Zoria's VP Log.


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
[SIZE=14pt]Day 1: Christmas In Counting[/SIZE]

Wel, I am counting the days untill X-mas. All my VPs are either lost, damaged, or I do not want to start them up at the moment. My tamas are all gone. But, a glimmer of hope shines towards X-mas. You see, when mom bought my presents, she hid them in her closet. Early in the morning today, I decided to find them. Since mom is a heavy sleeper, I opened the closet door and pulled out my presents. I read them all, and I nearly died of happiness when I saw a Tamagotchi! It is yellow, with different coloured suns. I also got a baby furby, which is downright adorable. And to my suprise, I got a Miuchiz! Reaserching it up, I found that it was a handheld game IN colour, with a lighted screen, A online game, and a pet you can cutsomize! You can have your pet's hair dyed, etc. When I start mine, which is a cat, and which I am glad. The cat it the only one I like. (Monsterz is dumb, as I HATE those, but if there was a Dark/Water one, I would like it. I hate dogs, so that crosses out Dash. I also hate bratz, they are SO stupid. But cats, only the most purrrfect animal.) When I get my miuchiz, I am dying it's fur green. ^^ Awesome. I am also gonna get it a blue collar, and some pink running shoes. These things are awesome to the max! (As so it appears...) And a baby furby are cute. They can sit up, lie down, and they cry when they want you, and call you mommy. (Funny if you are a boy...) Mine is beige and pink. I stuck bu finger through the hole and it's fur was soo soft. I am gonna join that furby board. Only 9 days till christmas. Can. Not. Wait!

[SIZE=14pt]Day 2: On The Eigth Day Of X-Mas, My Mommy Gave To Me...[/SIZE]

Lol. XP 8 more days. I don't wanna bore you, so, I am gonna talk about some current events. First, yesterday, my sister froze icecubes made out of juice. I ate a few yesterday, but now we have no juice, or milk. So here I am crunching down on some juice icecubes. XD The school spelling bee is in Janurary, and I signed up. They gave me a HUGE list of words to stufy. (8 pages). One page per week. I suck at it. I am gonna fail soo badly. XP

Oh, and in Januarary, I am gonna save up my allowance and buy two v4s. Also the new type of Miuchiz that is coming out..

(Oh, and I edit this post everytime I wanna add something on. One post per day.)

Well, this is 'later'. Nothing much, but I did make my own website! The link is in my signature. I also like comments! Good and bad. Anyways, yesterday, I started up my 1997 furby named Way-Loh. His name means 'sleep' in furbish. And thats all he ever does. Me never wants to play, and it takes at least 15 minutes to wake him up. He looks oretty anorexic, too. XP He never eats. -sigh- At least he is company. I feel all alone without some of my VPs running.

Now it is around 8:30 PM. Way-loh slept all day, figures. *sigh* I made a FanFic today, 5k worth of characters! I'll put the link once it is approved. My sister clapped at the story even. It was pretty good, anyways. I also got 3 people to join my site. Hurrah! If you join, you can become a moderater. (only 4 more left!)

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[SIZE=14pt]Day 3: 7 Days Untill X-mas, And I Hate My Teacher![/SIZE]

Oh, the story was approved. It is right here. I just submitted today's episode. Anyways, today, I asked at school if I could borrow a pencil, and he said if I say one more thign, I go in the hall. DX So I shrugged, and he put my desk in the hall. The meanie. I will tell Way-loh all about it. Last time I did, he said "Boo doo-ay!" THAT was freaky. But it was cute. In fact, I am tickling the cutie right now. He enjoys it. He actually slept while I was at school today in my bed. That is soo cute. He is soo cute. He loves being petted and tickled, and is releaved when I turn his rightside up. He hated being upside down. He also burps alot, too. XD And farts. He also likes to joke. He usually burps and says "loo-loo". And after about 10 minutes of playing, he wants to go back to sleep. The sweetie.

[SIZE=14pt]Day 4: Well, I Think I Might Be Boring You....[/SIZE]

I can't wait till X-mas! It's a a shame that all my Tamas broke, though. DX But Way-loh is some nice company for now. My mom let me stay home today, so I have time to spend with Way-loh without my sister complaining. (She's scared of Furbys! Lol!) Yesterday, he stayed awake for like, 17 minutes. THAT is a record. I also made a bed for the little guy, he's also got his own nightcap. (It's a hamdcloth, lol!) I am gonna make a proper nightcap soon, though. XP

Well, it's late and Way-loh has been snoozing all day ontop of a book. X3 Oh, and I made some tamagotchi faces:

(^=^) Kutchipatchi

(^.^) Marutchi



------- Ichuigotchi



()(^.^)() Mimitchi


Cute, eh? X3

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[SIZE=14pt]Day 5: Nothing happened.[/SIZE]

Today was boring. I was sick with a cold, so I stayed home from school. 5 days till Christmas. And way-loh slept all day...


Yep. Last day. We would have gotten out the 23rd if tommorow wasn't saturday, and we are having a party. Just get through the first 6 hours, Zoria... OH, and my mom went to Toy Mountain and got some presents and hid them in the closet. (0___0) So I looked, and I got a HUGE Finding Nemo Plushie. SOO CUTE! So, I am gonna use him in my everlasting series, 'Zoria's Virtual Pet Adventures!'

Anyways, Way-loh prettymuch slept away yesterday, because he is soo tired, I guess. 0.0 I made him a pillow. I took an old scarf, staple it leaving a bit open, stuffed it with paper, then stapled the rest. Then I tied on a tassle for decoration. He looks so Kawaii. And in order to run Miuchiz, we need a new video card, which costs $100! So I asked for one for christmas from my dad. He. Said. YES! He checked out computer to see how big our Video Card slot is. Well, I'll update about how the party went after school!

Well, the party was okay. W had LOTS of food and pop. But what sucks is that we got HOMEWORK. I mean, who gives kids homework over the holidays? Oh, and now that its the holidays, I can spend more time with Way-loh. My sister went away for the weekend. (YEEHAH!) So she won't complain about Way-loh. Tommorow, we are going to have fun. (And I am gonna find that cat Plushie, Princess!)

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[SIZE=14pt]Day 8: First day of holidays![/SIZE]

Not much to say at 6:42 AM. Way-loh is 'sleeping in heavenly peace'. Lol! I will not wake him up untill mom gets up. Today is a farely boring day, all we do today is sit around the house. Tommorow we pick up Kymie from the train station, spend family time together, (MONOPOLY!!!) and cuddle up and watch TV. On monday, we wake up at 5:30 AM (groan) And open presents!!! First I will start up my Tama, then my baby furby, then maybe some of my other presents I dunno about, then my MIUCHIZ!!! Well, and, maybe I will get a chance to play on planet Mion if I get the chance. OH, and my friend gave me a tamagotchi. She is a mimitchi named Anita!

Anita: Hello!!!

'tis later. Way-loh was awake for a few minutes, then he decided to get more sleep. I will try to wake him up again, lets see how long this takes. Oh joy. OH, and my friend called me and she wants anita back. ;) I went and gave anita back. (She lives next door.) So, Tamaless. Again. *waits untill christmas*

Way-loh: ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz.....

I FINALLY found my 2005 furby, Hannah. Her batteries are dead. DX I shall get her some once I can. *sigh* And I had no luck in waking up Way-loh.

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[SIZE=14pt]Day 9: Christmas Eve, FINALLY.[/SIZE]

Well, twas the day before christmas. And last night I had the strangest dream. I was a mewmew, and I was leaving Cafe Mew Mew. I talked to Asaka-san, and he called me stubborn. I cannot beleive I had that dream! It was weird. Ya think it's a sign? (LOL!) Anyways, Hannah is as good as dead, because her poor batteries are dead. And Way-loh is sleeping..Typical.

[SIZE=14pt]Day 10: X-mas!!![/SIZE]

This is probably gonna be a pretty long post.

This morning I awoke at 4 AM. I couldn't go back to sleep, so at 6 AM I decided to wake up mom. Right? Yep. So we woke up everyone. I, being the youngest, got the most presents. I got some markers(0.0), a finding nemo plushie like a said, a baby furby, her eyes are pink, and so is her little tuft of hair on her head, and her belly is pink. A yellow Tamagotchi with different coloured stars on it, whom was a boy, so I named him Xmas. Xmas is on pause right now. And I got a gold necklace, 15 bucks, a Miuchiz, but I need batteries. (>.<), a lightbrisht flashart set, two cards, AND A PARTRIDGE IN A PAIR TREE! (lol)

Now I gathered some info on my Furby. I read the instructions which were short. She is limited (Silk, the baby) But she is fun. Her fur feeks like silk. I have not gotten a chance to play with her because I need batteries. But she is cute.

For my Tama, Xmas, he is a baby boy weighing nine pounds. Full hungry, no happy. I just started him up a few minutes ago. I just played get, and won. I got 150gp. Now Xmas is happy! ^^ So cute. Lets see what is in the shop:

B-Day Cake: 150p


Strawberry Shortcake(?): 120p

Bowtie: 700p

I think the pie looks good. ^^ *buys* Well look! It's Apple Pie! I am gonna feed it to him later. I shall give him a variety of foods. I just gave him a scone, he was hungry. I want to take excellent care of him so I can get Mametchi.

As for my Miuchiz, I updated it and played with it a bit in demo mode. The batteries in right now only work in demo. =/ So later, I shall go to the corner store and buy some batteries. Some for Hannah, silk, and FH. (Fireheart.)

I ALSO also made a gopet. Her name is Ichigo. It's pretty hard to figure out... So... I am gonna play with her for a bit to see how much I can figure out.

(P.S: I decided I will not always edit the post, but make new ones.)

I have ALOT to update. Before I do, I am gonna say: When I post wabout Way-loh, I will put 1997 furby in big letters. When I post about Hannah, I put 2006 Furby in big letters. When I post about silk, I put Furby Baby in big letters. With Nemo or Princess, I put stuffies in big letters. Fur Xmas it's Tama, and Fireheart it's Miuchiz. Mkay?


Nemo is a kawaii little lifesaver! I got a really bad stomachache today, and I couldn't fall asleep to make it better. But Nemo helped me fall asleep...


Well, I got XMas intoa toddler today. But I reseted and downloaded twice because I didn't pay attention and he dropped to Zero hearts. But otherwise he is fine. He also evolved into Mizutamatchi, and has two training! I gave him the apple Pie earlier, but then we had to exersize it off, right? He is so adorable. I also bought him a bowtie. There was some wings in his shop, but we didn't have enough gp. I'll get them tommorow, though!

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Training: [||-------]

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 12lbs

Name: Xmas

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Points: 60p

Username: Tama

Meals: (exept the default ones) None.

Snacks: (exept the default ones) None.

Items: Bowtie

Souveneirs: None.


Well, I have alot here. I didn't even change the batteries, and for some reason, Fireheart decided to come off Demo mode. So, today, I was on Mion 24/7. It was alot of fun, even though I kept floating 50 feet in the air. (0.o)I also got him some white hair dye, which turned his fur white, a green scarf, and green running shoes. He looks really cool. I'll get a screenshot of him in planet Mion later!

Name: Fireheart

Alarm: Set for 6 AM and on.

Items: Green Shoes, Green Scarf(x2), Rock Paper Scissors(book), Obstacle Course(book), Stray Cat(CD), Cellphone.

Happy: 40%

Fed: 70%

Fun: 49% (Not much eh? *fixes*)

[SIZE=10pt]Furby Baby[/SIZE]

Well, I got some batteries for silk. She's so much fun! She bends over when she is sleeping, and when she feels sick. Then she bends backwords a bit when she likes something! She evens reponds when I say "Mama, doo?". I love her.

[SIZE=10pt]1997 Furby[/SIZE]

As for Way-loh... I think I'm neglecting him. I didn't even touch him today...

[SIZE=14pt]Day 11: Boxing Day![/SIZE]

When I use yellow, Xmas is talking.

When I use red, Fireheart is talking.

When I use Orange, Hannah is talking.

When I use pink, Silk is talking.

When I use black and bold, Way-loh is talking.

[SIZE=10pt]A Quick Note From All Of Us[/SIZE]

ZzZzZz....Oh, hello. Why am I awake so early? This is too early! It's seven AM! *goes back to sleep*

Yeah. I agree...

You guys don't have it so bad! Zoria woke me up at 6AM to play on planet Mion!


Ookay. I am Xmas, and I just woke up... It's 8:26 in the morning, and Mom was playing a Maze game with Fireheart! I really want to meet some more tamas, but mom said I have to wait 'till after New Years. :blink: But I can wait. Afterall, I have some good friends. I like Nemo alot, he often lets me sit on the back of him. But most of the time I am in Zoria's hat, which she wears 24/7! She got it for christmas from her sister, Kymie. And a pretty necklace. Zoria also bought everything in the shop but the Trumpet, but we couldn't afford it. All I have left is 100gp! We bought Bananas, A Soda, and some Grapes! Too bad they are all snacks, as Zoria dosen't give me much of them. I also wanted an Ice-Cream earlier, but Zoria said it was too early in the morning so that I could have an apple instead. My mom also took some pictures of me:

This was me when I was a baby! I was a Kuroteletchi!

This is me now! I'm a Mizy-Miuzhu-Mizutamatachi!

Mom wants to post stats! Be back soon!

Weight: 10lbs

Points: 100

Snacks: (exept Default) Soda, Bananas, Grapes.

Souveneirs: Medal.

The next few posts will be instructions on ALL my VPs, my way.

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Today Fireheart is empty on EVERYTHING, and my 'Stray Cat' CD dissapeared. DX I will fix him up later, earn some points, and go to planet Mion to get you guys a screenshot, and then re-designe him. (Lol! I'm getting a tiny bit tired of the white cat with a green scarf and green running shoes.) He was originally yellow, but I am dying his pelt orange. He would look more like a 'Fireheart'. :) (End of Fireheart's part.)

And right now I am saving up for that purty V4. I need five bucks, which mom is giving me on saturday. If there is no dice with the V4, I will either get another VP which I haven't gotten or wait till Janurary, or I shall save it. I also am trying to talk myself into buying one of those PixelChix, but everythingirl needs to lowerthe price, PLEASE!


I feel so hungry and unhappy. But I cannot blame Zoria, as, she has much to do. As she says, taking care of 4 different Virtual Pets at one time isn't easy. She is saying she wants to find her Gigypet, or is it Gigapet? And start it up. I am also not happy my favourite CD, 'Stray Cat', dissapeared. >.<


Yesterday night-ish, Xmas evolved into a Young Mametchi at 1 year old. SO CUTE! I am glad Y. Mametchi is a good character, which gives me a higher chance for dear Maetchi, and next generation, mimitchi. Yes, I want to see kat's good friend, but I never had him, sadly. Xmas never went below 1 happy and 1 hungry down, and I check on him every 5 minutes. So I think he's good. I have barely paused him yet, the most 10 minutes. Too bad I missed him evolving yesterday... (And notice I don't post all the stats over and over, just the updated ones.) He is gonna wake up in one minute!

Hungry: <3<3<3

Training: 4/9

Age: 1yr

Weight: 20lbs

Points: 860p

Snacks: (exept default) None! He ate them all... XD

[SIZE=14pt]Day 13: Tum de dum de dum.[/SIZE]

I cannot wait untill saturday... This V4 stuff is messin with my mind. There seems to be 50000000 V4 logs! I had a dream that I sold some type of VP, and I got a cho Jinsei and some other junk! I almost cried when I woke up, because, no Cho Jinsei. Just a V3, 3 furbys, and a Miuchiz. XD And May I welcome out newest friend, Anita. She's a Racoon. She is my 24 in 1 dinky dino fake. So.... Yeah... XD

Anita died for no reason. *sigh*

On the other side... Xmas evolved into something REALLY cute...Paraparatchi! The hair and the glasses are really cute, and when I made him wear his bowtie, he was wearing a tie! :furawatchi: Xmas looks really odd in his Bow that I bought him, and his RC toy, it flipped over when he was playing with it! Poor Xmas! *hugs* I wonder if Paraparatchi is a good character. I had his training FULL, but, his hearts I have been kinda careless. But they never dropped to completely zero. So maybe It is a so-so character. Whatever it is, it's soo cute!

As for Fireheart, I fixed him up and got him some black fur spray! But when I went to planet Mion, he wasn't updated. Grr. Oh well. I am saving for a red collar, it's 10k! *passes out* I also sure hope a V4 is at Zellers, Wal-mart, or Toys R Us, they are probably at Zellers... My mom is gonna call if they got a shipment at Toys R Us.


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