My HD camera's battery died, so some pictures my come out as blurry and plain, some would be PRETTY. ;~;
15th Anniversary iD L
Still the weird ol' Young Oyajitchi. =\ I paused him because I didn't have enough care misses for Kuchipatchi. ='(
Music Star
She evolved into Chamametchi yesterday. She got accepted to the Gotchi Peforming Arts at 3:30. I called the band Pixels. =)
Here are the girls walking to the music room.
Drumroll please.......
FAIL. Tsukkimotchi again. =( What a nice thing for a hatch. >=(
iD L
She was about to get her happy symbol at 8:00 in the morning, BUT NO, THE BATTERIES DIED. D=<
I put in new Duracell Coppertop batteries. I hope the last for 7 years, as it says on the package. xD
I woke up to a crying Kinotchi. =P He evolved into a weird, odd Mattaritchi. <_< (you can barely see him 'cause of all of the dust on the screen. =P)
There's the lovable fool. =P
Nothing going on with Lavu. =\ She did get sick when I went to Dollarama and left her at home. =(
Nothing new. =U
(yes, that's the EXACT same pic. ;~
Bye for now. =)