~*Kuchipatchiluver's Pillow Land of Tamas! ^.^*~


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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2006
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Because pillows are awesome.

Hey TamaTalkers! I just got my first Tama-Go yesterday (or, technically the day before yesterday since it's just after 2 a.m. right now o.o) and I felt the urge to make a log about it! I'm also running my Music Star so I'll log about that as well, and whatever other Tamagotchis I might run in the future.


Let me introduce you to uhh.. wow I haven't even thought of a name for my Tama-Go! o.o I have trouble coming up with names for my tamas most of the time so I didn't even bother this time xP. But uhh, let's call her Melony. :3 So, Melony is living in a black Tama-Go shell, which came with a Mametchi figurine. I really didn't want a black tama-go but it was the only color left in the store and I REALLY wanted a Tama-Go.. and for $10, I couldn't resist! :p I also bought a KuroMametchi figurine and replaced the faceplate with the KuroMame one. :3 Next time I'm at the store I'll look for those sticky bling thingies to make Melony's shell all pretty ^_^

So, Melony is currently a Shelltchi! She evolved into a Belltchi yesterday and tonight she woke up from her beauty sleep to evolve into Shelltchi. O: I was surprised at first, but I guess it's normal for Tama-Go's to evolve at the time they were hatched (around 9 something p.m. I think) even though they're sleeping..? xP

In total, I have access to 5 different games for Melony! The classic Shoot the Bug and Long Jumper, Coin Catch that is on the Mametchi figure, and two games that came with KuroMametchi, which are Driving and Ball Match. Ball Match is very remniscent to another game on one of the Connections.. it's fun but I like Driving better because it's different. Melony has won Shoot the Bug, Long Jumper and Coin Catch so far.. she hasn't mastered the KuroMame games yet but is working on it!! I have small, secret hopes of her becoming a Lovelitchi but I doubt it.. I will try though! :D

So far, Melony bought the 2nd House Renovation, Tennis and Bowling, the last two being from the KuroMametchi store. She was able to play Bowling earlier but I suppose she wasn't old enough for Tennis. The first throw, her ball curved too much to the left, and missed all the pins. On the second throw, it did the same, only this time, Melony ran after the ball and went tumbling with it! xDD That marked the end of her bowling experience, at least for now. :p I went on TamaTown with her last night but was never able to log her off due to wifi issues, so nothing new happened to her.. I was able to buy a hamster for my room in Music City though :3 Yay! I want to eventually get a dog <3, but I'll have to save up!


Character: Shelltchi

Stage: Teen

Generation: 1st

Weight: 20 lbs

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 {5/5}

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 {5/5}

Train: OOOOOOO (7 bars.. I posted in circles so it's easier to see/count than lines x3)

Friendship: 6/6 hearts.. not entirely sure yet what this is for but okay. :3

Gotchi Points: 10,330

~~*Music Star*~~

Now that I've introduced you to Melony, meet Taffi- a Tamatchi Music Star! Her shell is the Orchestra design- white with pink music notes. I just hatched her tonight after Melony went to sleep.. I intended to take better care of her but I occasionally forgot about her and got sidetracked with other things.. Yes I tend to have a short attention span. xD Anyway.. my hope (as of now) for Taffi is that she'll evolve into a Mimitchi.. or at least a Memetchi :) and join a cool band.


Character: Tamatchi

Stage: Toddler

Generation: 1st

Weight: 15 lbs

Stress: 00! :D

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 {3/4}

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 {4/4}

Tone: 90

Rhythm: 60

Original: 60

Genre: Rock 'N' Roll

Gotchi Points: 3,000

They're both sleeping right now, so there's not much else I guess.

I can't promise to keep this updated all the time but I will try!! =)

~K~L~ :wub:

P.S. My tamas are on a Kuchi Family lanyard with a clip of Kuchipatchi eating a hot dog on it.. ;D <3

P.P.S. I wish I could post pictures but I'm using slow wifi with a bad connection so it's very hard to upload photos online. :/

Good Morning everyone! ^.^

From now on I'll try not to bore you with really long log posts.. it was just that long for the introduction.. :3

Taffi beeped a few minutes ago and the door icon was lit, so she opened the door and saw Ms. Frill, who gave her a laptop! She was so excited! :D Then she went Away to pre-school, and played Jump Rope twice. The first time she played with a Kuribotchi, and she wasn't ready, so she tripped on the rope the first try. :( But the second time she played with a Hitodetchi and Taffi won! :lol:

I played a few games with both Taffi and Melony so far today, and connected them a few times, too! Their friendship level is at 2 smiley faces.. hopefully they'll become best friends by the time they grow up ^.^ :wub: I'm gonna try going on TamaTown with both of them, so I'll update later. Bye!!


P.S. I forgot to mention before that Taffi's instrument is a Piano and her toy is a Rabbit. [:

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Wow! Okay, so.. I'm still somewhat shocked right now. 0.0 Today, I played with Melony for a while throughout the day and gave her a couple time-outs when she called for no reason, and earlier today she evolved into a Shelltchi! So cute! C: I tried to get on TamaTown while she was still a Tamatchi so I could log her into the list of characters thing in your house, but TamaTown wouldn't load (wifi was being slower than usual.. probably because of the weather- it's been raining all day). Oh well. Anyway, so Melony was really happy being a cute Shelltchi and all. THEN, a few hours ago, she evolved AGAIN, which is what left me shocked and delightfully surprised. 8DD She is now a......



LOVELITCHI!!!!! :eek: OMG :D WOW do Tama-Go's age quick or what?! What's weird though is that Lovelitchi is spelled just like that, right? I mean, that's how I see it spelled everywhere else.. but on the Tama-Go under the stats screen, it says "Lovelytchi" o_O Weird.. Anyway, who cares?! A LOVELITCHI!!! :wub: I SO have to log her into TamaTown o___o Hopefully the rain will let up so I can connect.. though, there's a flood warning in effect until tomorrow morning.. >_> I'll try anyways. The other shocking part about all this is that I assumed Lovelitchi was a character you get under really good care, and I thought I took pretty good care of Melony, but not perfect or excellent care.. Hmm. :3

~*Music Star*~

I played some games with Taffi today, especially to get her stress down, it was arond 26 at one point, and then 22 even after I lowered it a bunch, so now it's at 0 again! The Gotchi King came THREE TIMES today! :eek: On the first visit, he brang 2,000 GP I think it was, on the second visit he brought popcorn (yum :3) and on the third visit he brought a heart. Don't know if it's a chocolate heart or just a regular heart, but either way, it's cool. :p Oh! Just a few hours ago- right before she went to bed- she evolved into a Chamametchi! <3 At this rate, I hope I can get a Memetchi, haven't had one in a while. I'm going by Tama-Star_Girl's Music Star Growth Chart on TamagotchiHome, I don't know exactly how accurate it is since it's virtually the only Music Star growth chart I can find, but it's serving to be useful at the moment. =)

Oh, and Taffi is now into Jazz music. :p

Goodnight everyone! :3

~K~L~ :wub:

Hey guys, sorry about the delay, I've been pretty busy.


Well, not that much has happened yet with Melony.. I played a few games with her, took her to the park a few times where she played with various tamas, including a Mametchi :3.. She called for no reason a couple times so I gave her time outs each time.. Yeah. xD Her training is now at 11 bars I think, and she's 2 years old.. she's 42 pounds o.o so I have to play more games with her and get her weight down. Not much else is happening with her though. Melony's still so adorable though ^.^

~*Music Star*~

Wow, okay so guess what?! I wasn't really expecting this since I became kinda busy and didn't have as much time to play with Taffi, but she evolved into a Mimitchi!!! :mimitchi: Also, her band members evolved into adults as well- John the Togetchi on Harp and Paul the Dorotchi on Piano.. Taffi was on Piano but I thought it a bit weird to have 2 pianos in the band, so I switched her instrument to a Trombone that she received as a gift. The band (named Kawaii) is still playing Jazz Music. They played at a show and have about 1500 fans.. Went to play for their teacher or something (I haven't played with a Music Star in a while >.<) but kept getting looks of disapproval xD. They hadn't gotten together to practice any though, so I was not surprised. I'm taking them to practice more now, and playing more games with Taffi to raise her skill points. Oh, she gets mail A LOT. Just when I think it's over, BEEP BEEP!! More mail!! o.e Most of the time it's good, with presents or Gotchi Points from the Gotchi King or hearts in random letters, though the last time she got mail, it was poo. D: Sorry if this paragraph doesn't make that much sense but right now I'm really tired, but wanted to update before I went to bed so I wouldn't forget.

Oh, and I still haven't been on TamaTown with them yet but I'll try tomorrow when I'm less sleepy. xD

~K~L~ :wub:


Melony played a bunch of games today, earning more Gotchi Points. Also, now that she's older, she was allowed to use her Tennis set that she bought from the KuroMametchi store :3. She did well for a while until she missed the ball and fell flat on her face. xD


Name: Melony

Character: Lovelitchi

Stage: Adult

Age: 3

Generation: 1st

Weight: 25 lbs

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 {5/5}

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 {5/5}

Train: 11/15

Friendship: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 {6/6}

Gotchi Points: 27,800

~*Music Star*~

Taffi and Kawaii made progress today! Her stress at one point was up to 40 something but I played a bunch of games to lower it xD. Poor Taffi!

I also took Kawaii to practice a few times, and just a couple minutes after, they were called by their instructor/manager (?) guy and then the Judges (I think they're Judges anyway.. I don't know xD) gave them three O's, which means they made their Pro Debut, also receiving 10,000 GP as well! They were so happy. n_n A while later, they did a show and had some fans show up. They're now I guess Kawaii could have made their Pro Debut a day earlier, but I was busy. >.<

I also took Taffi to work a couple times to earn more Gotchi Points.. she didn't have much practice so she didn't do so well at first, but she'll keep trying! Her favorite work is at the Bakery Factory or whatever it is. xD

Ooh, Taffi also bought a toothbrush, makeup, some food, and received a plant from the Gotchi King in the mail. :D She used the plant, and it grew to be monstrous. D: She ate some of her new food, and then brushed her teeth. :3 I tried to use the makeup on her, but all she does is make a sad/disgusted face XD. Guess Taffi isn't all that girly. :furawatchi: :p

While I was writing this, Kawaii got called to do another show! :lol:


Name: Taffi

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Character: Mimitchi

Weight: 26 lbs.

Generation: 1st

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 (4/4)

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 (4/4)

Stress: 0

Tone: 567

Rhythm: 476

Original: 639

Genre: Jazz Music

Gotchi Points: 10,680

User Name: Fluff

~Band Stats~

Band Name: Kawaii

Genre: Jazz Music

Taffi - Mimitchi - Trombone

John - Togetchi - Harp

Paul - Dorotchi - Piano

Star Ranking: 54th

Tama Fans: 80,723,749

At one point I was checking their Star Rank and number of fans, and it literally said the Star Rank was "62th" XDDD Bahaha, fail.

~K~L~ :wub:

Ello everyone! =)


So, not much has been happening Melony.. At one point her weight got to over 40 lbs o_o so I played a bunch of games with her and now she's down to around 29 lbs. xD Woops. She was just taking a shower and I accidentally pressed a button lol.

Melony's 5 years old now, so I guess she should be expecting the matchmaker soon? From my experience with previous tamas, anyway.. And she has 38,360 Gotchi Points :D Other than that, there's not much else going on with Melony.. Wow, Tama-Go's are pretty low-maintanence tamas. In their adult stage, anyway..

I also have been taking her to the Park here and there. Today, she met a nice Kikitchi and they played in the sandbox :kuribotchi:

~*Music Star*~

Kawaii played several more shows, practiced a bunch, and *checks* *gasps* Their Star Ranking is 1st!!!! Woohooo!! Kawaii also has 199,688,146 fans 8D, and Taffi was paid 50,000 Gotchi Points, and then another 1,000,000 GP! B-)

Guitaritchi also visited Taffi again today not for financial matters, but to bring her a Mametchi!! It was love at first sight :mimitchi: :mametchi: <3 and they had a baby boy! Hmm, I'm not sure what to name him yet. But him and his Daddy have been watching Taffi at her concerts.. what a supportive family C: I like how when you go to feed your tama, sometimes the Daddy shows up with the baby, and sometimes the Mommy shows up to eat with the baby. xD

I'm hoping that Taffi's son will become a KuroMametchi. =D

And no, Tama-Town still hasn't been working for me yet. =/

More updates to come! (=

~K~L~ :wub:


Omg, I just realized that Melony has access to the Date Place now! I'm going to take her there right now ^_^

...A Shimashimatchi walked up to Melony.. As much as I like Shimashimatchis, I don't think he was right for Melony xD. Ahh, who will be the one for my dear Lovelitchi? I'll try again..

This time, she met a Kuromametchi, and she said Yes! Quite an appropriate choice considering the Kuro Mametchi faceplate and figurine. xDD Now they're married n_n; and they're both just kinda dancing around like normal on the screen together.. Since this is my first time owning a Tama-Go and haven't read many logs about them, I don't know when they'll have a baby, but I'm guessing soon chi? :3


Name: Melony

Character: Lovelitchi

Stage: Adult

Age: 6

Generation: 1st

Weight: 30 lbs

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 {5/5}

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 {5/5}

Train: 11/15

Friendship: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 {6/6}

Gotchi Points: 33,720

~*Music Star*~

Taffi played in a couple more shows, and Kawaii's star ranking is still 1st, and they have around the same number of fans as the last time I updated.

Oh yeah, it's weird that a day or so before Taffi turned into a Mimitchi, I put her in a Mimitchi pouch, totally unaware of what she would evolve into. o.o lawl

Oh my gosh, I just realized that in the Baking Factory (?) game, you can speed up the line instead of waiting ages for the right thing to come near the claw thing! I feel stupid, but happy to discover this for myself xDD.


Name: Taffi

Age: 7

Gender: Girl

Character: Mimitchi

Weight: 37 lbs.

Generation: 1st

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3 (4/4)

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3 (4/4)

Stress: 0

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Genre: Jazz Music

Gotchi Points: 10,806,770

User Name: Fluff

~Band Stats~

Band Name: Kawaii

Genre: Jazz

Taffi - Mimitchi - Trombone

John - Togetchi - Harp

Paul - Dorotchi - Piano

Star Ranking: 1st

Tama Fans: 199,688,318

I have Gotchi Figures for both Taffi and Melony's husbands... KuroMametchi and Mametchi. o_O LOL, how interesting, chi. XD

~K~L-chi~ :wub:

Hey guys! :)

~*Music Star*~

Taffi and her Mametchi husband left their egg last night, which hatched into a baby boy! Last night we rented the movie Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, which I already saw once before that but was delighted to see my mom bring it home (I'm obsessed with the books XD <33) so I named the baby Soren! I think it'll be interesting when he joins a band, since the actual Soren is part of a 'band' (though not a musical band..) xD. If only the bands on the Music Star could have 4 members! Oh well xD.


Little Soren evolved into a Kuribotchi afterwards. :3 I was able to log him into TamaTown has a Petitchi and a Kuribotchi (I FINALLY got into TamaTown!! I spent hours on there last night xD) and played some games with him.. His Mommy left him 249 skill points in all three areas (Tone, Rhythm, & Original). Just a few minutes ago, Ms. Frill came and gave him a camera, too! ^__^ I also just now changed his instrument from Trombone to Piano, and gave him his camera to play with. ^3^




Melony and her KuroMametchi husband finally had an egg last night! It was sitting on the screen for about 5 or 10 minutes, but finally hatched- into a baby boy! Haha, first generation of tamas I got 2 girls, now I get 2 boys. xD Melony and KuroMametchi are still on the screen with their son; I'm guessing they'll leave tonight?


Hmm. Even though the Tama-Go evolves pretty quickly, the parents/adults sure do stick around for a long time. xD I guess it's just more realistic that way. Oh, I was able to log Melony onto TamaTown last night also! I was SO happy to be able to put in the chart thingy that I had actually gotten a Lovelitchi x3. I bought her a few cute outfits- a pink one (looks like Lovelin from the anime ^o^), a blue tennis outfit, and a cute red outfit. C: She also bought several items for her TamaTown room, like a Kuchipatchi poster (;D) and flowers. Oh, and she received a Belltchi Doll and a Lovelitchi Doll for logging in as both of those characters at one point. I wasn't able to log her in when she was a Shelltchi but I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to get another Shelltchi in the future :].


Soren just went to pre-school and played Jump Rope with a Hitodetchi. He won ;D


Stay tuned!


~K~L~ :wub:

Not much else has been happening with my Tama-Go and Music Star so far. I played a few games with each and stuff. Little Soren's taking a bath at the moment. :kuribotchi:

However, I did start up my Entama! ^3^ I started it up and hoped for a baby in the Kuchi family. The egg hatched, and it was a girl... in the Kuchi family!!! =D Though with a girl, I can't get Kuchipatchi, she's still in the Kuchi family. :3 I named her Mitsuki with a little heart and spiral after her name, since it was just 3 characters long (I used this guide to understand all of the Japanese), and played a bunch of games with her. She lost most of them but won a couple. :p I was going to take her to e-tamago but decided to wait.

After an hour, she evolved from a baby Kuchikotchi to a Kuchipetchi (not a surprise xD). She immediately went to bed after evolving. :zz: I might just wake her up later, but I'll probably just let her sleep. :)

I'm hoping that she turns into a Young Dorotchi for her Teen years. :3

~K~L~ :wub:

P.S. I might try to take some pictures tonight and upload them, if my wi-fi cooperates xD.


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