Tamadonut's Cool Connection log :p


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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2016
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the upside down
Hello Tamatalkers! :babytchi:

Tamadonut here. I come with great news...I'm writing my VERY FIRST TAMAGOTCHI LOG!!! :kuribotchi: I will be logging my 2 connections, a light blue v1 and a purple camo v2. So, last Friday my blue v1 arrived in the mail. I put in a new battery, reset it, and hatched a cute little :babytchi: . I named him Donut. I fed Donut lots of bottles and played with him, and he later evolved into Marutchi! Donut went to bed, and the next day, I caught him doing something super cute! He was rolling back and forth on his head!
Later that day, I got a package in the mail! It was my purple camo v2!
I hatched the egg, and another :babytchi: came out. I named him Tama. I connected them a few times, and one time, Tama gave Donut a poop! Donut was not impressed. <_< Tama evolved into a marutchi, and i think Donut evolved into Ichigotchi :ichigotchi: . I'm hoping for Mametchi. :mametchi: Tama became Ringotchi yesterday. I hope he becomes :mametchi: or Pyonchitchi.

See you tomorrow, and remember,

Hello TamaTalkers!!!

Tamadonut here. Before I start this log, there is something I want you to know. This log won't have any pictures because at the moment, I don't know how to upload my pics to TamaTalk. :( But I will try my best to make it fun with colors and lots of smilies :lol: . Anyway, back to the log. Tama and Donut are doing well, I caught Tama doing something weird. He was running, then sliding on his face. Donut does the same thing. Donut might evolve soon. I'm REALLY hoping for :mametchi: , but Kuchipatchi ( :wub: ) is ok too. Donut just gave Tama a poop! He must still be mad at Tama for giving him that poop when they were little.
Overall, it has been a quiet day for my tamagotchis. I will update later if something happens (like Donut evolving).

Until then, remember,

Hello TamaTalkers!!!

Tamadonut here. Today was a very exciting day for Donut. :ichigotchi: Why? Because today he EVOLVED!!! And guess what he became? MAMETCHI!!!! :mametchi: He is sooooooo cute :kuribotchi: ! I also caught him doing lots of cute things. First I caught him singing! Then he kept coming close to the screen and bowing. It was CUTE! As for Tama, he is doing well. His training meter is almost full :D I REALLY hope he becomes Pyonchitchi,but I will be okay if I get a different one. It has been a very quiet day for Tama. I bought him a ball recently, he looks so cute playing with it. The v1 and v2 have such cute characters.

:marumimitchi: :nyatchi: :chohimetchi:

See you tomorrow, and remember,

Hello TamaTalkers!!!

Tamadonut here. I have some very exciting news!! Many thanks to Fae Kizunatchi, who helped me figure out how to post pictures to TamaTalk!!! So you will finally get to see how cute Tama and Donut are! :kuribotchi: Today was a very exciting day for Tama, because he EVOLVED!!! He became Mametchi!!! I love Mametchi's old sprite, it reminds me of a guinea pig. :mametchi: I used some of the secret code items today, the stuffed animal costume and the hair gel. Tama looks cute in his panda costume ^_^ . Tama has been very generous lately and gave Donut lots of gifts. He has given Donut a pencil and a bow tie. Donut is so cute wearing the bow tie. Donut is doing well, he had an eating contest with Tama and won! I will now show you my tamas.


Donut as Babytchi :babytchi:

Bye for now, and remember, :hanatchi:

Hello TamaTalkers!!!

Tamadonut here. Here is my log of the weekend. Donut has had a very exciting weekend! The matchmaker has come and Donut got married to a cute little Tarakotchi :mametchi: <3 :tarakotchi: . Then they had a baby boy!!! I am going to call him Pixel. Donut takes good care of his baby. When I feed Donut, he finishes his food like a good little Tama, and then he turns around and gives the baby a bite to eat!!! It is so cute! :babytchi: I hope baby Pixel evolves into Mimitchi :mimitchi: . Tama is doing fine, he was starting to want a baby of his own, then the matchmaker came for Tama yesterday with a beautiful Violetchi, and it was love at first sight. :mametchi: <3 :furawatchi: They had a baby GIRL!!! She is so cute, I am going to name her Pepsi. :babytchi:

Here is today's log. Donut moved back to Tamagotchi Planet with his wife, and I have Pixel as my main tama. After the standard hour, Pixel evolved into Kinakomotchi! Tama is still with Pepsi, he is taking good care of her. I'm hoping for Chohimetchi :chohimetchi: .

I will now show you some pictures. :hitodetchi:


Donut and Pixel (on left), and Tama and Pepsi (on right).


Sweet Pixel rolling on his head


Donut wearing a bow tie

Thank you for reading my log, and remember, :puroperatchi:

Oh my goodness he does look so cute with his baby and bow-tie! :)

Thank you for thanking me. This is such a cute log! I also like Mametchi's old sprite. He seems so much more innocent and pet-like. He still looks cute in the colour versions, but more like a little boy than a pet.

@Fae Kizunatchi Thank you! I agree with you so much on that, the new color tamagotchi look more like people than pets to me, but they are still cute. I love the older tamagotchi, the characters are so cute and charming. :mametchi:

Bye for now,

Tamadonut :chohimetchi:

Hello TamaTalkers!!!

Tamadonut here. Today has been an exciting day for my tamas! Yesterday was pretty uneventful, but an hour before he went to bed, Pixel evolved into Young Mimitchi! :unsure: They grow up so fast :') . He is cute! Pixel was running, then sliding on his face for a bit. Tama moved back home to Tamagotchi Planet with his wife, and baby Pepsi was left in my care. After the standard hour, Pepsi evolved into Kuribotchi :kuribotchi: ! They have been connecting, and they gave each other some flowers and cakes. I will now show you some pictures. :pochitchi:


Pepsi saying hi :kuribotchi:


Pixel taking a bath :unsure:

See you tomorrow, and remember,

Hello TamaTalkers!!!

Tamadonut here. Yesterday was pretty uneventful, but Pepsi evolved into a Hinatchi, and today Pixel has evolved into a Memetchi. :) He is cute! I think I might mate them when they are old enough. They have connected, and Pepsi has given Pixel a hat. He looks cute wearing it! The tamas have something they want to say to you!

Pixel ^_^ :D :p : Hellooo TamaTalk! Thank you for reading Tamadonut's log, she is very happy about that!

Pepsi :chohimetchi: :marumimitchi: :mimitchi: : Hi! Hi! Hiiiiii! I reallllly want to be Chohimetchi!!! But Marumimitchi and Mimitchi are cool too!

Thank you tamas! I will now show you some pictures!




Pixel with his hat

See you soon, and remember,

Hello TamaTalkers!!!

Tamadonut here. I come with exciting news... Pepsi has evolved into Marumimitchi!
She's soooo cute! She looks like a guinea pig crossed with a rabbit to me. Pixel and Pepsi are dating now! when I connected them, there was a heart between them as one gave the other a gift, and the smiley faces in the friends list have been replaced with hearts! I will now show you some pics


Happy Pepsi


Pepsi's plant


Pepsi with bow tie!

See you soon, and remember,

Hello TamaTalkers!

Tamadonut here. Sorry for the late log, I was going to update yesterday but I was busy with some things.

Anyway, Pixel and Pepsi were married, and I took pictures! :D




Pepsi about to give birth


Twin baby boys!


Baby #1 going to Pixel's home


Pixel meets his son

Bye for now, and remember,

Hello TamaTalkers!!! :wub:

Tamadonut here. Yesterday Pixel and Pepsi moved back to Tamagotchi Planet, and the babies were left in my care. In honor of the start of the Halloween season, I have named the twins Trick and Treat. After the baby hour, they became 2 Kinakomotchis! That's what has happened with my tamagotchis so far, I will update later if anything happens!

Bye for now, and remember,

Hello TamaTalkers!!! :wub:

Tamadonut here. Yesterday Pixel and Pepsi moved back to Tamagotchi Planet, and the babies were left in my care. In honor of the start of the Halloween season, I have named the twins Trick and Treat. After the baby hour, they became 2 Kinakomotchis! That's what has happened with my tamagotchis so far, I will update later if anything happens!

Bye for now, and remember,
Those are great names! I love it! :)

Hello TamaTalkers! :babytchi:

Tamadonut here. Today Trick and Treat evolved into teens.


Trick became UFOtchi!


Treat became Ichigotchi! :ichigotchi:

They are adorable!!

Bye for now, and remember,

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Hello TamaTalkers! Tamadonut here. I'm so sorry for the late log, I have been really busy with school stuff this week.

Anyway, Trick and Treat have evolved into adults!


Trick became Violetchi! :furawatchi:


Treat became Mametchi! :mametchi:


Treat saying hi!

See you soon, and remember,
