How to get tougyutchi v4.5


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Tama beginner

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Nov 11, 2014
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So my uramametchi had a baby boy, and now he is the same teen as his dad: crackertchi. I think tougyutchi is cute so I wanna get him. He needs beautiful points right? Anyone who has ideas, or has experience with this character can you please give suggestions? Stats would be great but anything else is also appreciated. Thank you!

You cannot get Tougyutchi from Crackertchi. Check out this growth chart: You would have to have teens from the UraKutchi family to get Tougyutchi, unfortunately.

However, for getting certain skill points in general, playing different games raises different skills points; Climb and Tug-O-War can increase points in all three skills randomly, but Apples increases Funny points, Shapes increases Gorgeous points, and Manhole increases Spiritual points. So to get Tougyutchi, you would need the teenager Kometchi or Boxertchi, and then play the game Shapes to give you gorgeous points.

Ive heard people say that when they evolve, they don't always stay in that family. For example I once had urayoungvioletchi and instead of getting uravioletchi I got shitekitchi.

That is true, but more so for the V4 than the V4.5. The V4 often does not follow linear evolution within a given family, but the V4.5 evolutions are largely predictable and family-determined (though not always!).

That is true, but more so for the V4 than the V4.5. The V4 often does not follow linear evolution within a given family, but the V4.5 evolutions are largely predictable and family-determined (though not always!).
It's really funny that you say that, because my experience os exactly the opposite! o_O

On the other hand, I think that my european v4's and v4.5's are much more strict in following the growth charts than their american counterparts, and I only have european v4's, whereas my v4.5's are from different continents...

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In my experience, there are no family distinctions on V4.5 or V4. Any teen can evolve into any of the male/female adults with the right points. (If it comes down to two in the same points category, one can reset in the middle of an evolution to revert to a previous state and try one's luck again.)

Funny, because on the Entama and Uratama, evolution is determined at birth. Once you have one of the six babies, you can immediately determine which set of adults you have to evolve into (through skill points arrangement).

Anyway, answering the original question (though that Crackertchi is probably an adult by now), to get Tougyutchi, you would need to make Gorgeous your Tamagotchi's forte and wait around for evolution day. If it evolves into another adult, interrupt the evolution by reset and go back to waiting. This has always worked for me.

It's really funny that you say that, because my experience os exactly the opposite! o_O

On the other hand, I think that my european v4's and v4.5's are much more strict in following the growth charts than their american counterparts, and I only have european v4's, whereas my v4.5's are from different continents...
Interesting. I've only ever compared american V4s and V4.5s, and I have never experienced variation in the V4.5 growth. Maybe there's a care element we haven't figured out yet!

Nvm :mellow:

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