Everyone has been bullied some point in their lives, and everyone has been a bully in some way. Whether it's as small as telling someone that they look funny just once, or full on harassment everyday. Both should be taken very seriously though, because even the smallest insults can hurt.
Oh goodness, I've been bullied all my life. Especially when I was 10. I constantly told the teachers for them to stop, but they'd only say things like "Stop it," or "No computer time for you,". I even wanted to commit suicide when I was 10. Suicide at 10 years old. Most 10 year olds play with a jump rope or hulahoop, or play pretend with their friends.
My friends and I have all been bullied all our life, so we've decided to take a stand. We're writing a musical about true stories of bullying, and how kids overcame it. One of the people at the theater we hang out at is helping us make the music, because she's done it all her life and is a very close friend of ours. We've also asked the city school council if we could take the show to be performed at schools, and they agreed since they're planning workshops for bullying at schools and it would fit in the scedule perfectly.
Kids of today love high energy music, and like to relate with characters from TV shows. If we can show kids at a young age not to bully others, to not lose hope if you're being bullied, and to not just be oblivious if you see someone being bullied, maybe they could get a lot out of it, and spead the word. And possibly, it may change the world. Yes, I know it's huge, and seemingly impossible. But I'm simply a big dreamer who wants to make them reality. And I want to try.