Tamagotchi friends; fault or just rubbish?


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2013
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So I read someone else say the same thing about the screen on the new TF. Still went out and bought one today and I think I had the batteries in for about 5 mins before the screen really rubbed me up the wrong way.

The text is fine. And the menus. The actual screen where the tmgc is hopping around is so hard to see... Is this just mine or what? I can't even get a good picture to show you cos the lighting I was under made it look better on my pictures than in real! Wth?! Changed all contrast settings and had new batteries in...

Not just that, it's come with scratches under the purple faceplate and the buttons feel horribly cheap?!

I'm so mad! £25 and it feels like it should have cost me £2.50! Anyone else feel same about theirs?! Or having similar issues? Wish I was more aware of what I was buying before I handed over my money so if it's a wide spread thing this could be a warning for people I guess...

I have had the same experience.I bought one for my sister and one for me and we had scratches on both (nearly the buttons)!
We couldn't see anything and my eyes hurt so much by looking at the screen. I always had to use the flashlight on my smartphone to see something.
And the sound ... it's so annoying. Not the original sounds of the older Tamagotchis.
We were so disappointed. that we sent them back after just one day (and decided to buy a P's ^^').

I'm so tempted to do the same I'm sat here putting batteries in and trying it again and again hoping that it decides to let me see properly but it's not. Were they okay about you sending yours back? I got mine from smyths in UK

go into the time screen hit b and c at the same time and bring up the contrast.. if you bring it down to 1 bar it will help alot but yes it is kinda difficult to see but i am purchasing glow in the dark tape and seeing if i can make it glow...if i can ill let everyone know so that might be the fix..ill have a how to tutorial for everyone if it works out ^.^

If be interested to know if it does work but in the meantime I'm sending mine back I think. It's not enjoyable at all and there's a speck of dirt under the screen that's annoying me too. Urgh. Bandai UK sucks. I'm so disappointed.


Wish Ida seen this before I went lol warning to everyone thinking about getting one

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I had one and I traded it after a week of use. I wouldn't hate it if it was an older tamagotchi or if it was cheaper; it was quite enjoyable to run... I just paid too much for it and I don't want a modern tamagotchi that is worse than the previous versions, and shamefully, it is.

I actually think they feel the same quality as the Tama Go. The screen is recessed more so it's harder to see, but I think I've adapted to it because now it doesn't bother me at all (or maybe it's easier to see the adult characters since they're so much bigger?) anyways, I do think they should have been made with higher quality materials for the shell, but overall I wouldn't discourage people from getting one on that basis alone.

I think it's completely fine! It's still OK if you don't like it, this is just my opinion. At first, the screen may irritate your eyes, but later it's fine! At the start, It looked like I was looking at a 3DS when it's just started up and the 3D kinda irritates your eyes at first. To me, It's like getting used to a 3DS in 3D for the first time! Also, I think the games are great, considering "Mimic" is 1 of my favourite games on my V4.


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You just get used to the screen! After running mine for a few hours, the screen didn't look bad, and now I don't mind it at all! Great Gotchi, people are so...fussy... -_-
Think i'm allowed to be fussy when it cost me £25, we're not all made of money lol and i'm not discouraging people at all. I read some bad reviews and still went and got one, people are still allowed to make their own minds up but I just wish someone had highlighted this more strongly before I went and got one (I only read someone mention it once in a review), because for me, personally it makes it horrible to play. Not to mention the scratches around the buttons and the silver painted edge and the rediculous amount of dust behind the screen...

When you buy something new you expect it to be perfect, especially when your forking out that much money, and since i've been doing more and more research its a more common issue than i thought, and had someone said this before I went and got one i'd have felt much better about waiting for them to fix it and getting an extra weeks worth of petrol in my car...

When all said and done, the concept does make it a 'great gotchi' I have no issues with the actual game play and some people might be able to put up with it maybe for the sake of being able to get onto dream town when they release it like I was going to do, but personally I have better things to spend my money on right now than something that currently isn't all that enjoyable for me. When they fix it, I'll buy one back. And like I said, IF this is a more common issue than just being mine, which it looks like it is, isn't it better that people are aware of the facts to make an informed choice. Plus the more its highlighted the more bandai might listen and the quicker it'll get fixed.. right? Which even for the people that don't mind the screen as it is would be a bonus?

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we're not all made of money lol
I'm not made of money either, actually; which is why, instead of buying one, I had to trade one of my most treasured Tamagotchis for one. I was lucky to get my hands on an Oceangotchi and I was actually looking forward to running it again, yet I was still willing to trade it for a TF. And I'm glad I did! I'm so delighted with this version that, now that I found one I can afford, I have bought a second TF. :)

I do understand your reason for complaining and it is thoughtful of you to point it out what you find faulty about the Tamagotchi...But being so put off by one flaw that you are blind to the good things about something is not good. I suppose I am the opposite: so enthusiastic about Tamagotchis that I am blind to the flaws, which may be annoying to other people I guess, but everybody's different; Tamagotchi sure has a wide variety of fans and I'm the one who's determined to spread the love of Tamagotchi no matter what. :p

Tamagotchi sure has a wide variety of fans and I'm the one who's determined to spread the love of Tamagotchi no matter what. :p
and let bandai get away with ripping people off..? I like the toy and i've been going on about it with everyone in RL since i first found out about it lol So i can happily say I've done my fair share of 'Spreading the love' was even going to get one for a friend as a belated christmas present but i'd be ashamed to give her one with massive scratches all over it and annoying bits of dust behind the screen. All i'm saying is that i'd rather sit here and be honest about what i honestly think is the worst of it (Because I can't imagine for one second their all as bad as this one i've managed to get my hands on) and then let people make a more informed decision. I sat and read review after review and youtube after youtube and only heard a passing comment about the screen being dim.

And i'm definitely not blind to the good points cos i'm not gonna lie and sit here and say i wouldn't collect every single TF shell design they released if they were worth the money and play with them endlessly. Because I would. But equally i'm not going to pretend that TF is worth parents spending their hard earned cash on them for their kids or kiddies spending all their christmas money on them because compared to what I can get for almost the same amount of money they're not on par. I imported a tamagotchi P's for £32 i think it was.. I'd rather spread the love of the more up-to-date and better tamagotchi P's than something that isn't living up to peoples expectations. I know there are a lot of hardened tama fans on here that would be blind to the flaws because their so devoted to the tamagotchi brand, but when i was looking as a sort of collector, and someone wanting to play for nostalgia and a bit of fun, i had a look for some reviews and reading bias reviews from people like that obv made me regret my decision. And like i said they can't all be as bad as the one i've got but the main issue in my opinion, the screen, obviously isn't an isolated issue as i first thought. But if someone reads this and still wants to go and buy one, good for them, I'm jealous of the people who can cope with the dim screen, because I honestly wish i could 'put up with it' and keep my TF, at least they know the worst of it so they can't be disappointed if they get it home and find flaws.

Oh no this is quite troublesome to hear ! I'm glad you posted this. It's unfortunate that the tama they wish to bring to USA is this one and even through all of this I'll probably still buy one as soon as it hits stores. So the screen is the worst out of all the tama releases ? Dust behind the screen is probably the single most annoying thing ever..

People just don't understand that you can be a fan of something and yet not be okay with the company or anything else doing things that are not good. I'm a fan of The Sims series and I love the game, but what they are doing with it is just bad. The Sims 3 has way more features than The Sims 2, sure, but the quality of the game is bad- everything crashes, breaks, there are many bugs for no reason and the expansion and stuff pack are very small and expensive, plus they add significant features to the Store, leeching more money from you. I still love the game but I don't think it's worth the money at all, also customer service is bad too- they just won't help you. And they make very stupid excuses, like that the technology didn't allow them for something... And yet it's still the most best selling game. Why? There aren't many other life sim games so people are still gonna buy it.

Bandai has a similar issue. Just like EA, all they care about is money now. Of course, it's their job, but they are doing it badly. They don't care anymore. They are going for cheap stuff and they just sell it and advertise it just so people are like "oh! tamagotchi!". There aren't many modern-selling virtual pets nowadays either and they have the brand name, that's why people would rather buy them no matter how bad they are.

Well. These were some of the reasons I traded it with EMF. I immediately noticed some manufacturing defects. The screen was disappointingly dark even after setting the contrast to 1.
I liked the sound and the fact that it had a greyscale screen, but it was very difficult for me to make good shots when I was making my video about it. I was also disappointed there were no items. And it was such a shame, cause I loved the way the shell looked like. It was really pretty to me. But I knew I would probably never run it again. So I decided to trade it for something I really wanted. I hope Bandai will fix those problems and make a second wave, which will be better made.

I'm also waiting for the second wave nonetheless and I'm still gonna buy one if I find it for cheap. And if Bandai gives up- nothing lasts forever...

Oh if I find one for cheap second hand no doubt I'll still buy one even with the defects I found! This is what I mean. I'm in no way saying I'm not a fan or I wouldn't ever get one ever again it's just not worth the money I paid for it, you expect a brand new in box toy to be exactly that! And my imports have been perfect so I didn't expect anything less with this release. But was majorly disappointed with mine :( feel happier now I've got my money back though :)

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I've been running mine since the 19th of december, and I really really like the gameplay, but the screen is ruining it for me ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽. I have been running it for one of the longest times on the forum and I haven't got used to the screen. I can read text and play games with no problems, but I can't see the character I have unless I'm standing directly next to the sun. I have the contrast on 1.

I love the games, the characters, the growth, the characters, the happiness and hunger system. But I don't like the screen =o=

Mine also came filthy, I had to wipe it with a damp cloth for about 15 minutes before I'd got all the dirt off, and there was dirt under all the recesses in the shell >n<.

I've been trying to convince my friends to buy one since its release, because it was a pleasure to run, but for how much it costs and for how recent it is I wouldn't say its worth it @n@

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