TMGC+C guide


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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2006
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Getting Started

Instruction Manual

The instruction manual is in Japanese only, but contains some diagrams we'll be referencing. Click here to see scans of it.

Insert Batteries and Press Reset

There is no pull tab to hatch it. You have to install two AAA-size batteries. The TMGC+C comes with batteries when purchased new. Look at the diagrams at the bottom of page 2 in the instruction manual. While pressing in on the small button in the middle of the battery door, the door can be removed by sliding it sideways. Many toys have one battery facing up, the other down, but in the TMGC+C both batteries are installed facing the same direction. After closing the battery door, press the reset button using something pointy but blunt, such as a straightened paperclip, or a flat toothpick.

Initial Setup

A short tune will play, then the date & time set screen will appear. I don't think I need to go into details for these steps. Anyone who has hatched any model Tamagotchi made since 2004 should be familiar with setting the date & time, your birth date, and entering a name. The name you enter here is your own, since this is the name your Tamagotchi character calls out when it needs attention. As with all Japanese-language Tamagotchis, only Japanese alphabet letters are available when entering the name. If you can't read them, just enter anything; it won't effect your Tamagotchi character. After this, an egg will appear on the screen. It will hatch in a minute or so.

Turning the Sound On & Off

While inside the house, and while no icons are lit, press and hold the C (right) button, then press the A (left) button. A Sound on / off menu will appear. The top option is on, the bottom option is off.

Adjusting the Date & Time

While inside the house and while no icons are lit, press the B (middle) button until the clock screen appears. The B button is used to scroll through inside-the-house, outside-the-house and the clock screens, so you may have to press it more than once to get to the clock screen.

At the clock screen, pressing the A button by itself toggles between 12-hour and 24-hour time formats.

At the clock screen, press and hold the C button, then press the A button to go the clock-set screen.

Adjusting the Screen Brightness

At the clock screen, press and hold the C button, then press the B button to go to the screen brightness adjustment screen. The A button lowers the brightness, the B button increases the brightness, and the C button saves your setting and exits back to the clock screen. Even when set to its lowest level, the screen is easy to see in a normally lit room. You may have to use the highest level in bright sunlight.


There is no pause function. Leaving it at the clock-set screen will effectively pause it.

Screen Saver

If you haven't pressed any buttons for 30 seconds, the screen will turn off. Your TMGC+C is not paused; it's still running, just the screen is turned off. If your character needs attention you will hear her beep for you (unless you've turned the sound off.) Pressing any button turns the screen on. The button press turning the screen on is otherwise ignored, so you don't have to worry about accidently activating some function.

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Quick Guide for Experienced Tamagotchi Owners

You've gone through the initial setup and an egg has just hatched. The attention icon is on, and he's calling for you. A quick read through this post should help calm him down.

Keeping Jr. Alive

The status screens are shown on page 6 in the instruction manual. The first status screen shows hungry and happy levels. Hungry level is shown at the top of the first screen. The display ranges from four empty circles (in need of food) to four rice bowls. Immediately below this is the Happy bar graph. As happiness is increased, a pink bar moves towards the right. Hungry and Happy levels are all I'm going to explain at this point.

Feed Me

Activate the fork & knife icon (second from the left in the top row of icons.) The top entry in the menu is meals, and the second entry is snacks. As usual, meals fill hunger needs, and snacks increase happiness. Each entry has a sub-menu. Built-in meals include rice-ball, sandwich, and oden (boiled things on a stick.) Built-in snacks are banana, chewing gum, and sake (younger characters will refuse sake.)

Oh Poo!

If your character is doing the shuffle and is surrounded by wiggle lines, or if he's already poo'd, activate the toilet icon (middle in the top row of icons.)

Play With Me

To play games you need to go to the Game Center. Activate the door icon (second from the right in the top row of icons.) Note: you can't go out during certain types of bad weather. When the door icon is activated, the destinations menu will appear. The Game Center is the first entry on the first page. Once you've arrived at the Game Center, you'll be be able to select from three games: catch the apples, card match, and target shoot.

Catch the Apples: each apple changes from green to yellow to red before falling. Catch them in the basket. Avoid the bug. A (left button) = move basket to the left, B (middle button) = move the basket to the right, C (right button) = quit the game. When the basket is at the left, pressing A moves it to the right-most position. When the basket is at the right, pressing B moves it to the left-most position.

Card Match: you'll get a brief glimpse of the cards before they're turned face-down. Match the pairs, but avoid the demon card.

Target Shoot: hit all three targets within 9 seconds. Avoid hitting the demon balloon(s). A = move the bow down, B = shoot, C = cancel. When the bow is at the bottom, pressing A moves it to the top.

I Don't Feel So Well

If a skull or decayed tooth appears as shown at the top of page 13 in the instruction manual, you need to administer some medicine. To do so, activate the first-aid kit icon (left-most on the bottom row of icons.)

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Menus & Stats Screen Translations


Screen 1

The first status screen shows hungry and happy levels. Hungry level is shown at the top of the first screen. The display ranges from four empty circles (in need of food) to four rice bowls. Note: there are two additional circles that are hidden, making 6 in total.

Immediately below this is the Happy bar graph. As happiness is increased, a colored bar moves towards the right. The maximum length of the bar can be increased by finding one or more of the seven hidden happy signs. Any hidden happy signs that you've found will be displayed in the seven circles at the bottom of this screen. These happy signs are not transferred from one generation to the next.

Screen 2

This screen shows your cash-on-hand; first item, and the number for prize tickets you have; second item. When you make a purchase from the TamaTamaMarket or TamaDepa, you may receive one or more prize tickets. More about redeeming prize tickets later.

Screen 3

There is a lot of information on this screen.

Top line: character type, e.g. "mametchi"

Middle left: gender - pink symbol for girl, blue for boy.

Middle right-upper: age

Middle right-lower: weight, in grams - g

Bottom line: generation.


Top menu entry is for Meals, bottom is for snacks. After selecting either, a catalog of available foods will appear, showing the picture of each item.


Note: you may not be able to go out, depending on the weather.

Screen 1

Numbering them 1 to 4, from top to bottom:

1.Game Center. Sub-menu: catch the apples, card match, target shoot.

2.TamaTamaMarket. After selecting the item you wish to buy, a confirm purchase question appears. The top selection is Yes, the bottom is No. Note: You can buy the yellow transit pass here.

3.Home Remodeling Center. Sub-menu 1st page: living room, kitchen, toilet, bathroom, 2nd page: bedroom. After selecting the room and style you wish to change to, a confirm remodel question appears. The top selection is Yes, the bottom is No.

4.Playground. Depending on the time of day, you can get a weather forecast, chat and play with some friends, or learn a helpful hint. Sometimes there isn't anyone else in the playground.

Screen 2

Numbering them 1 to 4, from top to bottom:

1.Prize redemption center. Note: you need to have at least one prize ticket to be able to go here. One or more prize tickets are given out when you make a purchase from the TamaTamaMarket or TamaDepa. After entering the prize redemption center, a confirm use ticket question appears. The top selection is Yes, the bottom is No.

2.Matchmaker. Note: this destination is enabled at the second dawn after your TMGC+C character becomes an adult. After viewing a prospective mate, an arrange marriage question appears. The top selection is Yes, the bottom is No.

3.Amusement Park. Note: you need to have the yellow transit pass to go here.

4.TamaDepa: Note: you need to have the yellow transit pass to go here. You can buy the white and green transit passes here. After selecting the item you wish to buy, a confirm purchase question appears. The top selection is Yes, the bottom is No.

Screen 3

Numbering them 1 to 3, from top to bottom:

1.Temple. Note: you need to have the white transit pass to go here.

2.Celebria - Movie Theatre. Note: you need to have the green transit pass to go here.

3.Gotchi King's Castle. Note: this appears as ?????? and you can't select it until you've found all seven hidden happy signs, and the eighth square (the red one) in the Happy bar graph is at least partitially filled in.

Connect (Heart)

The top menu entry is to connect to another TMGC+C via IR.

The middle menu entry is for inputting a universal password.

The bottom menu entry is for IR connection to some other devices: the "Heart DekaTama" (located in the TamaDepa store in Tokyo), and the DataCarddas "Fushigina Ehon" (arcade game in Japan.)

Treasure Chest

The top menu entry is daily necessities.

The middle entry is toys. Note: some items stored here may be used only by certain characters.

The bottom entry is where special items are stored. Note: some items stored here may be used only by certain characters.


The top entry is for friends, and the bottom entry is for those characters that have died in your care. If you press the B (middle) button while viewing an entry in your friends list, a "good-bye" prompt appears. Select the upper option to delete this entry from your friends list, or the lower option to keep it.


When you press the Reset button on the back, a menu will appear. The top selection is Load, the bottom is Reset.

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Happy Signs

On the first stats screen, below the happy bar, there are seven circles. If you find one of the seven hidden happy signs, the maximum length of the happy bar will increase by one square, and an icon for the found happy item will be displayed in one of the seven circles.

The happy signs are (left to right):

1. see a rainbow = use the rainbow watering can on a day with puffy clouds

2. spot a shooting star = use the telescope on a clear night

3. find a four-leaf clover = use the magnifying glass on a day with puffy clouds

4. get a "winner" popsicle stick = eat ice-candy on-a-stick

5. discover a stem floating upright in your tea = drink Japanese tea

6. see heart-shaped cloud = in the sky on a day with puffy clouds

7. receive a visit from hapihapi = eat a candy heart from the hapihapi tree

Items 1 - 6 occur randomly. It's usually necessary to repeat each process multiple times.

Prize for finding all 7: The final entry in the door menus is revealed as the Gotchi King's castle. There you get to play a catch-style bonus game for up to 500 GP per visit.

Note: These happy signs are not transferred from one generation to the next.

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Food and Items


Onigiri: built-in

Sandwich: built-in

Oden: built-in

Omurice: purchase at TamaTama Market. Fills 2 hungry bowls

Hamburger: from the McDonalds Hamburger Tree. Fills 2 hungry bowls


Banana: built-in

Gum: built-in

Sake: built-in. A pre-adult character can't use this

Orange Juice: purchase at TamaTama Market

Green Tea: purchase at TamaTama Market

Ice-candy (popsicle): purchase at TamaTama Market

Cotton Candy: from a Mystery Tree

Doughnut: from a password

Daily Necessities

Mystery Seeds Package: built-in

Watering can: built-in

Scrub Brush: by redeeming a prize ticket

Hand Fan: by redeeming a prize ticket

Frying Pan Set: by redeeming a prize ticket

Umbrella: by redeeming a prize ticket

Shovel: by redeeming a prize ticket

Vacuum Cleaner: by redeeming a prize ticket

Rainbow Watering Can: by redeeming a prize ticket

Yellow Transit Pass: purchase at TamaTama Market

White Transit Pass: purchase at TamaDepa

Green Transit Pass: purchase at TamaDepa

Hapihapi Seeds Package: from a password

McDonalds Seeds Package: from a password

Letter Seeds Package: from a password


Magnifying Glass: purchase at TamaTama Market

Telescope: purchase at TamaTama Market

Dumbell: from a Mystery Tree

Artists Palette: from a Mystery Tree

Piano: from a Mystery Tree

Hair Ribbon: from a Mystery Tree. Only Oyajitchi & Otokitchi can use

Story Book: from a Mystery Tree. Only Chamametchi & Lavuzukintchi can use

3-D Glasses: from a Mystery Tree. Only Gorippatchi & Memetchi can use

Tamatebako - aging box: from a Mystery Tree. Only Furawatchi & Young Mametchi can use

Lab Coat: purchase at TamaTama Market. Only Mametchi & Meidotchi can use

Guitar: purchase at TamaTama Market. Only Kuromametchi & Nemutchi can use

Invisibility Cape: purchase at TamaTama Market. Only Gozarutchi & Shimashimatchi can use

White Cream: purchase at TamaDepa. Only Ichigotchi & Makiko can use

Golf Set: purchase at TamaDepa. Only Marotchi & Ojitchi can use

Hero Set: purchase at TamaDepa. Only Kikitchi & Kuchipatchi & Patchiman can use


Red Thread: purchase at TamaDepa. Acts as a love charm

Thinning Drink: purchase at TamaDepa. Weight goes down by 20 grams each time it's used

Tree Grow (nyokinyoki): purchase at TamaDepa

Springy Shoes: purchase at TamaDepa

Letter: from a Letter tree

Hapihapi Heart: from a Hapihapi Tree

Mochi: from a password or as a connection gift

Ohanami picnic set: from a password or as a connection gift. A pre-adult character can't use this

Umeboshi: from a password or as a connection gift

Chocolate: from a password or as a connection gift

Cookie: from a password or as a connection gift

Kashiwa mochi: from a password or as a connection gift

Watermelon: from a password or as a connection gift

Shaved ice: from a password or as a connection gift

Tsukimi dango: from a password or as a connection gift

Candy: from a password or as a connection gift

Baked sweet potato: from a password or as a connection gift

Christmas cake: from a password or as a connection gift

Passwords for Free Stuff

Here is a list of all TMGC+C passwords we know of so far.

Sponsored Items

TamaDepa doughnut___80155 05372

McDonalds seeds_____17140 03794

Hapihapi seeds______84328 41937

Letter seeds________93151 09844

Connection Gifts


Chocolate__________a14751a26428a(February; when connecting it's given to boys only)

Cookie_____________m13231m37549m(March; when connecting it's given to girls only)

Ohanami picnic set_a82643a70716a(April)

Kashiwa mochi______T41286T51789T(May)



Shaved ice_________k37017k98238k(August)

Tsukimi dango______.92849.51716.(September)


Baked sweet potato_o58748o72213o(November)

Christmas cake_____m37414m95226m(December)

You may get one of the above connection gifts by connecting two TMGC+C during the specified month. If you don't have another TMGC+C to connect to, you can still get the gift, by entering the password for it.

How to Enter a Password

To input a password, activate the heart icon in the upper right corner, then select the second second menu entry. A password-input screen will appear with two rows of five digits, like this:



The one that looks like this 0 will be blinking.

Pressing the A (left) button changes the value of the number at the current cursor location (the blinking location.) Each press increases the number by one. After 9, the number goes back to 0.

Pressing the B (middle) button moves the cursor to the next location to the right. When the cursor is in the right-most location in the upper row, B will move the cursor to the left-most location in the lower row. When you are done setting the number in the lower right corner, press the B button to signal you're done.

Pressing the C (right) button moves the cursor to the previous location to the left. When the cursor is in the upper left corner, press C button to cancel and exit back to the heart menu. When the cursor is in the left-most location in the lower row, C will move the cursor to the right-most location in the upper row.

Starting with a clear password entry screen, like this:



Pressing A eight times will make it look like this:



Then pressing B two times will make it look like this:



After that, pressing A one time, we should see this:



We're well along our way to inputing the password for the TamaDepa doughnut (80155 05372)

Eventually the password input screen should look like this:



Now, one final press of the B button and we're done.

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Home Remodeling

If you're bored with your TMGC+C character's accommodations, you can change their room styles. Visit the home remodeling show room to see the options available: activate the door icon, and then select the third entry on the first menu page.

At the show room you will be presented a two-page menu, listing the rooms you can remodel. Here is a translation:

First Page

1. Living Room

2. Kitchen

3. Toilet

4. Bathroom (the room where your Tamagotchi character takes a bath)

Second Page

1. Bedroom

After selecting a room, you can choose from four new styles. There are five styles in total; your current style isn't shown. Remodeling costs are the same for each room. Here is a list of the styles and their prices.

0 ordinary (default)

1000 Japanese traditional style

1500 Mountain hut style

2000 Cool

3000 Royal

After selecting the room and style you wish to change to, a confirm remodel question appears. The top selection is Yes, the bottom is No.


(1) Each room is remodeled individually. For example, if you select Living Room -> Japanese traditional style, only the living room will be remodeled, and you will be charged 1000 GP.

(2) Remodeling styles are not incremental. For example, to go to the Royal-style kitchen will cost 3000 GP from your current kitchen style - no matter if your current style is ordinary or cool.

(3) You can revert to "ordinary" at no cost, however there is no refund and there is no discount on future remodeling projects. For example, if after reverting a room from Japanese traditional style to ordinary you decide you want Japanese traditional style again, it will cost 1000 GP.

(4) If you remodel every room in your character's home to the Royal style, the outside of their home will automatically also be remodeled to a Royal style. (Outside renovations work only for Royal style.)

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Once your Tamagotchi character has been an adult for two sunrises, she can mate.

Finding a mate through the matchmaker

To visit the matchmaker, activate the door icon, scroll to the second page of the destinations menu, and select the second entry from the top.

There is no daily maximum number of times you can visit her.

After mating, your adult character returns to their home with one baby.

Finding a mate through connection

Once two characters have reached the proper age and friendship level they may mate if connected. When this happens, both characters jump up off the screen. An "away" sign (written in Japanese) appears on the screen of one of them. A small church appears on the other. (See the illustration at the top right of page 12 in the manual.) They kiss, then the mating fireworks appears on the screens of both TMGC+C. When the fireworks are done, each character appears back in their home. The female gives birth to two babies, one of which soon jumps up off the screen to the father's home.

Mating Seniors - Otokitchi or Ojitchi

The seniors, Otokitchi and Ojitchi, can mate, but only to each other. If you don't have a second senior to connect to, your senior can visit the matchmaker. (For details see the matchmaker section above.)

On the TMGC+C, Otokitchi and Ojitchi's child can be either male or female. After the normal one hour baby stage, the child will grow directly to adulthood; boys into Ojajitchi, and girls into Gorippatchi.

When the parent leaves

Once the baby arrives, the adult plays with the baby for a few seconds, then the baby takes a nap. While the baby is napping, the adult leaves. Yes, you read that correctly. After mating, the adult stays with the baby for only a very short time - only about 2 minutes.

The baby wakes up soon after the adult has left, crying for attention; its hungry and happy levels empty. Speaking of happy levels - any colored squares you've added by finding happy signs are not passed down from the parent. The baby's happy meter consists of only one colored square.

Gotchi points, purchased foods and items (including transit passes), and home improvements remain for the baby.

Friendship Levels

There are two types of friendships; those between to characters of the same gender, and those between two characters of opposite gender. The friendship level is written in a color bar below each character in the friends list. The color of the bar is different for each friendship level, so if you can't read Japanese, you can tell their friendship level by the color of the bar.

The below chart shows how many times you have to connect to achieve the various friendship levels, the color of the bar, and the name of the level.

For opposite gender:



13-19_magenta_____koibito_____in love

20____red_________netsuai_____deeply in love

For same gender:



13-19_orange______shinyuu_____best friend

20____red-orange__daishinyuu__super best friends

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How Long Each Growth Stage Lasts

Egg + 1 minute = Baby

Baby + 1 hour = Toddler

Toddler + 24 hours (1 day) = Teen

Teen + 48 hours (2 days) = Adult

Adult + 2 sunrises = now can mate

Adult + 168 hours (7 days) = Senior

Note: the child of a senior grows from baby to adult in 1 hour, skipping the toddler and teen stages.

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Reaction From Visting the Temple

One of the places your TMGC+C character can visit is the temple. It's the top entry of the door icon's third menu page. You need the white transit pass to visit the temple.

After being greeted by the shrine maiden, your character will pray at the temple, then shake a fortune (omikuji) from a box. The kanji symbols on the stick indicate your character's fortune. In the TMGC+C the various fortunes are color-coded. From good to bad they are: great blessing (red), middle blessing (orange), small blessing (blue), blessing (green), and curse (black). The chance of getting each of the five colors is equal; 20%

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Redeeming Prize Tickets

When you make a purchase from the TamaTamaMarket or TamaDepa, you may receive one or more prize tickets.

These tickets can be redeemed at the Prize Redemption Center. It's the top entry of the door icon's second menu page. You need to have at least one prize ticket to be able to go here.

After entering the prize redemption center, a confirm use ticket question appears. The top selection is Yes, the bottom is No.

When you redeem a ticket, a big drum is spun and a colored ball drops out. The color of the ball determines the prize your character will get.

This chart shows the ball color, the prize and the chance of winning that prize.

Black___Scrub Brush___________30%

White___Hand Fan______________20%

Green___Frying Pan Set________15%



Red_____Vacuum Cleaner________10%

Gold____Rainbow Watering Can___5%

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Character Color Changes

If your character didn't have a bath the night before, she may wake up a different color from being dirty. Skipping one night's bath will make her brown. Skipping two night's baths will make her dark-grey. These color changes are not permanent. Simply give her a bath and she'll return to her normal clean color.

There are two semi-permanent color changes that can occur. If Kuchipatchi (or Patchiman) is fed Orange Juice three times in a row, he will turn orange. If Shimashimatchi is fed Watermelon three times in a row, he will become green with black stripes. A bath will have no effect on these color changes. Both will wake up their normal color the next morning. For Kuchipatchi or Patchiman, using the Hero Set to transform him into the other character will make him green again.

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Wake & Sleep Times

All characters wake at 7:00 AM

Here are the go to bed times:

Kuribotchi_____8:00 PM

Ahirukutchi____8:00 PM

Sakuramotchi___8:00 PM

Memepetchi_____8:00 PM


Young Mametchi_8:00 PM (good teen)

Chamametchi____8:00 PM (good teen)

Kikitchi_______9:00 PM (bad teen)

Ichigotchi_____9:00 PM (bad teen)


Mametchi______10:00 PM (good adult)

Kuromametchi__10:00 PM (good adult)

Kuchipatchi____9:00 PM (avg adult)

Patchiman______9:00 PM (avg adult)

Shimashimatchi_9:00 PM (avg adult)

Gozarutchi_____8:00 PM (bad adult)

Nemutchi_______8:00 PM (bad adult)

Oyajitchi_____10:00 PM

Memetchi______10:00 PM (good adult)

Furawatchi____10:00 PM (good adult)

Lavuzukintchi__9:00 PM (avg adult)

Meidotchi______9:00 PM (avg adult)

Marotchi_______8:00 PM (bad adult)

Makiko_________8:00 PM (bad adult)

Gorippatchi___10:00 PM


Ojitchi________8:00 PM

Otokitchi______8:00 PM

Hunger & Happy Loss Rates


Kinotchi________3_H___5 minutes








Young Mametchi_60_/__60























Note: Hunger = 1 rice bowl empties.

Note: Poo rate = 1 poo for every two hungry. Example: poo rate for Kinotchi is 6 minutes.

Note: Happy = 1 column of happy empties. There are 10 columns in a square.

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To plant a tree, activate the treasure chest icon, then select the first menu entry. Scroll through the inventory items shown in this catalog until you reach the seed package you're seeking, and then select it. You can have only one tree growing at a time. After you've harvested a tree, you can plant another to replace it.

Mystery Seeds Package - You get a free package of these in your inventory when you start a TMGC+C. The types of trees you can get from these seeds are:

Cotton Candy


Artists Palette


Hair Ribbon

Story Book

3-D Glasses

Tamatebako - aging box



Money (you get a one-time payout of 500, 1000, or 2000 GP on the day it ripens.)

Hapihapi Seeds Package - This comes from entering the password hidden on the Tamaeiga (Tamagotchi Movie) web site. These seeds grow into a Hapihapi tree. The harvest from this tree is a Hapihapi Heart. Consuming the Hapihapi Heart will summon Hapihapi to visit your character.

McDonalds Seeds Package - In November 2008, a special DVD was available from McDonalds in Japan. The TMGC+C password for the McDonalds Seeds Package was hidden among the video clips on this DVD. These seeds grow into a Hamburger tree.

Letter Seeds Package - This comes from entering the Exile password. Yes, this password also works on regular TMGC+C models. These seeds grow into a Letter tree. Using a Letter summons a random member of Exile (a Japanese musical group) to visit your character.

Tips & Tricks:

Normally it takes several days for a tree to mature. Your character should visit her tree every day, to ensure it's growing well. You can go outside to check your tree by pressing the B (middle) button while no icons are lit. The B button is used to scroll through inside-the-house, outside-the-house and the clock screens. Caution: If your character's happiness is low on the day the tree matures, there's a 50% chance the tree will die.

If you purchase the "nyokinyoki" bottle from TamaDepa and use it on a sapling, it will grow into a full size tree in a few seconds.

If you can't afford the "nyokinyoki" bottle, you can cheat. Set the clock to 6:59 AM and wait one minute. As soon as your character has woken up, check your tree. Repeatedly do this until your tree is full grown. (This should take no more than 3 tries.)

Character & Growth Chart

Which character you get depends on three factors: gender (male vs female), generation number (odd vs even), and the quality of care you provide (good, average, or bad.)

Definition of a care miss: When the hungry or happy meter completely empties, the attention icon will light, and a speech bubble will appear as the character calls for you. After 15 minutes the attention icon will go out and the speech bubble will disappear. At this time the character may become ill, requiring first aid. Once the attention icon has gone out, you can bring the hungry or happy meter up above empty.

Care, in regards to toddler to teen growth: A toddler with three or fewer care misses becomes a good teen. A toddler with four or more care misses becomes a bad teen.

Care, in regards to teen to adult growth: A teen with no care misses becomes a good adult. A teen with one, two or three care misses becomes an average adult. A teen with four or more care misses becomes a bad adult. Either teen can become a good, average, or bad adult.

Click here to see the TMGC+C Character & Growth Chart.

Note: when you click the link, the image may appear scaled down to fit your screen. If you move your mouse over the image, the mouse pointer should change into a magnifying glass with a plus (+) in it. (If it does not, click the image first, or press F5.) When it's as such, click the image to see it full size.

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