Wings's Adventures in Tamagotchi (With Friends!)


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Nov 8, 2015
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Washington, USA
Heck yeah, first log on TamaTalk! 8D

February 16th, around 10:00 AM

First off, an introduction: I'm WingsThePhoenix, but you can just call me Wings. I've always been a fan of virtual pets (My Meebas, iDogs, etc.) and I was ecstatic when I got to jump into the Tamagotchi fandom. Now I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and make a log!

For this log I'm going to be writing down the adventures of my two Tamas I have so far, my foreign Tamagotchi Friends (I think it's the European version) I got for my birthday a while back and my American Tamagotchi Friends I got for Valentine's Day this year. This may change as we go along but for now it's just going to be these two.

Now before I get to the pictures I have so far, some background information: My foreign Tamagotchi's batteries had corroded and the game itself had been frozen in time for two months, but that's a story I posted here that you can go read: I reset it there was some battery issues later in the day, but now she's A-OK.

Now for the pictures, which... since I don't know the way you guys do it yet, are gonna be presented as links!

This one is of Renae, my American Tamagotchi Friends, when she was an itty bitty Petithanatchi. I took this yesterday; apologies for the crummy quality. ^^;

This one, though it's a bit harder to see, is of Maria, my foreign Tamagotchi Friends, when she was a Terupotchi. This was taken right after the first picture, and the screen's a bit dark, but hey, the quality's a bit better.

Bathtime for little Maria and Renae! This is also from when they were still children. The quality's a lot better in this one.
And finally, the one with the best quality! I let Maria go and visit her buddy Renae and they went to the park and swung on the swingsets! At this point, both of them had evolved into happy, healthy Neotchis!

As I was writing this, Maria pooped and I had to clean it up. I fed her and Renae some bread for breakfast since they were both a little hungry. I'm a bit hungry, too, so I'm gonna go eat after I post this.

And, last but not least, ending this first blog post, are the numbers for these two girlies!

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Maria

Age: 1

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Terupotchi - Neotchi

Weight: 17 lbs

Generation: 1

American Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Renae

Age: 2

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Petithanatchi -> Neotchi

Weight: 19 lbs (A little chubbier than Maria, I see~)

Generation: 1

For the rest of these posts I'm going to end with the current numbers. It just feels a bit right.

Well, see you guys then!


February 16th, around 7:15 PM

Alright, so this is just gonna be a mini edit ending the day. Maria and Renae just fell asleep and I feel there's a few things I should note.

I took Maria with me to school and she only called for attention once in one of my classes, which I left her unpaused for. I paused her for the other one though because I'd probably get in trouble otherwise. But she also turned 2 today, which is always exciting! She's, of course, a bit younger than Renae, but easy does it when you're going throughout life, you know?

Now I would've taken a few pictures, but if this log gets noticed and people start liking it I might take some tomorrow. Until then, Tama-peeps!

PS. I'm looking for a Tamagotchi Nano on Amazon to add to my collection, and I might be getting a Music Star from someone in this community!

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Maria

Age: 2

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Terupotchi - Neotchi

Weight: 17 lbs

Generation: 1

American Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Renae

Age: 2

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Petithanatchi -> Neotchi

Weight: 11 lbs

Generation: 1

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February 17th, around 8:25 AM

Aaaand of course, both Maria and Renae evolved into Coffretechi, which is the last female Tama I raised on my foreign Friends before I had to reset it completely. Her name was Stella, and she married a male Righttchi I named Jax and had little Merry. She evolved into a child and that was when I got bored and stopped playing, which then set off her being frozen in time for two months and--well, you get the idea.

The funny thing was I clearly remember waking around around 5-6:00 AM and hearing the evolution noises, which scared the ever living out of me, but I knew my Tamas had evolved and fell back asleep because I wanted to see them later. Then I woke up and noticed they'd both evolved into Coffretchi and I was just like... *Sigh*

But! There was still some fun that came out of this! I fed Renae some fries for breakfast, seeing as she was a bit hungry, and then we played Find Ice Cream with a Mametchi. (I have a slight feeling he's one of the adults the Matchmaker will give her at the date place.) I would've taken some pictures, or even video, but I feel like that's for later when this log gets a bit more popular.

Then I went over to Maria, cleaned house in case she pooped at all (She hadn't), and fed her some corn. This is the moment I remembered that I could discover my Tama's favorite food! Anyone happen to know what Coffretchi's favorite food is, or is it random for the Tamagotchi in question?

Lastly, to end off this log, I had Renae go and visit Maria this time. From what I could tell they went over to the park and played on the seesaw, and I tried to take video of it so I could get a picture to show you guys, but... it came out a bit dark and it didn't work. Oh well, maybe next time.

Alright, it's Wings, signing off for now with the new numbers of my Tamas!

PS. Still looking for a Nano on Amazon, but something awesome came for me today: My 6-book set of the Amulet series!

PPS. Do you guys think I should roleplay with my Tamagotchis like Salad and other log-makers do at times?

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Maria

Age: 2 years

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Terupotchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

Weight: 15 lbs

Generation: 1

American Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Renae

Age: 3 years

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Petithanatchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

Weight: 18 lbs

Generation: 1


February 17th, 7:47 PM

So, I just fed Renae some soup and meatballs and Maria some chicken pie and milk to make them happy. Before that, I decided what to do with these two Tamas, which is something I've never done before:

For Maria, my foreign Friends, I'm going to raise her to the best of my abilities until she reaches a ripe old age and passes away peacefully. I'm not gonna send her off to the Matchmaker and continue her lineage, but when she passes away I'm probably going to go back to normal with the next Tamagotchi I hatch.

For Renae I'm going to do what I normally do; Raise her to about 6-8, maybe 10 years of age while also caring for her the best I can and send her off to the Matchmaker whenever I feel so inclined, seeing as she ages a little faster than Maria does.

Besides, they both evolved into the same adult Tamagotchi so I thought I'd mix things up a little. I really hope this is interesting to whoever happens to view this. Who knows, maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

Also! I'm getting another addition to my Tamagotchi family! I just ordered a Music Star off of Amazon and I'm super excited for it to get here! It'll take a few days, but I'll sure to give him or her a grand introduction when he or she arrives for the first time!

This is Wings, signing off with the numbers--

By the way, when are you going to roleplay us?

Right, I said I'd do that, didn't I...? And I did sketch up some art of you two this morning.

You were also going to add that silly dog thing on your phone in that drawing. Right, Renae?

She was. She didn't take either of us to school today because of it. But I am excited to meet the new Music Star.

DIBS! I call dibs on naming her!

Hmm... I might let the community decide instead.

If they actually take notice of your log.

Oh, I'm sure they will. Anyways, see you all next time!

Bye bye~!

Bye for now! It's fun talking to all of you!

(PS. Credit to Salad for this roleplaying idea. Go check out their log too! ;v; )

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Maria

Age: 2 years

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Terupotchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

Weight: 19 lbs

Generation: 1

(HEY! You need to give me some attention too!)

(Me too, me too!)

(I'm never gonna get a break, aren't I... |D; )

American Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Renae

Age: 3 years

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Petithanatchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

Weight: 18 lbs

Generation: 1

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February 18th, 8:53 AM

Good morning, TamaTalk! Me, Maria and Renae are doing just fine, right guys?

Yupyup! I got some pasta for breakfast and then we played a game together! It's the one where you get a bunch of a certain item before getting more of a certain item--

Basically it's a bunch of fetch quests in a tiny game. It's super fun and the easiest game, at least for me, on the foreign Tamagotchi Friends.

And I got some chicken pie! ...At least, I think I got chicken pie... I don't remember what I had for breakfast today. But we didn't get to play an awesome game like Maria did.

Don't worry, I don't remember either, Renae.

But we both aged last night while Wings was sleeping in her bed!

Heck yeah we did! I turned 3 and Renae turned 4!

Does that mean I get to get married in 2 years? That sounds super exciting!

Sorry to rain on your parade, Renae, but I'm probably going to wait until you're 8-10 years of age before I let you get married...

Aw, MAN! But what about the Music Star? When're they going to get here?

Can we name them after something musical to make it a pun?

It hasn't been shipped yet, and no. Judging from the package tracker, it should be here by next Monday.

YES! Then if I turn 8 and you let me get married my kid and the Music Star can be the best of friends!

But I thought we were best friends, Renae...

Awww, Maria, don't worry! You're still my best friend! <3

Right! <3

Alright, alright, I should probably end the log here. Time for the numbers!

See you all next time! Hopefully we'll have our Music Star friend by then?

Like I said, Maria, it might take a bit.

Right, right, we get that. But what's their text color going to be when they can talk to us?

Probably this color. Going by the picture on the box it's a blue Music Star, so I might go with that when it gets here.

That's probably why we're two barely discernible shades of pink...

...Shut up. Anyways, I'm Wings and I'll see you all later!


Bye bye for now!

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends
Name: Maria
Gender: Female

Age: 3 years

Weight: 18 lbs

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Terupotchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

GP: 4690

American Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Renae

Gender: Female

Age: 4 years

Weight: 18 lbs

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Petithanatchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

GP: 970

ACK! This is a bit of a mini post so I'm not going to list the numbers, but I completely forgot about something!

I drew Maria and Renae together last night and thought I'd show it to you guys!


WHOOOAAAAA, we look RAD, Wings!

Yeah we do! But, um... which one of us is which?

Well, you two, Maria is the one on the left with the purple eyes and blue/green outfit, and Renae is the one on the right with the yellow eyes and pink/orange outfit.

Is that even allowed for you to change the outfit colors so you can tell which one of us is which?

And I also noticed our hair puffs are on opposite sides; Mine's on the left, Renae's is on the right.

Heh, I'm sure it's allowed... and I'm glad you noticed, Maria! That was a way to tell which was which aside from the outfit colors. It was originally going to be just the eyes and hair puffs but I decided to make the outfits a little more... better looking.

Between me and you I think it looks awesome.

Yeah, same here. I hope the others like it too.

Awww, thank you! I'll be sure to draw you two with the new Music Star when it gets here.

If I'm still around to see the new Music Star.

Oh, I'm sure you will be, Renae. Anyways, goodbye for now and I hope you liked this little mini post!

Bye bye!

Farewell for now! ...Again!

February 18th, 8:12 PM

Alright, alright, I know I shouldn't be making a log right now but I decided to anyway.

Nothing much happened on my Tamagotchis, but I did take Renae to school today because I wanted Maria to age as much as she could.

You paused her anyway. I see no point in even doing that.

She does have a point.

I know, but I didn't want either of you to die on me.

Engineering was fun though. You're building a freaking bridge and stuff!

Whoa, you're building a BRIDGE? I wanna see!

Well, my mom told me I should be taking some pictures tomorrow, so... I might do that.

Right! Now I remember something I wanted to mention. I might be getting pouches for all three of my Tamagotchis!

But Wings, your Music Star isn't even here yet.


Now now, calm down, you two, things are gonna be fine. Someone close to my mom is gonna make the three of you awesome cases. One might even be themed just for the Music Star!

That sounds awesome, if you ask me. But... Why are you making another post again? Another NEW post? You should be practicing your trumpet right now.

At the very least you could check to see if the package shipped.

Right, let me do that...

...It's shipped!


I'm excited to meet the little cutie! From what I've seen there's a lot of good things on the Music Star.

Indeed there might be! But I might suck at it...

Oh come on, I'm sure you'll do fine. Anyway, I feel like you should end the log here. I need to get some REAL food!

Wait! Renae, get back here! Wings bought me sausage...!

...Well, while they're doing that, I'll do the honors of listing the numbers. See you guys soon!

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Maria
Gender: Female

Age: 3 years

Weight: 19 lbs

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Terupotchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

GP: 4140

American Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Renae

Gender: Female

Age: 4 years

Weight: 25 lbs

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Petithanatchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

GP: 520

February 19th, 9:18 AM

Good morning everyone, and before I get to the logs I have some exciting news for you all! I'm adding another virtual pet to this log! More specifically, I'm adding the Tamagotchi Classic app on my phone. When I get to the numbers it'll be marked as an app to deter confusion, and also for now, their name is Peach, and this will be their text color.

Maria didn't do much, but she had some sausage and played some games earlier. She turned 4 last night, and I'm excited to say that she'll be lasting for a while! I'm not gonna send her off to the Matchmaker because I want to raise her as long as I can and as best as I can.

Renae had a lot of cereal (which we had to go buy at the store) and we played the Ice Cream finding game, but she's just fine too. She turned 5 last night, but she's still not old enough to go to the Matchmaker. I wonder if she's gonna have a boy or a girl when the time comes...?

Now for my new Tamagotchi in this log, Peach! Last night everything was fine, I fed them bread and played Rock, Paper, Scissors for a bit, and I had to go bed but they didn't so I put my phone away without turning the lights off. The next morning I found them evolved into a Marutchi, but they'd pooped (Something that was apparent last night too), they were asleep and they were sick! I gave them some medication and fed them a bunch of bread and played games and then they were fine.

Now for some dialogue!

Maria: Heeeey, we have a new member! Hello there, Peach!

Renae: Hey, hey Peach, I have a question!

Peach: Wha... question...?

Maria: Renae, they can't exactly talk to us yet...

Renae: Are you feelin'... peachy?

Maria: Oh my God you've got to be kidding me, Renae...

Renae: Nope! I'm not!
Peach: Heheh... peachy!

Renae: See? She liked the pun!

Wings: Heh, I guess she does. Well, this is about the time where we say goodbye for now!

Maria: Can I do the numbers this time?

Wings: Go ahead! Bye for now, guys!

Maria: Farewell for now~!

Renae: Byebye!

Peach: Heheh, byeeee!

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Maria
Gender: Female

Age: 4 years

Weight: 18 lbs (I lost some weight... nice!)

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Terupotchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

GP: 5140 (How come you have so much money!?)

American Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Renae

Gender: Female

Age: 5 years

Weight: 26 lbs (Funny, you gained a pound!)

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Petithanatchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

GP: 920 (But I got some money!)

Tamagotchi Classic [Android App]

Name: Peach

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Weight: 11 oz

Species: Babytchi -> Marutchi

Discipline: 0%

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February 19th, 8:07 PM

Hey everyone! I'm gonna try to make this is as quick as possible, since really soon I'm gonna have to be practicing my trumpet. This weekend I'm going to my dad's but I'm gonna bring both of my Tamas with me, as well as my phone (of course) so I'll be able to update you on Peach as well. But by the time I get back, around Monday-Tuesday, my Music Star is gonna be here and added to this log!


Heheh, if you say so, Renae. Also, I'm not sure if my pouches/cases for my Tamagotchis are going to be made by my mom's friend anytime soon, but only time will tell.

Anyways, onto the log!

Maria was REALLY hungry--only two Hunger hearts were filled in--and I fed her an omelette and some rice bowls to fill her up, along with some chocolate to make her happy. Not much else happened otherwise, but I'm excited for whatever happens anyways! Maybe she can go to the Date Place sometime soon.

Renae was in better shape than Maria; I only had to feed her a taco and some milk to satisfy her needs, although I did have some popcorn on hand that I could've fed her. Oh well, she's getting a little chubby anyway. What if she or Maria gets sick...? That wouldn't be fun at all.

Now for Peach! She's asleep right now, and I'm gonna have to feed her a bit and play some games with her when she wakes up. Earlier in the day I had to discipline her a few times, but she's doing swell otherwise. I just want her to evolve sometime soon, heheh.

Before I went to school I BFF-bumped Maria and Renae and they both got the Bracelet of I believe Happiness! Hurrah! 8D Hopefully I can get all the jewelry on both of them. Otherwise I just left them paused for most of the rest of the day. .3.

Now for dialogue!

Peach: ...zzz...

Maria: Is she really asleep this early?
Renae: She is still a toddler, Maria.

Maria: Fair point. By the way...

Renae: It's not here yet, Maria. And we're totally naming it Harper.

Maria: I was going to say have you ever been to her father's house before?

Wings: I literally got it last week, Maria.

Maria: You got me for your birthday, didn't you?

Wings: I-- Wait... how do you know that?

Maria: //smirks// You do remember that I was the third generation of the first Tamagotchi raised on there, right?

Renae: Ooh, BURN!

Wings: ...Don't know how that was a burn... but I'm gonna go with it. ^^;

Renae: Do we have much time? I don't think we have much time.

Wings: I'll be fine, you guys.

Maria: You're not going to practice your trumpet until this weekend--both days, mind you--and you're also doing your homework that weekend. TOTALLY fine.

Wings: ...Let's get to the numbers, shall we?

Renae: OH NO YOU DON'T--

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Maria
Gender: Female

Age: 4 years

Weight: 19 lbs

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Terupotchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

GP: 2490

American Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Renae

Gender: Female

Age: 5 years

Weight: 34 lbs

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Petithanatchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

GP: 370

Tamagotchi Classic [Android App]

Name: Peach

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Weight: 13 oz

Species: Babytchi -> Marutchi

Discipline: 80%

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February 20th, 8:52 AM

Good morning, everyone! It's been about 12 hours since I did my last log update on this and I haven't touched my Tamagotchis yet. Let me do that real quick and log you on what happens...

...Right after checking the progress on my Music Star.


Maria: WINGS! Stop getting distracted looking at Fennec Fox plushies!

Alright, alright, I'm checking it now!


Renae: What does that mean for Harper?

Well, it means they're not arriving on Monday, it means they could be arriving TODAY!

Renae: YEAHHHH! But...

Maria: What if you're already gone before it comes?

...Good point. On to the logs!

So I had to clean up a bit of Maria's poop--probably from earlier this morning--but otherwise she appears to be doing just fine. I gave her some tempura and chocolate to hold her off before checking her stats and realizing she'd turned 5 the night before. And if I'm correct, then that means...

Renae is old enough to go to the Date Place now, at 6 years old! To be honest with you, I'm.. a little excited to see her go and see what I get for Generation 2. But I had to get her ready first. I cleaned up her poop first, fed her a taco, a piece of bread and some popcorn and went to the park a few times. While she goes to the park before I take her to the Date Place, I'm gonna tell you about Peach.

Peach was asleep earlier in the writing of this log, but she was wide awake at around 9:00 AM. I had to feed her some bread and play a little with her, but otherwise she's doing just fine. And she's still a Marutchi, so that's something. But at least she's quite disciplined!

Now I decided for old times' sake to bump Maria and Renae a few times before I send the latter off to the Date Place. They ended up going over to the park and playing on the seesaw for a little bit. If only Peach could join them in their fun... That'd be awesome. I BFF bumped them and... was sent to a Jackpot screen? They both got three stars across a strange slot machine, and ended up both winning 400 gold. Strange...

Now, for a bit of dialogue before I send Renae to the Date Place.

Wings: Well... This is it, Renae. Anything you want to say to Maria or Peach before you go?

Renae: Well, if there's anything... Maria?

Maria: Yes?

Renae: I'm so, so happy that I got to see you have the life you deserved. I can barely remember seeing you as only a Petithanatchi when you were named--

Maria: Merry... yes... I remember it like it was yesterday, Renae. You were one of my few friends when I was getting adjusted to this new life after... well... being...

Both: Frozen in time.

Wings: That was quite the interesting occurrence, Maria.

Renae: It was, and... I know Wings is going to give you a good life. She gave your mother and grandfather amazing lives, and I'm sure you're going to live your new one to the fullest.

Maria: Thank you, Renae. I... quite appreciate it.

Renae: And as for Peach...

Peach: Wha...? Ree going away...? REE NO GO AWAY! REE NO GO AWAY!!

Wings: Peach, no. Bad Marutchi. She... I... She wants to do this. Right...?

(I legitimately had to discipline Peach here in-game when she yelled at me for attention... XD)

Renae: Yes, I... I do want to do this.


Renae: Peach, peachy girl, please, calm down...

Peach: *Sniffle* R-Ree... remember Peachy...?

Renae: Of course I'll remember you, Peach! But trust me, when I go off to the Dating Place, I'm going to come back with someone I love and soon you'll have a new little sister or brother to play with.

Maria: And don't forget about Harper. Still can't believe we're already calling it that.

Peach: Peach... happy for Ree.

Renae: Alright... and Wings... Thank you for taking care of me.

Wings: Not a problem at all, Renae. Let's go, shall we?


(Almost forgot the numbers!)

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Maria
Gender: Female

Age: 5 years

Weight: 21 lbs

Generation: 1

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Terupotchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

GP: 1590

American Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Renae

Gender: Female

Age: 6 years

Weight: 36 lbs

Generation: 1

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Petithanatchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

GP: 770

Tamagotchi Classic [Android App]

Name: Peach

Gender: Female

Age: 3 years

Weight: 13 oz

Species: Babytchi -> Marutchi

Discipline: 100%

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February 20th, 9:53 AM

It finally happened... Renae got married!


After a few tries at the Date Place, she fell in love with an Acchitchi named Blaze, and they instantly hit it off. <3

They returned home with their new egg, and, a few seonds later...


A little baby BOY hatched out of the egg! Right now the little family's happy as could be, but it will only be a matter of time before their new little bundle of joy is placed into my care. Maria is just fine, but I had to tend to Peach for a few moments.

Wings: So how's the lovely little family doing? Your son is adorable, Renae!

Renae: He's so precious... Isn't he, Blaze?

Blaze: He's everything I've ever dreamed of, love.

Maria: Does he have a name yet, Renae?

Peach: Little bwuther! Peachy new friend bwother?

Renae: He doesn't have a name yet.. but I like the sound of Orion. And yes, Peach... I guess you could call this your little brother.

Blaze: I do too. Orion it is.

Maria: Welcome to the world, little Orion! You can call me your Aunt Maria.

Orion: Ugaa... WAAAAAH!!

Peach: Nonono! Little bwother, d-don't cry!

Wings: Maybe we should leave them be for a little while.

Maria: Agreed... Plus, you have a few things to get ready for, don't you?

Renae: Wings?

Wings: Yes, Renae?
Renae: ...Tell Harper I said hi for me. *Smiles*

Wings: *Smiles back* Will do. Alright then, This is Wings, signing off!

Renae: Farewell for now, friends!

Peach: Peachy say bye bye!

Blaze: You need to tell me about these friends sometime, Renae.

Renae: Of course, love.

Maria: Bye for now, lovelies~!

Orion: *Undiscernable baby gibberish*

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Hey! I'm at my cousins' house right now, but I've been logging my Tamas' progress throughout the day. I'll make a more professional entry tomorrow when I can get on my laptop, but take this for now. See you guys then!


This update is gonna have several times listed on it since I wrote it on my phone and couldn't do it all at once.

February 20th, 1:07 PM

Earlier today, Renae left me with her little boy Orion and she and Blaze went off to somewhere new. (Maybe they're extending their family, or going on vacation.)

I quickly fed him a bunch of bread and milk to fulfill his needs, and he's bouncing around, happy as could be. He was a little sad his parents had to go, but Renae has faith in me that I can take good care of him.

Maria was just fine, too. Admittedly, I'd had her and Orion paused for a while because I had to get ready to go, and--

...Well then. Orion just pooped as I was writing this sentence, but I made sure to clean it up. I gave him some more milk and bread to keep him happy.

Then I had to give Maria some tempura as well to make sure she was fine. Before this, I tweaked around with the contrast on both Tamagotchis, which--on both the foreign and American versions--you can get to by holding down Button 2 and pressing Button 3. Button 1 lowers the contrast meter, Button 2 increases it and Button 3 gets you out of the menu.

1:31 PM

We had to go in the store, and there was a few more cycles of feed, poop, repeat, but it got a little scary. Orion got sick, and I had to give him two rounds of medication to make him feel better. But now he's okay and bouncing around like normal. Maria pooped too, but she's fine otherwise.

6:00 PM

Maria and Orion are paused right now. Maria is just fine, and Orion evolved into a Mitsumarutchi! He's also just fine. And Peach evolved into a Tamatchi, so I'm taking good care of her and the others. I'll be able to write dialogue for them soon when I get the chance.

February 21st, 8:00 AM

(Fun fact: I was talking with Hapihapitchi on TamaCHAT during this log's writing. Shout out to you man! 8D)

Good morning everybody! I'm at my dad's house now, logging from my laptop. (I did bring my computer, though, since it blue screened twice in this month, once while playing Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea [shoutout if you know that game!] and another while talking to a friend and listening to videos.) It can do color and stuff just as well as my original computer.

Before I log, I have exciting news! My Tamagotchi Music Star was delivered yesterday!!! :D I'm super excited to get home and play with it! <3

Anyways, onto the interesting stuff: Logging.

Maria is old enough to go to the Date Place! She's perfectly full and happy, too, and she got a good night's sleep last night, so maybe later today I might take her there to meet the love of her dreams. Maybe her child and my Music Star could hatch at the same time... That sounds amazingly fun. 8D It'd be like my own tiny Group Hatch!

Orion, as I said last night, evolved into Mitsumarutchi! I fed him some fries to keep him full, but after I post this log I'm probably gonna play a game with him to make him happy as well. I'm... a little nervous he might evolve into the same thing as the first generation on my first Tama Friends, which was a Knighttchi, but... Oh well. We'll see when the time comes.

And Peach is... still asleep... Wonderful... |D; But she did evolve into Tamatchi last night, so she's finally out of the child stage! Hooray! 8D

Anyways, now for the dialogue!

Peach: ...ZZZ...

Maria: *Sigh* Asleep as usual, Peach...

Orion: ...Peachy asleep?

Maria: *Looks towards* Oh, Orion? You evolved! *Grins* You look handsome, little man!

Orion: O-Oh? *Blushes a bit, looking down at his feet* T-Tank you, Mawia..

Maria: *Chuckles warmly, smiling down at him* Not a problem, little star.

Orion: Wittle star?

Maria: Mhm. *Sits down by* Say... Did your mom ever tell you about someone named Harper? Or Wings?

Wings: I... think he knows about Harper.

Orion: Hawper friend soon!

Maria: Yup, he knows. Anyways, shouldn't you be getting breakfast soon?

Wings: ...Dangit, you're right, Maria. This is Wings, signing off again, this time with the updated numbers of everyone! I also need to clean all your messes...

Maria: Bye for now! See you all... hopefully later today!

Orion: With Hawper too!

Peach: ...ZZZ...

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Maria
Gender: Female

Age: 6 years

Weight: 18 lbs

Generation: 1

Species: Pinkbotchi -> Terupotchi -> Neotchi -> Coffretchi

GP: 1590

American Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Orion

Gender: Male

Age: 1 year

Weight: 12 lbs

Generation: 2

Species: Aokumotchi -> Mitsumarutchi

GP: 620

Tamagotchi Classic [Android App]

Name: Peach

Gender: Female

Age: 3 years

Weight: 20 oz

Species: Babytchi -> Marutchi -> Tamatchi

Discipline: 100%

Last edited by a moderator:
February 21st, 9:17 PM

So, a lot of things happened today! First off, I finally got to play with my Tamagotchi Music Star! The buttons are gonna take some getting used to, but otherwise I'm doing just fine. I also got my hands on a Tamagotchi ROM and booted that up on my laptop, raising a Kuchipatchi named Void for about... I dunno... a while. He's pretty cool. I plan to load up that rom on this computer I have as well (I'm back at my mom's house). I also got a box for my Tamagotchis, their instructions, and things along those lines. It's an awesome box and I've already decided where old and new Tamagotchis go, as well as instructions and spare batteries. I was especially happy that I found a way to pause my Music Star, too; same as the Friends!

Anyway, here comes the part all of you are interested in: the logs!

First off, Orion... I've decided to put him on pause for a bit. Four Tamas is a bit too much, and combined with my complete inexperience with the Music Star I feel like pausing him is the best option for me. And yes, I took out his batteries... I don't want to put him in a coma for 60 Tamagotchi Years like his mother was. (For more info on that story, check out my Frozen In Time post.)

Now for a summary of what happened throughout the day. Earlier in the day, Maria, my Coffretchi, left home with a Mametchi named Zero with their son, who, due to some sudden inspiration by the real world, I'd decided to call Reese. Then I raised Void, my ROM-Tama for a while, along with Peach, who most of you know already. Then about three hours after I made that little post on my phone I opened up my Music Star (after a lot of work) and named him Harper! I fed him baby food and milk, played some music games (I'm really good at the Tone and Rhythm ones), wondered how to get new toys (How do you do that?), then about 15 minutes later he got sick. Hearts also appeared around him when playing with the ship toy, but they don't anymore.

Timeskip to right now.

Reese appears to be doing A-OK, but he's taking a baby power nap right now. He hasn't evolved yet, but I feel like he will later.. eventually. He's... really hungry... I need to feed him when he wakes up from his nap... Hopefully he doesn't get sick again like he did earlier...

Harper is getting super good on the drums. He took his power nap earlier today while me and my parents were watching The Big Bang Theory. I wonder what the baby evolves into on this version... This is gonna be pretty interesting, I can tell.

Peach, as per usual.... is... asleep. ^^; She fell asleep around 9:00, I'm pretty sure, but there was poop in her room when I checked last. But she's perfectly healthy and happy. Now all she needs to do is evolve!

I really wish I could add more to this little log--


...A-And as I was writing this, Harper evolved into Kuchitamatchi! Now he can go to school, which is pretty awesome! ..Buuuut I'm gonna do that tomorrow. Also, I just looked up Kuchitamatchi and it just proved HOW TERRIBLE I AM AT USING THE MUSIC STAR.... AAAAAARGH!


*SIGH....* Let's just get to the numbers... No RPing in this post since no one's old enough to RP yet, except for Peach... who's, y'know... asleep... heheh... heh... *falls over*

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Reese

Gender: Male

Age: 0 years
Weight: 5 lbs

Generation: 2

Species: Aokumotchi

GP: 2810

Tamagotchi Music Star

Name: Harper

Gender: Male

Species: Petitchi -> Kuchitamatchi

Age: 0 years
Weight: 15 lbs

Generation: 1

GP: 2800

Instrument: Drums

Tone: 33

Rhythm: 39

Originality: 36

Stress: 15

Genre: Classical

Tamagotchi Classic [Android App]

Name: Peach

Gender: Female

Age: 4 years

Weight: 22 oz

Species: Babytchi -> Marutchi -> Tamatchi

Discipline: 100%

Last edited by a moderator:
February 22nd, 7:53 AM

(Alternate title: Wings REALLY sucks at raising a Music Star)

Alright, well, let me just get to the logs since I don't really have any backstory. (Aside from me being a bit tired this morning...)

Reese is doing pretty good. About 5 minutes after I posted last night's log he evolved into Turtletchi, which differentiates from the Mitsumarutchi Orion evolved into when I still had him running. He's doing pretty good... and appears to put up with my confusion the best he can. I'm thinking of drawing him with Harper when they become adults.

Harper is also doing just fine for now. I can't send him to school for whatever reason, but I checked another person's V6 log and apparently you have to wait until you hit Stage... 3? Am I getting that right? I think I'm getting that right. We played some music games to up his stats, then I checked his numbers and realized he'd changed his Genre to Pop! Probably because of how awesomely good he's getting on the drums. I can't wait until I get to form a band with him! (...Or get him some new toys and things. Eheh.)

Peach is--you guessed it--asleep. She appears to sleep for literally twelve hours a night, I believe. Maybe more, maybe less, but I really hope she evolves when she wakes up... Kinda like Renae and Maria did way back when, heheheh!

Hmm... I might do some dialogue with Reese and Harper when they can actually... y'know... do things. Apologies for the lack of it, but I'm still getting used to raising a Music Star. I'm sure it'll turn out fine.

See you guys then! This is Wings, signing off with the numbers!

Foreign Tamagotchi Friends

Name: Reese

Gender: Male

Age: 1 year
Weight: 8 lbs

Generation: 2

Species: Aokumotchi -> Turtletchi

GP: 3810

Tamagotchi Music Star

Name: Harper

Gender: Male

Species: Petitchi -> Kuchitamatchi

Age: 0 years
Weight: 15 lbs

Generation: 1

GP: 2220

Instrument: Drums

Tone: 65

Rhythm: 71

Originality: 88

Stress: 5

Genre: Pop

Tamagotchi Classic [Android App]

Name: Peach

Gender: Female

Age: 4 years

Weight: 22 oz

Species: Babytchi -> Marutchi -> Tamatchi

Discipline: 100%

February 22nd, 8:12 PM

Just gonna keep this one short and sweet.
I... might be putting this log on hiatus for a bit. Maybe. Both of my running Tamagotchis are paused right now, but there's a lot of things I need to do. Schoolwork, practicing things, y'know. That... includes maybe not running this log for a bit of time. I really hope you guys understand. I'll still have Peach, and I might actually make a new topic for her adventures and the others that follow her, y'know?

I hope you guys understand.

Ohmigosh, your log is absolutely excellent!!

I'm sorry to see you on hiatus (I understand completely) but I hope you're able to return soon!!

Ohmigosh, your log is absolutely excellent!!

I'm sorry to see you on hiatus (I understand completely) but I hope you're able to return soon!!

Yeah u^u But if it's any consolation, Reese is a Knighttchi, Harper and his band Fourstar hit Star Rank 1st today (his genre is Asian and his bandmates are Louis and Paul) and Peach is, well, deceased, but there's another tiny one on my phone named Boo.

Yeah I've got a lot of catching up to do 8D;
