Eternal Mametchi Fan
Well-known member
- eBay
- Amazon
- ToysRUs (US only recommended; relatively high international shipping)
- ToyWiz (US only recommended; very high international shipping
- CDJapan
- Hobby Link Japan
- AmiAmi
- Rinkya (Yahoo Japan service, high fees apply)
- Noppin (Yahoo Japan service, fees apply but are generally cheaper than Rinkya)
- Rakuten
- Mandarake
- Japtou
- Gumtree (Australia only link)
- Gumtree (UK only link)
- TradeMe (New Zealand only?)
- TaoBao (Chinese site?; paste the link to the item you want to buy in YoyBuy for easy shopping. Fees apply for this service but aren't too high.)
- FaceBook (Search for Tamagotchi Ancestors, Tamagotchi Traders, Tamagotchi Collectors, or Tama-Hatchi
Bold means I have purchased from the site.
I have researched and/or used all of these sites and I am convinced that they are reliable websites.
If you have any questions about any of them, I would be glad to help.
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