: Tarakotchi

Age: 6
Skill Points-

  • (unknown; battery) Tone
  • (unknown; battery) Rhythm
  • (unknown; battery) Original
Music: Jazz

Stress: (unknown; battery)
Weight: 30lbs
Generation: 1
Points: 7000
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Band
Future Occurrences: Passing Judges, Marriage

~Kajah, Caoimhe, and Tadhg~

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Howdy everyone! Sorry for the lack of a log in the past few days (hey, it isn't 2 weeks okay?) but I've spent the last few days at my boyfriend's house. My tamas are fine, but I haven't been logging.
So let's talk Caoimhe for a second! On the 7th she FINALLY got married to Barry the Yotsubatchi, and they gave birth to a bouncing baby boy named Niamh. He started life as a Tamabotchi, then evolved into a green Mittsupotchi with his dad's hat, then a green Soyofuwatchi with dad's hat but mom's ribbons. His last life stage looks almost identical to his mother, but he's green and has his father's eyes and no blush marks. I realize the same looking tamagotchi gets old after a while but I love this look so much.




Barry: Hey!

Anyway, onto the baby photo:


Isn't he just the sweetest?

Unfortunately, I missed his toddler stage (but it was quite simple). I did manage to get his teen stage, so here it is!


So majestic!

And finally... FULLY GROWN NIAMH!


I may end up changing the color. But I do quite like the green. Mayhap I'll keep it...

And before we get to our regularly scheduled dialogue... WE HAVE A NEW TAMAGOTCHI TO INTRODUCE!

I've restarted my Kira Kira Gem Friends Dream Town! Everyone meet Aoife!

Aoife: Hello everyone!

Aoife began as a Pinkbotchi on the 11th, and evolved shortly thereafter into a Petithanatchi. Pictures of her will be coming tomorrow.

Tadhg: Uuuuugh, can we talk yet Eppie?

Me: Ah... yeah... I've kept you waiting long enough. Sorry loves.

Aoife: It's fine.

Niamh: Yes, quite alright.

Me: So! First time talking for Aoife and Niamh!

Tadhg: Haha, newbies.

Me: Now now Tadhg, don't berate the newbies.

Tadhg: You just called them newbies!

Me: I reserve that right.

Tadhg: But-

Niamh: You guuuuuuuys! Come onnnn. Let us talk too!

Me: Ah, right, right. Sorry guys. Tell everyone about yourselves!

Niamh: Well... My mother was Caoimhe and my fa-

Me: No, no, no! They know about that! Like... personalities!

Niamh: Ohhh. Well... I guess I've got a bit to work out myself. I look just like my mother, basically. I'm still searching for what sets me apart.

Aoife: And I haven't been alive for a long time but I know I have a lot to strive for. Eppie began her last log with this Tamagotchi and has a 15 generation streak. I'm the first tamagotchi in this new era, I've got a lot to live up to.

Me: And I'm sure both of you will shine in your own regards. I value my Tamagotchis like friends and family. And I want to help you all shine. I'm probably not going to keep you guys as long as I did Caoimhe, but I'll certainly keep you for a while.

Aoife: It's funny how Caoimhe lived as long as some of your longest-living attempts, and she wasn't even one of them.

Me: ...Oh my god that's sad. I succeed when I don't care but I fail when I do.

Tadhg: Eppie wait no don't go into a depression!

Me: *is sad*

Tamagotchis: NOOOO!

This seems like a good stopping point. Tune in next time for the thrilling continuation of our lives!

Will Eppie ever find batteries for Tadhg?

Will Niamh meet a lover?

Will Aoife live up to the old Friends' saga?

Will Eppie ever run out of Gaelic names for her Tamagotchis?

Find out next time...



Name: Niamh

Stage Name: N/A

Breed Name: Himeyotsugurutchi

Age: 5

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Shimahimetchi and Yotsubatchi

Points: 3910

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage, M!xing, Unlocking New Area


Name: Tadhg

Character: Tarakotchi

Age: 6
Skill Points-

  • (unknown; battery) Tone
  • (unknown; battery) Rhythm
  • (unknown; battery) Original
Music: Jazz

Stress: (unknown; battery)
Weight: 30lbs
Generation: 1
Points: 7000
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Band
Future Occurrences: Passing Judges, Marriage


Name: Aoife

Character: Petithanatchi

Points: 2000

Age: 0

Weight: 5lbs

Generation: 1

Jewelry Collected: 0/60

BFF Points: 0%

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution, Dream School

~Kajah, Niamh, Tadhg, and Aoife~

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Howdy y'all! Ready for another fanTAStic log???

The only little bit of news today is that Aoife evolved into Painaputchi, and Niamh unlocked Spacy Land!

Me: So, how are you two doi- OH MY GOD NIAMH.





Tadhg: Hi everyo... Uh... Y'know what? I'm going to my room until this log is over. I'm not in the mood for crazy today.

Aoife: Well... while they're doing... that... I tell you, Painaputchi is simply adorable, if I do say so myse-


Me: Oh dear lord AOIFE CATCH HIM!

Aoife: Wha- OOF!

*Niamh lands on Aoife*


*Brock runs in*

Brock: Both Pokémon are unable to battle! It is a tie!

Me: B-Brock?

Brock: Yes.

Me: This... This isn't even Pokémon. This is Tamagotchi. How did you get here anyway? Also Oh my god you exist?

Brock: What's a Tamagotchi? Can I catch it?

Me: No! What? Get out of here! How did you get in here anyway! GET THAT POKÉDEX OUT OF THEIR FACES!

*Twenty minutes later*

Me: Are you two okay?

Aoife: Uugh... Yeah... What happened?

Me: Niamh landed on you and you both fainted.

Niamh: What happened while we were out?

Me: ...you don't wanna know...

Niamh: ...O...kay? Well, anyway... Ow.

Me: Have we learned our lesson about UFOs in the house yet?

Niamh: Yes... Eppie...

Me: You're lucky the m!x doesn't have a time-out feature

Niamh: :(

Me: Wait... did you just say an emoticon?

Niamh: Uh... yes?

Me: How is that even pronounced?

Niamh: ...Uh...

Me: This day is too weird. I'm going to bed.

Well that seems like a good wrap-up poi-

Tadhg: Are they gone? Good.


Tadhg: What?

Stop doing that! You shouldn't interrupt the news and information bits!

Tadhg: Meh. Don't really care.

... Whatever. Just... Uugh. ANYWAY! Tomorrow Aoife will evolve into her adult form. I'm gong to try for Pianitchi as an homage to my old log. And as always I'm on the look for a battery (I should be getting one tomorrow or the next day).

Till then...



Name: Niamh

Stage Name: N/A

Breed Name: Himeyotsugurutchi

Age: 6

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Shimahimetchi and Yotsubatchi

Points: 3510

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Unlocking Spacy Land

Future Occurrences: Marriage, M!xing


Name: Tadhg

Character: Tarakotchi

Age: 6
Skill Points-

  • (unknown; battery) Tone
  • (unknown; battery) Rhythm
  • (unknown; battery) Original
Music: Jazz

Stress: (unknown; battery)
Weight: 30lbs
Generation: 1
Points: 7000
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Band
Future Occurrences: Passing Judges, Marriage


Name: Aoife

Character: Painaputchi

Points: 2000

Age: 1

Weight: 25lbs

Generation: 1

Jewelry Collected: 0/60

BFF Points: 0%

Recent Occurrences: Teen Evolution

Future Occurrences: Dream School, Adult Evolution

~Kajah, Niamh, Tadhg, and Aoife~

Me: Hey everyone!

Aoife: Ah, starting out today with no news, I see?

Me: Well, there's very little to report. Aoife, would you like to report your sole piece of news?

Aoife: Well, I evolved! Into Pianitchi!

Me: Ah, a lovely homage to Yume from Part 1 of this log.

Niamh: Ooooh, I just noticed. All your evolution names began with P.

Aoife: Huh... yeah, you're right. Weird.

Tadhg: Hey all. What's up. Nice evolution, Aoife.

Aoife: Thanks. Say, Tadhg, a question.

Tadhg: Hmmm?

Aoife: How are you talking with no battery.

Tadhg: I dunno. Ask Eppie.

Me: Well, you see...

*gets projector set up and loads powerpoint*

Me: these next 32 slides will explai- wait where are you going.

Niamh: Who wants to go to the restaurant in Tama Town?

Aoife: Me.

Tadhg: I do.


Aoife: So? Better than this.

*All the tamagotchi sleave*

Me: But... my powerpoint...

*I look longingly at the screen*

Me: This took me half an hour....


Aoife: Ahahaha! Wow, you're really funny Tadhg.

Tadhg: Yes, yes. I do pride myself on that.

Niamh: So like, Tadhg, how old are you?

Tadhg: 6.

Niamh: No but I mean... like... if you include no-battery time.

Tadhg: Oh. Well... let's see... I'd be about 28.

Niamh: Wow. That's longer than Eppie's longest Longest Living Tamagotchi attempt.

Tadhg: Oh yeah. That was like 27 or something. I think his name was Mikey. A v4.

Aoife: That name sounds familiar. Maybe I've read it somewhere... Oh well.

Niamh: I heard through the grapevine Eppie may be starting that up again soon.

Tadhg: Oh? Well if that turns out to be true then that'll be interesting.

Aoife: A nice addition to the family. Until they become an old coot.

Tadhg: Pffffft. Hey, should we head back now? I think Eppie's done with that powerpoint.

Niamh: Done? Do you think she gave it to herself?


Me: And that, Eppie, is why Tadhg can exist independent of his battery. Any questions?

Me: Yes, Eppie. What about-


Tamagotchis: Yeah.

Funny little log today! But nothing's been happening.

Next time on Kajah995's log...




Name: Niamh

Stage Name: N/A

Breed Name: Himeyotsugurutchi

Age: 7

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Shimahimetchi and Yotsubatchi

Points: 3510

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution,

Future Occurrences: Marriage, M!xing


Name: Tadhg

Character: Tarakotchi

Age: 6
Skill Points-

  • (unknown; battery) Tone
  • (unknown; battery) Rhythm
  • (unknown; battery) Original
Music: Jazz

Stress: (unknown; battery)
Weight: 30lbs
Generation: 1
Points: 7000
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Band
Future Occurrences: Passing Judges, Marriage


Name: Aoife

Character: Pianitchi

Main Class: Musicians

Points: 5000

Age: 2

Weight: 28lbs

Generation: 1

Jewelry Collected: 0/60

BFF Points: 0%

Adult Characters Obtained: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Dream School, Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage

~Kajah, Niamh, Tadhg, and Aoife~

Hey everyone! I know it's been a few days. Weekends are always bad for logging and I've been very busy and tired these past few days. But here we go!

Niamh: She's so wondeful...

Me: Oooh, you gonna introduce us?

Niamh: Maybe... one day... But for now you're just going to have to let me describe her.

Me: Go on...

Aoife: Yeah! Let's hear about her!

Tadhg: Spill the deets on the date too!

Niamh: Well, we've been dating for about 3 or 4 days, so a ton of Tama-years. She's a Violetchi named Laura. I think I really like her...

Me: Like... marrying and m!xing like her?

Niamh: ...yes?


Me: I'm so excited!

Aoife: Yeah! Reall-

Niamh: Okay, now that I've explained mine... It's your turn, Aoife.

Aoife: W-what do you mean?

Niamh: I saw you with that Wagassiertchi the other day.

Aoife: ...

Me: Awwww, have you found a potential hubby, Aoife?

Aoife: ...

Tadhg: Aoife, come ooooon!

Aoife: Fine! Yeah... We've been seeing each other for days now; his name is Ben. We planned on getting married in two days for my 10th birthday.

Me: Awww Aoife!

Niamh: Thank god our weddings aren't on the same day.

Me: Oh?

Niamh: I think she wants to pop the question tomorrow.

Me: Oh my God! We're going to have the best next few days EVER!

Tadhg: Yeah! You know what would make it better though?

Me: What?


Me: I'm sorry! But they're SO EXPENSIVE!!!

Tadhg: I know, I know.

Me: Plus the buttons are so awful on the v6 I'm not exactly keen on continuing...

Tadhg: Understandable.

Me: After your generation I might swap it out for another connection Tamagotchi. But aside from that I'm so proud of you two!

Niamh: Thanks Eppie!

Aoife: Thank you~

Me: Ben and Laura have found their matches. I can't wait.

Niamh: And neither can we...

Well that was sweet! Can't wait for tomorrow :eek:



Name: Niamh

Stage Name: N/A

Breed Name: Himeyotsugurutchi

Age: 13

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Shimahimetchi and Yotsubatchi

Points: 3510

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurrences: Marriage, M!xing


Name: Tadhg

Character: Tarakotchi

Age: 6
Skill Points-

  • (unknown; battery) Tone
  • (unknown; battery) Rhythm
  • (unknown; battery) Original
Music: Jazz

Stress: (unknown; battery)
Weight: 30lbs
Generation: 1
Points: 7000
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Band
Future Occurrences: Passing Judges, Marriage


Name: Aoife

Character: Pianitchi

Main Class: Musicians

Points: 5000

Age: 8

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 1

Jewelry Collected: 0/60

BFF Points: 0%

Adult Characters Obtained: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Dream School, Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage

~Kajah, Niamh, Tadhg, and Aoife~


Hey everyone! I know I owe you all a lot regarding Aoife and Niamh's kids.

And they both DID have kids.

But I'm going to be making a log post on its own on Monday showcasing them as Adults.

You can track their progress at THIS LINK, but pictures of them won't be shown here until Monday..

Sorry for the delay, I'm just hugely bogged down by work and home stress. But Monday all shall be revealed!

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Okay, I know I said Monday all shall be revealed...

But Photobucket is being really buggy! So instead of revealing them as intended I'm going to describe their histories!

Aoife married Ben the Wagassiertchi. Together they had a baby boy! His name is Aillil (I'm never going to run out of Gaelic names).

Aillil began as Aokumotchi, then Turtletchi, then Cosmotchi, and finally Monakatchi.

I know, I know, Monakatchi is so generic and I've had him hundreds of times before. But this time was just for completion's sake. I won't have him nearly as often as I used to, hopefully at all.

Niamh married Laura the Violetchi. Their child was called Byoshimakotsutchi ("Byo" from violetchi, "shima" from Shimagurutchi, "ko" from Kotohimetchi, and "tsu" from Yotsubatchi) and is named Cynwrig (NEVER!!!)

Cynwrig began as the standard Tamabotchi, then evolved into a yellow Puchitomatchi but with a yellow Shimagurutchi hat. He then evolved into a yellow Haretchi with a yellow Shimagurutchi's hat and yellow pom-poms from Laura. His final evolution had Violetchi's body but yellow, a green- and-yellow Shimagurutchi hat, and green pom-poms. I soon took him to eat shuriken cakes which dyed everything but the yellow stripes on his hat a light purple.

I'm somewhat disappointed that Shimagurutchi's traits are disappearing. All I have now is the hat! If I manipulate the park next generation maybe I can salvage it. I'll try.

but in any case, those are the characters! I hope you all make Cynwrig and Aillil feel welcome. TOMORROW WILL HAVE PICTURES. I'll find a way somehow or mY NAME ISN'T EPPIE!

Au revior until then!

Me: Good morning kids!

Tadhg: Good morning! How's the new generation going.

Cynwrig: Tadhg I'm 7 and he's 4. We aren't new.

Tadhg: ...New-ish.

Cynwrig: I'll... take it.

Me: Anyway! Hey everyone! It's time to introduce ourselves!

Cynwrig: Hi! I'm Cynwrig. I'm on the m!x. I'm a Byoshimakotsutchi.

Aillil: And I'm Aillil, on the Dream Town Friends. I'm a Monakatchi.

Me: Alright! So, as I promised my log readers, I'm going to post pictures. First up, the wedding between Niamh and Laura!


Laura: Will you marry me, Naimh?

Niamh: Yes! Yes of course! I love you!


Laura: I can't wait to find out what this baby will look like, darling.

Niamh: Me neither...

Me: Aww, that was sweet. Next, we're gonna take a quick look at family photos of Ben, Aoife, and Aillil.


Ben: Isn't our son cute!

Aoife: Yes, he is. I think we should name him... Aillil.

Ben: I think Aillil sounds wonderful...

Me: And finally, what you've all been waiting for... CYNWRIG'S LIFE!


Me: Baby through teen...

Cynwrig: And finally... ADULT!


Cynwrig: I definitely got my great-grandfather's hat, my dad's eyes, and my mom's body and pom-poms.

Me: Yeah. I'm sad I'm losing so much Shimagurutchi stuff. I worked hard to keep his genes alive. I'll keep trying though.

Cynwrig: Okay! OH! Also, check out my paint job...


Me: Oh yeah, that brings everyone up to speed.

Cynwrig: Yep!

Aillil: So... are we done?

Tadhg: Yeah, are we?

Me: Well... I guess. Everyone's gonna get to know your personalities in the future, but for tonight let's call it quits.

Aillil: Mmkay. Bye.

Cynwrig: Bye!

Tadhg: Byeee!

Me: Bye everyone! See you tomorrow!



Name: Cynwrig

Stage Name: N/A

Breed Name: Byoshimakotsutchi

Age: 7

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Himeyotsugurutchi and Violetchi

Points: 3560

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution.

Future Occurrences: Marriage, M!xing


Name: Tadhg

Character: Tarakotchi

Age: 6
Skill Points-

  • (unknown; battery) Tone
  • (unknown; battery) Rhythm
  • (unknown; battery) Original
Music: Jazz

Stress: (unknown; battery)
Weight: 30lbs
Generation: 1
Points: 7000
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Band
Future Occurrences: Passing Judges, Marriage


Name: Aillil

Character: Monakatchi

Main Class: Pet Stylists

Points: 5000

Age: 4

Weight: 82lbs

Generation: 2

Jewelry Collected: 0/60

BFF Points: 0%

Adult Characters Obtained: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Dream School, Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage

~Kajah, Cynwrig, Tadhg, and Aillil~
