Zim's Log


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Nov 17, 2006
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;) Well i just want to recap, I started my log, but let me tell you what happened.

My tamagotchi hatced into a boy, I named him zim. After he was a baby, he grew into a tamatchi! He was sooooo cute. Now he is an obotchi! He is 3 yrs old. Hopefully he'll trun into an adult today! YAHOO! Well...i'll get back to ya

;) :lol: B) ;) YEAH! Zim grew into an adult today at school! Guess what he turned into!


LEAFTCHI! I never had one before! THis my FIRST ADULT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now just have to wait itll tomorrow, and i'll set the time and all....and i'll get the matchmaker! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :angry: :angry: :angry: ( that smilie is a furawatchi, it just looks like a leaftchi....so i consider it a leaftchi.

YAY! I'm happy. :) :)

Even though zim is a boy.....he really looks girly....you know the leaftchi thing. I never had a leaftchi! WOW im happy! I have noooooooooooooo idea how i got him! wow.... :angry: :angry: :angry: :lol: B)

LOL i caught him drinking coffee! It was soooooooooooooooooo funny! He was all smiling and there was a cup in front of him. HAHA yes that's right

I know this log isn't very good.....I started it when Zim was at the teen age. But I dont think anyone is really reading this. PLEEEEEEEAAASEEEEEE reply!

Zim is dancing right now. ( as always ) He is sooooooooooooooooo cute....( for looking like a girl 'n all..........)

Yesterday, for tahnksgiving a trukey came and chased my tamagotchi! It was funny! Zim was holding out his arms running away from it. Oh! I almost forget! He did the cutest thing yesterday! He walked up and kissed the screen! Oh i could have died! I thoguht they couldn't do that with v3's! Oh well! :)

Hello! I just want to remind, Tamamgotchi gurl will no longer be in charge of this log. I will. I am the same person, just a new account! :wacko: :ph34r: :( :( Thank you for understanding! <_< <_<

Well my batteries died so took them out and put them back in. :D *huff*

:p Well, it will take a while till the matchmaker comes. Because Zim is only 5 yrs old. His batteries keep dying and it's a real pain in da booty. :) :) :wacko: ^_^ ;) :( :kuribotchi: :huh:

:( :D I just realized something! My tama wasn't DRINKING coffee! He was brushing his teeth! Whoops sorry about that mistake there. And now, a little conversation with Zim.

me: So zim, how does it feel to finally be an adult?

Zim: I feel quite powerful. And in control.

Me: but you know who's really in control, right? ( points to self )

Zim: Yeah yeah don't remind me.

Me: so zim, what about that turkey incident?

Zim: OH please! Dont remind me! That turket bit my trousers. ( tuurns around and show me )

Me: Oh! Uh....okie dokie then!

Zim: Now leave me. I'm planning to rule the world.

I just read your log it really amused me i didnt get boerd atall well done!Please read my log its Sammy96s log pleaseee read and reply! ^_^ :angry:

Sorry pl about all the changes around here....I have a new user name. I will now have the same leafitchi avatar so you can recognize me. GIRAFFE GOTCHI GIRL WILL NO LONGER POST HERE! I am the same person, just a new account! Kisses!

Ssomething a bit sad....but happy has happened! :D

It's great to see Zim growing up...it really is. Yesterday, the matchmaker came! Its kind of sad i wont be seeing him that long anymore. :) :) :p


But Zim will come and visit his baby as SHE grows up too.

( yes zim had a baby girl.)

What happened was that when the matchmaker came, she sent Zim a very beautiful Pyonkotchi! They kissed and made love.

I'm proud to announce, This log is at it's end. Thank you so much for reading! :lol: :D

I will miss Zim a lot though. ;)
