♥tamagotchi loggg*~


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Jul 1, 2009
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North Dakota, USA

I have been a tamagotchi fan for over 7 years. I remember back when the v2 came out. Oh the good old days when tamagotchis were cool and people didn't look at you weird if you carried them everywhere. Part of the stares may be the fact that I am 15.Haha.


Anywayyy. I have the most recent american tama, the tama-go. Actually I have two. And both of them are going at the same time, and I thought: why not log about them?? You know why? Cause tamas only live for so long, and I want to be able to remember them.


Anyway, I will log their stats and stuff tomorrow! Thanks for reading guys :)


I hatched my tamas yesterday, and both of them are doing well. They met this morning after my boy evolved into a toddler, and now they have one smiley face for each other. Here are their stats!


Kiki (girl tama):

Happy ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry ♥♥♥♥♥

Weight 17

training none

friendship ♥♥♥

Gotchi points 2600

Victor (boy tama):

Happy ♥♥♥♥♥

Hungry ♥♥♥♥♥

Weight 10

Training none

friendship ♥♥♥

Gotchi points 1000


So I think they are both doing well! I will be getting a v5 this weekend, and 2 music stars next weekend, so I am pretty stoked. Both are gonna need batteries, so I'll have to go buy some :l

Other than that, I think its perfect! Don't get me wrong, the tamagos are cool, but I really like the other verisons. With all the changes they made with the tama-gos, they just don't have the same classic tamagotchi feel. The look is totally different, but the options are very basic. There really isn't much you can do with the tama-go that's special. The v2 gave us the option of connecting, the v3s brought us online. the v4s gave our tamas jobs, the v4.5s gave us new characters. The v5s let us raise a family, the v5.5s gave us new games. The v6 music stars let us rock out.. But what do the tama-gos let us go? Yeah, okay, they have better backgrounds, and its cool that you can remodled your house, but otherwise, there is really nothing new.


What's your guys's favorite version? PM me, and I'll post your answers here! :)

I'll update some more later today! Love you guys!

I got my first response to the Question Of The Day!! :)


From Planetchi248


My favorite version is music star and i really like v4.5 :3


Planetchi and Lovelitchi are the top best tamagotchi characters.

Currently Running:

Tama~Go and hopefully soon a music star!

I have a log, which I think is A~M~A~Z~I~N~G~! So you should check it out.

Roxa is in it! Hoshitchi!


Check out her loggggg :)https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/175282-tamagolog/page__gopid__3092924#entry3092924

I've red it. SUPER GOOD!

Hey guys!


There is really no change with my tamagotchis. I was over at a friend's last night, so I paused them. They are still paused right now..


I miss the good old days when I was a little kid and I wasn't too busy to keep my tamas unpaused. I really do. Now I have friends, and homework *not right now, cause school is out* and I am looking for a job.. Its just chaos. But once I do get a job, I'll have wayyyy more money to buy tamagotchis! *Happy dance*


Anyway, I'll post later today when I get time to unpause them :)

Hi guys! I know I haven't updated in a day or two. So I thought, hey I have the time, lets update! My tamas are still toddlers.. I have had them on pause A LOT. One, because I have been busy, and two, because tama-gos are so bulky I can't fit them in my pocket, or wear them around my neck. Soooo...


They have all their happy hearts full! And now they have TWO smiley faces for each other.


Kiki is kind of fat :l HAHAHA! ;P Anywayy. Both my tamas are doing well! And I will be getting a new tama on saturday, and two other new ones next weekend. AWESOMENESSSSS.


Love you guys!

Ps. I'll keep my tamas unpaused all day. I don't have anything to do, so they should be good :)

Hey guys!!


I know I haven't posted in a while, but my tama-gos were really boring me, so I decided to wait until I got some other tamagotchis to log. AND I GOT SOME :) I now have two music stars, a v2, and a famalitchi. I'm pretty stoked!


Only my music stars and my v2 have batteries in them at the moment, so I'll give you their stats!


Elli (black headphones music star)

Age: 0 yrs

Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Stress: 11

Gotchi points: 3000

Gender: Girl

Stage: baby

Music: Hip hop


Michael (blue saxaphone city music star)

Age: 0 yrs

Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Stress: 8

Gotchi points: 3000

Gender: Boy

Stage: baby

Music: Classical


Leo (White and pink v2)

Age: 0 yrs

Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

Weight: 11 lbs

Gender: Boy

Training: none

Stage: baby

Gotchi points: 55


I am so stoked that I have some new tamagotchis :) I love them! They are so much fun! Not to mention the fact that the versions that I have are two of my favorites!! I love the music stars because they are full of features and they keep you super busy. And I love the v2s because they are simple and easy and they bring back memories from my childhood.


That's all I have to post for now! I'll update you guys tomorrow when I wake up.♥

My tamagotchis evolved this morning ^_^

Mike, Elli, and Leo are now children. Hahaha. Leo is taking a lap right now, and Michael is bouncing around his screen. Elli had the teacher come to her and invite her to school, so now she is hanging out with her teacher :)


They are all at an okay weight, and Leo gained a training bar! I am so proud of him.


Anyway, I really don't have much else to tell you guys. I'll give you some stats later today. ♥

Hello everyone :)


sorry about the lack of posts. i got caught up in my summer activities, and then school came along... and I happened to forget about my tamagotchis. So, now, I have restarted one of them, and I am going to continue my log.

At the moment, I only have one tama going. Seeing as I have a lot to do now a days, I thought it'd be a good idea to only have one tam going.


I started up my pink and white version two on October 3rd, around 11:55 PM. I kept her on pause most of yesterday, but she had been active the majority of the day. I named my baby girl Toshi :) she evolved yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't log about her baby phase. BUT I GOT PICTURES! for once. Here they are!









and now the child phase!






That's all for now! Me and Toshi are gonna go to bed :) *yes I know its supposed to be Toshi and I. I'm just a REBEL like that.*

♥ Peace, love, and happiness.

Hello everyone! Greetings! Hola! Whatever else!


Hahaha. Toshi evolved today! She is now a teenager. Annddd she turned into a majorly cute character. UFOtchi! At least, I think that's the name of the tama. Haha. I spent a lot of time playing with her today. She now has three games, and i suck at all three :) she has jump, bump, and heading. heading is probably my favorite o3o


anyyywayy. i don't have much else to say. PICTURE!




okay! tah tah for now ;)



peace. love. happiness. cupcakes.

Whaddup brosephs! :)


I know I didn't give you very many details from yesterday's log, so I'll try and tell you more today!


Well, last night was homecoming at my high school, so I was basically partying like a rock star the whole night. I didn't spend very much time with my tamas yesterday, because I was absorbed in homecoming activities. HOWEVER. I hatched a friend for Toshi! I got yet another baby girl, and I named her Yurii. She's pretty dang cute if I do say so myself :) She already grew into a child, so that's cool. I won't be able to put up pictures for a few days, because my phone is being a pain in the you know what. Anywayyy. I am going to be spending basically the whole day taking care of my tamagotchis.! And, I think I may buy a v3/v4 from ebay soon! :)


Well, that's all I have for now! I'll probably log more later on today, once I get home. (I'm currently at my friend's house.}


I love you guys! Me, Toshi, and Yurii OUT.


PS. Go check out mimitchi^o^'s log. Its pretty AMAZING.


PPS. I marched in my homecoming parade yesterday for a club I'm in, and my tamas came with! Good expirience for them, eh? :)

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So guess what! I started up FOUR other tamagotchis yesterday!


Now I have my two v2s going, my 2 v4.5s, and my two tamagos. Funny thing? My v2s are girls, my v4.5s are boys, and one of my tamagos is a boy, and one is a girl. So i have an even number of each! thats never happened to me...


anyway, yurri evolved today! she is now a ringotchi. pretty cute ! my v4.5s are named Kyo and Hiro. Kyo is the star shaped toddler, and Hiro is the mini kutchipatchi toddler. :) my tamagos are.. either teens or kids. i can't remember... they were on pause for so long, and i don't know the characters on the tamago very well. i think they are teens, because my boy is 2 yrs old. he is a monpatchi, and my girl is hoshitchi. i forget what i named them... i'll name my girl Hime, and i'll my boy Ishiya. :)


so they are all jumping around on their screens right now. taking care of 6 tams is hard work! i believe Toshi evolves today.. LET'S HOPE FOR A MIMITCHI! I've never gotten a mimitchi.. even though she is my favorite character ):


oh! and i have decided if i get a mimitchi, i am going to let her grow into an oldie, just so i can keep her around longer. haha. thanks for reading guys :) and don't be afraid to send me PMs! if you tell me you have a log, i'll check it out, and probably mention it! ♥


Me, Toshi, Yurii, Kyo, Hiro, Hime, and Ishiya OUT!


Hello all! :)


i'm writing this log kind of late. its like, 9:40 PM. and all my tams are asleep. but i thought i should tell you guys how the day went with all my tamas :)


this is the most tamagotchis i've had going. ever. so it was very.. eventful, having them all around. but it was a lot of fun too :) no one evolved today.. which disappoints me. i was hoping Toshi would evolve :/ i've been looking forward to her evolution, because i am desperately hoping she becomes a mimitchi. i've always wanted one...


oh! fun fact, i found two extra batteries today! maybe i'll start up my other two tams? ones a v5, and the other is a v6. i also have another music star, but it was in my pencil bag.. that i lost at school.. hopefully, i'll find it. if i dont... ):


anyway, toshi is still a teen.. -__- so is Yurii. Kyo and Hiro have been connecting a lot today.. oh and i haven't been able to log onto the v4.5 website D:< i think its because my username on my tama is just one A.. Hmm.. Anyway, Hime and Ishiya are doing well too :) Ishiya stayed up really late! he was up until, like, 9. his clock was right and everything..


anyway, i'll log more tomorrow after school! i'm going to bring the whole gang tomorrow :)


Me, Toshi, Yurii, Kyo, Hiro, Ishiya, and Hime OUT.

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Hey guys! A lot happened today!


So, Toshi evolved. BUT NOT INTO A MIMITCHI.. >.> she is a.. Nyorotchi. Which, once you get used to it, is pretty cute. I was pretty sad, though, that Toshi wasn't a mimitchi, like i wanted. ah well, i can still have hope in Yurii, eh? :)


Next up are Kyo and Hiro! They both evolved today as well! Hiro evolved into Daiyatchi! And Kyo is Crackertchi. :3 i was pretty shocked when i went to check up on them and they were already teens!


Lastly are Hime and Ishiya. They grew into adults! Hime is a Shellitchi, and Ishiya is a Gozurutchi. (NINJAAA!!!)

Pretty sweet, man.


the only one who didn't evolve today is Yurii, and thats because she is a v2, and they don't become adults until they are four. so. yeah. taking care of all these tamas during school today was HARD! i had to check on them in between every class! i even hid Hime and Ishiya in my pencil bag so i could connect them and play with them during math class. it was such a busy busy day. i'm glad i'm home now :)


thanks for reading guys!

Me, Toshi, Yurii, Kyo, Hiro, Hime, and Ishiya OUT!

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