Zoria's Lucky Tama Log!


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Oct 16, 2005
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[SIZE=21pt]Day 1, Tuesday March 14 2006[/SIZE]


GP: 25

Age: 7

Training: ||||||

Happy: <3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Items: Costume, Honey (love potion)

Latest Activity: Eating

Zorias Notes: Baby is a furawatchi. She also has a baby boy. I don't know what to name it. I will make a topic in "Whats on your mind?" Forum for names. Good idea? Anyways, Baby is a good natured Furawatchi. And I am proud of how good I took care of her to become a furawatchi.

Baby's Notes: This little kid is so cute! I will give my owner, Zoria the names that are on my mind. I am thinking strong for Kovu. Anyways! My owner is going to make the topic!

[SIZE=21pt]Day 2, Wensday March 15 2006[/SIZE]


GP: 44

Age: 8

Training: ||||||

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Items: Costume, Honey (love potion)

Latest activity: Having a Snack

Zoria's Notes: Ah! They chose the name Mushu! Anyways, little Flower and Baby Mushu is fine. While flower will leave baby Mushu tonight while the little guy is sleeping. This is my last cherished Day with flower!

Flower's Notes: I will be leaving for tamaplanet soon. I have a few snacks and meals packed up. I am waiting for the UFO to come tonight. I can't beleive they chose the name Mushu for the little guy! Anyways I just read the Tama Times. It said that all tama's at 8 yrs or older must live in a parents home in tamatown. I wanted a normal house but that works for me! Free food. . . . .anyways I am going to go!


On friday, when I am getting my V3. . .I am supposed to get 5$. I am getting an extra 5$! So I can buy batteries for both tamas.


GP: 47


Weight: 83lbs

Training: ||||||

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Items: Costume, Honey (love potion)

Latest Activity: Having a snack. . . .

Zoria's Notes: It's 9 minutes away from my bedtime. . . .Baby is fading.

Baby's Notes: I should get a few hours of rest before I leave. My bags are packed beside my bed. I am going to bed soon. Zoria has done a tremendous job raising me. Goodbye My Foster Mum!

[SIZE=21pt]Day 3, Thursday March 16 2006[/SIZE]


On friday, I am not getting my V3 rom wal-mart.....But for SURE I am getting one from Toys 'r' us! They got a HUGE bin today! And I am going to be there at 8:30! Go V3!


GP: 52

Age: 0

Weight: 18lbs

Training: none

happy: <3 <3 <3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Items: Costume, Honey (love potion)

Latest Activity: Playing Jump

Zoria's Notes: I awoke this morning to find only 1 little Z. I had to go to school so I didn't have time to pause him. When I came back, I found him crying with the word BOY under him. I named him Mushu as promised.

Mushu's Notes: Mommy left. I now have Zoria to care for me. Mom just sent me a note! Here is what is says:

Dear Mushu,

I have just arived at Tamaplanet. It is a wonderfull place.

This is where I will live for the rest of my life. I might visit some time around. And dont forget to say Hi to Zoria!

~Your Mom
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GP: 220

Age: 0

Weight: 12lbs

Training: |

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Items: Boombox

Souveneirs: No. 1 Passport, No. 19 Ballons, No. 20 baseball cap

Latest Activity: Reiciving Beseball cap

Zoria's Notes: I FINNALY got my V3! It is a silver one. He is named Kovu. He is currently a mizutamatchi.....quite cute if you ask me! Ican't wait till he has a baby then leaves! I can visit him in Tamatown! I was a bit bad at the Get game, now I am pretty good! Mizutamatchi is soo cute. . . . . I hope he becomes a Mimiyoritchi! My username is Zoria.

Kovu's Notes: Wow! I have a great owner! She bought me a chest at the shop. It was on sale for 100GP! I opened it and found a boombox! I jammed and danced till pain rushed through my body. Next thing I knew I was a Mizutamatchi! My owner thinks it's cute when I put my leg up to my cheeck with a confused look. Being a Mizutamatchi is great. . . .oops! Gotta go get some codes!


GP: 614

Age: 0

Weight: 13lbs

Training: |

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Items: Boombox, !!(clone), Pen, Cuckoo Clock, RC car2, Stuffed Animal, Hairgel, Honey (love potion), Costume

Souveneirs: No.1 Passport, No.19 balloons, No. 20 Baseball Cap

Latest Activity: Donating 1p to King (Lol. . . .just wanted to see what it is like)

Zoria's Notes: I have really been showing my love for Kovu. I entered ALL the codes. And if you deafeat 2 rounds you get 164GP! 164GP compared to 20GP. . . . .wow. He seems to be hyper. Yet can sometimes be a suck-up Mama's Boy. I don't know why they call a Coocoo clock a Cuckoo clock. . .Or do I spell it wrong?

Kovu's Notes: Zoria got me a bunch of things! We even visited Tamatown earler! We walked by the Parents and Grandparents, I will live their once I have my own baby. But that is a far way ahead. So I will just wait. I really want to be a Mimiyoritchi!


GP: 107

Age: 0

Weight: 26lbs

Training: |

Happy: <3 <3 <3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3

Items: Costume, Honey (love potion)

Latest activity: Connecting With Kovu

Zoria's Notes: I left poor Mushu off pause while i was out. I found him all empty, sick AND had 3 poops. I cleaned it all up.

Roth's Notes: Bleh, nothing really happend exept that. . .I WAS NEGLECTED FOR 5 HOURS!!!!!


GP: 430

Age: 0

Weight: 11lbs

Training: ||

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Items: Boombox, !! (clone), Pen, Cuckoo Clock, RC car2, Stuffed Animal, Hair Gel, Noney (love potion), Costume, BLDG Block

Souveneirs: No.1 Passport, No. 19 Balloons, No. 20 Baseball Cap, No. 21 Teddy Bear, No. 23 CD, No. 24, Rare Shoes, No. 28 Bandai ribbon, No. 29 Microphone, No. 30 Suitecase

Latest Activity: Connecting with Mushu

Zoria's Notes: This guy is less needier than a V2 adult! He has only pooped once and dropped a hungry heart since he evolved. Wow. . . . .

Kovu's Notes: Mushu is my best pal! We got in trouble with Roth today. Although while we were in the Tamagotchi Mall in tamatown, I acidentally woke up that Mametchi that is on the bench. We bought the blocks earlier.


Age: 7

Weight: 69lbs

Training: ||||||

Happy: <3 <3 <3

Hungry: <3 <3

Latest Activity: Pooping

Zoria's Notes: He is just a V1, yet I love my Roth. He is my tama who's Batteries went out a while ago. I got new batteries for him while I was at Toys 'r' us.

Roth's Notes: I have a baby girl. Yet I am noy sure what to name her. . . . . .


Kovu is asleep.....and the rest are awake.

Edit: AND Mushu evolved into Puroperatchi!!!!!! :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

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He Woke Up!


GP: 349

Age: 0 (He should turn one today)

Weight: 12lbs

Training: ||||

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Items: Boombox, !! (clone), Pen, Cuckoo Clock, Rc Car2, Stuffed Animal, Hairgel, Honey (love potion), Costume, BLDG Block, Make-up, Umbrella, Ball

Souveneirs: No. 1 Passport, No. 19 Balloons, No. 20 Baseball Cap, No. 21 Teddy Bear, No. 23 CD, No. 24 Rare Shoes, No. 28 Bandai Ribbom, No. 29 Microphone, No. 30 Suitcase

Latest Activity: Buying Ball

Zoria's Notes: He is not that steady on top of a ball. The first time he did it. The second and Third time he fell off. I got it at 100GP for a discount at the shop. Lol.

Kovu's Notes: I keep falling off the ball! I did it once. Oh well, I still have only donated 165GP to the King of Tamagotchis.


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