Your friends in real life!


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Coconut Cream

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2007
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In this topic you can post about some of your good friends.

Molly: She's a little bit taller than me and she's really pretty. She has shoulder

length blonde hair and a really round nose. She's 7 days younger than me

but is way more mature! She is a really good friend. She's a cheerleader.

Baylee: Baylee Baylee Baylee. I don't know what to say about her.

Sometimes she's the funniest thing on the planet, other times she tries to

hard. She looks okay. brown hair to her upper back, a REALLY big nose.(yeah, I look at people's noses. Deal with it.)

She's a cheerleader too.

Katy: She's been my friend the longest. Older than all of us 12 year olds,

she's 14. She is a narutard just like me though! Sometimes she's moody..

well okay, alot of the time. But she's still awesome!

OK. I will

Joey: My b/f. I think I talk about him a little too much on the boards. He's two years younger than me, and because of that people sometimes tease me about that. He likes Tamas, and he has his own UraTama and V4. He's really sweet, very kind, smart for an 11 year old, and easygoing.

Mackenzie: If I had never met Joey, Mackenzie would be my best, best friend forever. But she still is :angry: . I love her as a Girl Scout sister, and we've known each other for about 4 years.

Jessica: She's been my friend since 2nd grade. She's really smart for a 13 year old, and very nice.

Maryann: I've been friends with her longest, since about 1st grade (6 years ago for us). She is a big Inuyasha fan, along with being in bitter competition with me for Sokka (from Avatar the Last Airbender. We both love that too) xD

Sarah: I luff Miss Sarah♥ She's like mah sis! We're gurls 4 life!

We've known each other since grade 1. I can't wait 'till I move to her school again! I luff u Sarah! xoxo


Ok, here's a few of my friends.

Whitney: My bestest friend ever. She was like my sister and we had a lot in common. I luff her!♥ But she moved to Missouri last year. <_<

Jinale: My best friend since Kindergarten! she's really nice and smart.

Izabella: She is a HUGE narutard x_x All she talks about is naruto.

Aazeen: She's really hyper and she's really funny. But sometimes she talks about gross stuff. x_x

Jennifer: She is an anime-obsessed freak. XD And shes funny.

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Bazla1234:she is one of my best friends at school and a great one she is tamacrazy like me

Gavi(my friends nickname):she is tamacrazy too and a best friend

Alisha:same for her too

Haleigh- We've been best friends since I was 3. She's really cool, and a great friend, and we have a lot in common. She's really pretty and likes all of the most awesomest things, and I tend to take after her. She's a bit less than a year and two months older than me.

Michelea- She's a great friend, and fun to hang around. She also has a really great sense of humor. I can make her laugh about 100 times a day xD Younger than me by a month.

Summer- Eh, she's okay. She's kind of a brat though. She's older than me by two years and two months.

Becca- A good friend, but I don't get to see her very often, considering she's in 7th grade.

Vincent- So totally very awesome I lurve him very much but he has a girlfriend :D Older than me by roughly a year and 11 months.

Spencer- He's very much like a brother to me. He's basically a giant teddy bear xD Older than me by a month. Also Michelea's boyfriend.

Ethan- Very cool guy. Not much else to say xD Older than me by two and a half years.

Trenton- He is my ultimate brotherly friend xD! I have no idea if he's older or younger than me o.o

Shalee- Awesome friend. Always there for me too. Her birthday is the same as mine, but she's eight hours older xD

Ciara- She's a really great friend, but our friendship is kind of dying. Older than me by three days.

Johnny- Cool guy. Dunno how much older he is. Shalee's boyfriend.

Rachel- Da awesomest person anyone shall evar meet >:0 She is like a sister to me, and she totally owns everyone above! D<

And finally I have a few more... but Rachel still owns them all xD

Marcia:Cool pretty and not atall bossy she's clever.She has long Black curly hair.

Louise:She's a btunette and she's a bit bossy she has gota friend nd she's weird

Well, I don't have many friends, and most of my friends I can't stand. >.> For different reasons..

Instead of telling you about my friends, why dont I show you? ^-^ <theres me, right? <theres my friend Julie. (uhhh... don't read her journal. She's kind of on a rant right now.) <my friend Michelle <my friend Terra <my friend Dana (she has.. some 1337 issues...) <one of my best friends (but not RL)

Uh.. I hope you don't think I'm advertising personal websites... I just think this will give you a better idea of my friends...

robbin my best friend like i like him he likes me but i know he likes me but he dont know i like him

bec second best friend

Ok Well theres

Ashley-My Best Friend, She is a Year and 8 days younger than me (my b-day. Sept.16 1993. hers- sept 8 1994) I've known her since she was three days old, She may be immature at times (well, most of the time, she Still needs her parents to tuck her in, she Still watches barney and all those horific kiddie shows that would make me Gag) but other than that she's a good friend, she goes to a Catholic School. At times i Can be Sarcastic and rude toward her but thats to shape her up. No offence to my friend but she's a crybaby. I also Know A Deep and Dark Secret of hers that i could easily use for blackmail. (if you really want to know, PM me. She doesnt care if i tell anyone as long as its not her parents)

Katie-Ok, Katie is my second Bestfriend, i've known her since i was in Kindergarden (she was in grade 1, now we're in the same grade cause she failed grade 1, but we go to different schools) She is in love with Chris Benoit, John Cena,Matt hardy, RVD (WWE wrestlers). She also thinks Sesshomaru is hot, and Naraku's Voice is Seducing O_O (from the anime inuyasha) She can look at any random guy she thinks is cute/hot and think of a completely random nickname for him (example-She calls John Cena, Chihuahua Monkey!)

Megan-Not one of my best friends, more like an Aquanitance (however that word is spelt XD). Theres nothing really to describe of her, other than that She lies alot, she's a good friend occasionally, extremely annoying.

Rebecca- A pretty Good Friend, at times she can be a backstabber but she's okay i guess. She's pretty much the only one that understands me when i told her about my dad (her mom died, and she was really close with her mom)

Tessa- She's the nicest friend i have at the school i am currently going to. She loves tamagotchis but still needs to grasp the concept of keeping them alive. XD


Ricky-He was really nice, occasionally got into fights alot though. but he moved away. I was the only one that never teased him about his name, kids would say "Here comes Ricky Bobby!" I never did that.

Devin-One of the biggest trouble makers in the school, He loves football. (hes a great quarterback) and he's the tallest boy in 8th grade (6''1 and he's 13) He is very sarcastic and isnt afraid to say his opinion, regardless if it makes him end up in the principals office or suspended. But deep down, he's a nice guy (thats why i like him XD)

Ryan- My little Buddy! XD, He's like a little brother to me, (he's in grade 5 now) He always plays with tamagotchis, he used to baby sit my tamagotchis,. (that was before i moved, he's in my old school so i dont talk to him alot)

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I have to many friends to post on, so I'll just say one since it's her appreciation day. x3

Kirsten- Awsome friend for the past 3-4ish years. Today was her appreciation day because I DO appreciate her friendship greatly.

She rawks! xD

Okay, I'll use nicknames cause they probably don't want their names given out:

Elmo: My bestest friend ever at school. I could never live without her around...even though we started actually hangin round each other last year, we've become closer than some of my other friendlings...we share so much in common, especially our love of Fruits Basket.

Bert: We're kind of in a mess right now between me, Bert and Elmo, but it's bound to be fixed really soon...

Milly: She's one of my uber best friends. She's a year younger, but we get along soooo well. We always have good ideas and we can fight but then fix it like 2 seconds later XD!

An: She's also a year younger and we don't see each other very much, but we're still close and we've known each other since 1997 or so like Milly.

DK: He's super awesome and me BF and I luvs him and we've known each other for like 10 years now! That's almost our whole lives! We've been dating for 4 or 5 years now.

BK: He's my ex-boyfriend. No one dumped anyone we just thought that we never were really a couple so we just parted and now we're super close and we talk alot. Altho DK's always hated BK even before we dated...guess that's just not someone he can get along with.

The 6A iend-frays: These are friends in my class that I get along with pretty well...although I never call them this to their faces or they might kill me! LOL

By the way, if you're wondering about Elmo and Bert, yes they are named after sesame street characters. It's a thing we have going on. I'm Ernie...


Kayla: we're so tight best friends forever!! we both like anime and hate math and we both love Beyonce's music

Sandra: well Sandra's very random she thinks our class is ghetto (lol) and dos'nt go anywhere without me and Kayla

Roda: i like lisening to roda's relign because I'm christain and shes Muslim and we chat about stuff the most mature oout of all us

Lexus: one word EVIL

Latisha:Lexus and Latisha are really tight too but she tutors me in math ^_^

Nasro: annoying but loyal very nice

~~~~~~~my guy friends~~~~~~~~~~~

Akhil: he's one of my best friends really nice comes up with the best jokes

Ryan: we both RPG's and we have a lot in common

Chris: chris is always getting in trouble but he's really funny

♪music in my life♫

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Meg: The sweetest girl in the world! Always puts others before herself. A great freind :)

AJ: One of my close freind. A narutard (like me xD). Very nice.

I have a lot more freinds but I'm not going to post any more.

I'm gonna call everybody by the first letter of their name, k? ;)

B-Me and her have been friends since the beginning of the year. Last year we didn't really know eachother, but this year we do. Me and her always have pretend arguments like she'd say in a weird voice, "I hate you." and I'd go "I hate you too!" but then we'd burst out laughing.

M-Me and her have known eachother since kindergarten. She's the same age as me, but small and fragile. She gets her feelings hurt easily, but we're really good friends. We used to have this mini mailbox thing where we'd stick notes in them and then the other person would read the note.

Amb-I have to say that 'Amb' and I have our moments of true friendship. But....she gets kind of annoying. She acts like she's a dog, is always singing during class which gets very irritating.....but we're friends I guess.

R-Me and her have been best friends since grade 3. We are still friends now, and she's moving in June. :angry: It's so sad. At least we'll be able to talk on MSN, if she has it still.

A-Me and 'A' have been friends as long as I can remember. They moved to the other side of the city, but we still visit him sometimes. :) And when we do, it's so fun!!

Here are my 3 best friends.

Chris; I've known him since i was 2, we are both 12. He's way taller than me,wears glasses. Long hair for a guy[just like mine]. We both love Poke'mon and Naruto ;)

Travis; i met Travis this year,and he's one of my best friends. He to is way taller than me, has glasses, and loves pokemon and Naruto :angry:

Miranda; No,she's not my girlfriend. We've known each other since first grade and are pretty good friends. She's about my height, has a ton of freckles,and hates pokemon and naruto :) The only thing we both like is the game Sim's 2; pets lol.

Echo: She is so nice and my BFFL! I love her to death!(not in a sick way) She is so kind and we have been friends since 2nd grade. She has brown hair and is taller then me and I am the older one! She always knows what to say to make me feel good. She never complains and we always have fun! Today she is coming over

Britty: We have been friends since well....forever! SHe always is funny and hyper. Though she knows exactly what to do and if you want to go she will not get upset!

Travis: My best guy friend! No not my boyfriend. But he always knows what I am feeling even if I don't say it! he is so cool and nice. Though I never beat him in Guitar Hero!

Fabain: My boyfriend! He is so great and always makes me feel special while I am around him!

Lyle: He is so funny! He always knows how to make me laugh!

Magali: She is the coolest! We always pretend we are angels. She always makes me laugh too!

Pilar:An angel too! She is so cool as well!

Suure. I'll also post about my ex-friends if you don't mind :]


Tacy (F): She argues alot and it taller than my sister which is in sixth grade.


Grace (F): She is a really great friend. When my mom came to adopt me from China, she met up with this other mom and they became friends. She lives about 15 minutes away from me.

Jesse (F): She is smaller and skinnier than me. Everyone in my class calls her, 'Peanut.' She gets treated like a Queen, and is very hyper when she drinks coffee and mountain dew.

Daphne (F): She has a lot in common with me. Especially Spongebob admiration.

I have many more friends, but I don't feel like listing them.

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