TicTaxs colorful log!


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
OK I've wanting to do a log for a long time now so now I'm finally doing it!

the only tamagotchi I will be loging for right now is this V4 I got for free named Simon(named after the kid doing the garage sale :p )


the egg already hatched and he pooped and got sick he pooped again and all his meaters went to 0 but I filled them up again.He has now pooped again and has cried

Happy <3 <3 <3 <3

Hungry <3 <3 <3 <3

will see what happens next..

Simon is now a toddler!


the same exact toddler I got on my first ever tamagotchi when I was little :)

he can got to preschool now yay!

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Nothing happened with Simon today so far other then thats his birthday today :)

happy Halloween!!! anyways Simon is now a teen and can now go to school!


thats him :)

extra pic time :D !!




After all that scarring Simon wants to watch T.V and grabs the remote


Simon has DirecTV so he can watch all his favorite shows. He seems to be happy about South Park xD

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Simon is fine nothing has happend other then that photo bucket thinks I broke the TOS so heres all my pics from Simons childhood to extra pics


baby pic awww :3


cute toddler :3

here are the extra pics :)


Halloween! :)


Simon found the remote and no ones home now what to watch...


Simon enjoys T.V especially South Park xD (guess what hes watching new of tonight xD)

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nothing much with Simon today but I'm going to restart my black tama go and marry my green tama go! so yay more stuff in the log lets start with the black tama go yes it has a pixel problem but it works and thats fine with me :) when all photos upload this post will have pics and updates :)


heres the egg


cute baby girl I'm calling alice :)


Steve marrying a ringotchi hope they have the baby soon


heres them together :D

sorry some are sideways it might be fixed later

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yesterday alice the black tama go turned into a toddler



and today Simon turned into a adult



I'm running my music star instead of my green tama go because I don't want to big things in my pockets xD

for anyone who saw that I was part of the summer hatch with my music star its on 2nd gen so lets start there :)


here she is!

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Alice the music star is now a todder and can go to preschool ;D

if its sideways it will most likely fix itself later :)

Just in case you don't know I always pause my tamas when I go to bed and when I go to school :p

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Alice is a teen now! if its sideways it will fix itself :)

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Sorry about not updating for a long time anyways Alice the music star yesterday turned into a teen!


Here she is :)

She also got into a band called the cougars :)


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sorry I've been busy so yesterday Alice the black tama-go turned into adult :)


and today Alice the music star turned into a adult :)


And the Cougars evolved as well and have a star ranging of 999th hoping to fix that ranking soon :)


also forgot to mention that Simon has a job at the bank now :)

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so today simon got marred (sorry if pic is bad I was at someones house and had my flip camera with me and not the nice camera)


and heres the baby girl ;D


sorry for not updating there's was nothing to up date on other then that Simon has left her baby Zoe and I've hatched my P1 for a hatch I won't keep updates of the p1 on here only in the hatch ;) so here s Zoe ;) if its sideways give it some time it will fix itself

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I'm so busy Zoe turned into a teen like 2 days ago I've been very busy so pic later ;) and alice the black tamago is 7 years old and still can't go to the date place :eek: and alice the music star is now ranking 4!! :D

will stupid me forgot the camera cord while i was at L.A but I have pics of Zoe the teen (who is now a adult) and alice the black tama -go as a senior O_O and also her geting married

heres Zoe :D


heres her close up :D


heres alice (sorry don't have a close up of her D:)


heres her getting married (sorry for blurry pic I was in L.A when I took these pics)

and alice the music is married and at ranking 1!!

I went to v4 tamatown so Zoe can see her dad Simon. he was happy to see us and gave us $500 :D here is a pic of Simon and his nice house (sorry also just realized that my grooveshark is in the way just ignore that :p )

Zoe some how died in my pocket so I stoped ruuning the v4 and I'm going to run one of my v4.5s and its on 2nd and its a girl named Mika (I had a friend in 1st grade that was a girl named Mika once...) sorry for that anyways Mika is ok right now and everyone else is fine too :)
