Zoria's Tama Log!


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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2007
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My name is Zoria, if you haven't seen me before. I am a Hardcore Tamagotchi lover. I mean HARCORE. I never have my tamas more than 3lbs overweight. But a idiot maxed out my only running Tama's weight. ;.; Anyways, I own 6 Tamagotchis. I run a Tamagotchi babysitting service at school with my best friend. Currently, he's taking care of a V2 and a V1, and he said he got another two. He said I could take care of the V3 and V4. Hmmm.

Anyways, lets meet my only running Tama, Myuusuu!

I have one running tama. It is a V4. My V4 is a Simasimatchi, and his name is Myu(u)su(u). He is a male Simasimatchi on fourth generation, and is 6 years old. He also has a baby girl. I wanna name the baby girl Aceus. I am naming all my tamagotchis after pokemon. Starting with number 493, and I count down. Number 493 is called Arceus.

Ooh! Myuusuu just went to bed. I go to bed the same time as him, so, I better go sleep right now. I'm dozing off in my Computer chair. See ya tommorow!

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Sorry for the short post last time.

Myuusuu is doing fine. He is seven years old today! I am positive he will leave his baby tonight. *sniffle* Poor Aceus. *sniffle*

Enough of THAT!

I plan on exersizing off ALL that weight today on him! He is 96 pounds! But not right now, of course, because he is sleeping. It's only 6:19 AM! I'm sure you think I'm Psycho to be up this time... eh?

Well, I just started up one of my 4 V3s. My green snakeskin V3. She turned out to be a Girl, and I named her Shay after number Shaymin. Isn't it cute!? Whenever I think of her, I think of a little green grass hedgehog. ^^

Anyways, let me tell you the tamas I own:

V1 (White) BROKEN.

V2 (Pink with flowers) Broken..

V2 (Blue with lollypops) STOLEN!

V3 (Green with Snakeskin) Just fine. ^^ (Shaymin)

V3 (Yellow with stars) It has a line of pixels in the screen that goes missing now and then, but...

V3 (Silver) Fine! Button are chewed. XD

V3 (light blue with flowers) Brand New. Never used. Still in package..

V4 (Black with lightning) Fine. (Myuusuu! ^^)

V4 (Glow in the dark) Fine!

The ones that say Shamin and Myuusuu are the eggshells they have! I wish I could still run my V1s and V2s. T_T Especially my V1. So simple to care for. Yet so charming. I get $100 at the end of the school year, and I'm gonna buy Pokemon Pearl and a P2. With the extra money (If I have some...) I am gonna get the V4.5!

I might as well put Pokemon Diamond in this log. Soooo...

I am training a Aerodactyl named Crowfrost. Crowfrost is female (see the gender ratio, thats rare!) and with a lonely nature. Scroll to the stats at the bottom of the page. Ya see that it isn't good in defense? Well, Lonely nature is +Attack and -Defense. But, the defense wasn't good to start off with. She also has plenty attack EVs. Her stats are gonna like, skyrocket. Over the max, I bet. ^^ She is all I am gonna talk about with PKMN diamond right now. Untill I get a Female eevee and a waterstone...

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Well, Myuusuu stayed 6 for the remainder of yesterday...

This morning I woke up. Shaymin is still 0 years old, and Myuusuu was 7. Now I check on him, a few hours later, and he's 8! No more Milkshakes for you, Myuu-kun! It may be secret potions! XD

I have alot to update.

Yesterday, Myuusuu, Shaymin, My Mom, and I all went down to the Rideau Centre down town. We all were cheering and happy because /our/ Senators won. =D I bought them both Milkshakes, and they drank that while we had a McFrothy! I had colored them black and red in pastel, and waved them around saying: "GO SENS GO!" We had the time of our lives! This was probably the last fun day I'd have with Myuusuu. We had also gone to the marketplace. I bought them both tama tassles, and a bracelet for me!

But on our way home, we all got scared. This creepy drunk guy kept talking to us, and following us on the bus. When I got off, I half expected him to follow us to my house. At least he didn't get off the bus. 0.0

So, after that, I went home and found 'lil Shay sound asleep. I flicked off her lights and put her in the box, I told her about Myuusuu leaving before she fell asleep, and she cried! Me and Myuusuu was sad that he had to leave little Aceus. So me and Myuusuu turned on some comedy, and we dosed off both around 10:00 PM.

As you can see, I love to do stuff with my tams. We even dose off around the same time, sometimes! But I talk to my tamas because I love them so much... Back on topic, I am lucky, because I have an extra day with Myuusuu. We are really gonna lounge around without much exitement. Watch comedy, and do stuff like that. Shay can, too! Oh, Shaymin is awakening in about 9 minutes. >w< I was getting lonely, Shay! XD

My box has glass on the top and can fit about 16 tamas if piled on top. (8 can be put without piling.) So I can check on the two of them If I need to! Shay will be turning into a teen later on, I cannot wait!

And last but not least, I started up a Gameboy tama on my computer emulator named Shinou. Thats the Japansese name of the Pokemon Region, Sinnoh. Shinou is currently a Kurobabytchi, jumping back and forth happily! His meters are all maxed out, and I hope that he becomes a pretty Mame/Mimitchi!

AWWW, you named one crowfrost?LOL
Yeh I did. XD

I named a female one Shadow just to humiliate TTP. XDDDD

And my male is named Cinderpelt. I find this so funny...

[SIZE=12pt]MYUUSUU DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1[/SIZE]

1 second, he is empty on hearts all of a sudden! I finish my short post, and I check him. I ran to grab a pencil when I found both him and Areceus laying on the ground! When I found one, it was too late. I am SOO sad. and Shay is feeling down in the dumps She has been sad ALL day. I mean, she has cried at least 4 times. ;.;

I miss Myuusuu. He was such a good Simasimatchi. And I pressed A and C. I got a girl. Named her ACEUS as planned. Arceus is Fine. It just feels like she is trying to replace Myuusuu's daughter, Arceus. I know she isn't, but I feel that way...

Don't worry. I shall warm up to her, some time...

Anyways, lets have a look at Shay. Shaymin is blue, as I said, and she hasn't done much. She refuses to play games for no reason. *sigh*

So, after about five trys each time, she finally plays. But then my tamagotchi gets flimsy and dosen't play well. She has a few balls in her meals. She dosen't seem to like them much. Can't blame her, eh?

Shinou died. It was an accident. I thought the emulator froze when you minimized it! :D

So... as you see.

I am NOT happy.

I'm starting to like Arceus more and more...

Anyway, Arceus is a Mizutamatchi! I always get them, but they are always SOOO adorable! I also think I am the only one whom has never gotten Hanatchi. X.X

And Shaymin woke up at 8, evolved into Patapatatchi, then went back to sleep. She hasn't done much today. Hmm....

(And thanks Crowfrost. poor Myuusuu. ;. :p


I took the batteries out of my Silver V3 and put it in my V1. He is a Kurobabytchi named Dark, short for Darkrai. I love him, already!

Sorry for the ubber short post, my mom is gonna unplug the computer!

EDIT: PM me if you dare me to run 10 tamas at once!

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