Barbie Girl- Aqua (don't kill me please! XD)
Under the sea- the movie The little mermaid. YAY ARIEL!
Hampster Dance- The Hampsters..????
The rights of an elephant- a song I made up!
He's my son- Mark Schultz
I'm too sexy- Right said fred (Please don't kill me for this one either!)
Incomplete- Backstreet boys
I want it that way- Backstreet boys
As long as you love me- Backstreet boys
Show me the meaning of being lonely- Backstreet boys (..lol,

Quit playing games (with my heart)- Backstreet boys (I don't CARE if the BB boys are old! xD)
Something about christmas time- Brian Adams (Christmasseh!)
Dancing queen- .........
Chihuahua!- DJ Bobbo!!!!
These shoes xD (Yeah.. the song 'sir I wanna buy these shoes.. for my mama please..' I just call it 'these shoes' X.x)
I bet some of you've never heard some of these songs