Yet Another Log


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, well today I dusted of my first tama.

I could kick myself right now for being sick and bored all Spring Break and not even thinking about getting out my old buddy.

Anyways, I'm off to the store to buy a new battery.

I don't know what I'll name it yet.... Hmm....

NOTE: Feel free to pm me with questions or comments!

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My mom is at the store now!!! Fifteen mins can seem so long!!!

Look at the ALT codes I found! They look like tamas!

[SIZE=14pt][/SIZE] = Baby girl tama! = ALT + 1

[SIZE=14pt][/SIZE] = Baby boy tama! = ALT + 2

Note: Not all fonts will work for this ALT code. I used Arial Black.

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Still not here yet.

I think I might name my new tama Choco or Mufin.

I like Mufin. It can be a name for either sex so I think I will do that!

It's so difficult to come up with a 5 lettered tama name!

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Yay! Mom got the battery!

I decided to start up my V3. [The silver and black kind.]

I already had one on there, but I restarted it. I let him go to his home planet.

How kind am I?

Anyways, my username is PANTS [original huh?].

The little egg turned out to be a boy. How cute. I've already gotten off to the wrong start in pausing him!

Not even his first minute of being alive I pause him.

Ah well. He needs to get used to being paused. :/

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Food= scones ll, sushie ll

Snack= cone l

Game= Get ♪; 77; 70 GP- Get ♪; 55; 50 GP

Food= bread l

Snack= apple l

Bought shovel for 80 GP; shovel used- got cake; increased happy

Hungry ♥♥♥♥

Happy ♥♥♥♥

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He made an 'oopsy' so I cleaned it.

He got sick and I had to give him two doses to cure him.

I fed him some cerial. I like cerial. I wonder what kind it was.

What a bundle of joy eh?

Now he's just bouncing around the bottom of the screen.

Played 'Get ♪'. Whoops, missed one and only got 17 or so.

I'm startin to wonder why they have that hat on. o.0 Seriously, what is it?

I can remember if the older versions babies had the hat on.

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AH! My other post didn't go through! -.-


To sum it up, he fell played a game, got highest score, went on Tamatown, got some codes, fell alseep for a couple mins., played game, got 'nother high score.

He cried. How sad. :[ So I praised him and he's happy now!

Golly! These babies are hun-gar-ey! Always eating.

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I had to pause Mufin for a while. I went with my dad to Walmart, to our boat [to put the stuff we got in Walmart in it], and then went to eat at Village Pizza and Sea Food. ^^ Mmmmm....

Anyways, so I unpaused him and at 8:57 he evolved into a Mizutamatchi.

He was just SO tired, that he went to sleep right after.

Can't even check out his new game. :[ Sad. Ah well.

I might just change the time on him. Heh heh. >:]

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I did change the time for a few.

He wouldn't play games so I discpilined him, but that didn't work.

I gave him a snack and at least he played 'Get ♪'.

But I was chatting on AIM, so I didn't get very far.

I am home from church because I'm sick yet again.

I paused him becaue I thought I'd never come out of the bathroom.

I'll go get him.

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Just played Get ♪.

Highest score! Oh yeah!

I feel the inspiration to write a song.

*clears throut*

Mufin is a tama,

he likes to move,

he like to groove,

I wonder if he likes Fillet Minyon.

Now he's just moving around.... move move move.....

How entertaining is that.

You know, they don't reall have a big space to move.

I mean seriously, how would YOU like it if you were put in a room that was 3 tamas by 3 tamas?


It would be so awsome if they could come on your T.V. or computer!

*writes letter to Bandai*

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He's being very- AH! Where'd 'ee go?!?

Found him.

He's being very boring right now!

Just up, down, side, down, side, sida, up, right, left AH!!!


I bought him a cap. But of course he can't wear it.

I don't get it. Not old enough to wear a hat? What's up with that?

Well I'm off to tamatown.

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We got oodles of prizes. ^^

We went and saw the movie "Hide and Seek"!

AH! It was SO funny! The mimitchi was eating rice. Hahaha


Anyways, I can't believe this but Mufin POOED in the theather!!! AH!

How rude of him- what is he doing now? He's rolling around, on the ground he just pooped on.

Eh, this guy needs help.

Anyways, I had to clean it up. How ebarresing... *blushes*

He totaly enjoyed the movie and the popcorn I bout for him

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I took a nap.

Evedently he got bored and went down to happies and one hungries. :/

So we played some bump.

For some reason he just can't win.

I have no clue why. We've made it to the third round only once.

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My mom is going to Walmart to see if they have a V4.

I don't know if I should get a V4, or wait till the V4.5....

There's so many different types of tamas. I just don't know.

Mufin and I are anxiously awaiting his new brother or sister V4!

My mom is getting me the V4 clear/blue. ^^

I have to buy it though, ah well.

Yay! I got the clear/blue V4.

She is a she. I named her Lime...

Yeah, Lime like the fruit.

Tama babies are so needy.

Waaa, I need some food... waaa, I need some more food.... WAAAA GIVE ME MORE FOOD!

*shakes head* Well it's worth it.

Right now she has 3 pencils, one star and 20 flowers.

Whatever that means

She's sleeping. SHHHHHhhhhhh......


Well Mufin is bouncing around.

I guess I shouldn't call them brother and sister as of I will probably mate them....

Don't they have a law about that?

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Ok, so I am home from school today and I got to sleep in.

So I was just sitting there with my tamas [Lime and Mufin were sleeping] and then the evolution music went off.

Mufin evolved into a Obotchi.... I think. It was 8 a.m. so he went back to sleep.

I bought him a tresure chest and he turned into an oldie. o_O And then lost all hearts. How sad.

Mufin and Lime have become friends. It seems as though Mufin likes Lime more than Lime likes Mufin.

Mufin was so kind and gave Lime a pencil! Note: that was all on his own, I had nothing to do with it.

Than Lime gave Mufin nothing.

She's just play'n hard to get. ;D

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Mufin has been so good lately! ^^

I realized yesterday I missed the V2 games!

I really did enjoy them! Especialy slot! ;D

The games I have right now are- Get ♪, Bump, Flag, and Heading.

Personaly I think Heading can get annoying!

For some crazy reason Mufin can't ever get anywhere in Bump!

Even when all ♥♥♥♥s where gone, and I fed him to he was all good, he STILL didn't get anywhere in Bump. I need to start coaching him!

I guess he's just not that type of tama.

Aw! How cute!

Lime gave Mufin a heart! *teat teat*


Well, we *might* see a movie today.

Maybe some more popcorn would be good for him.

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Not much happened today- probably because I had to go to school and he had to be paused all day. x[

I don't know if I'd be ready to bring them back to school like I used too.

Eh, well now Lime and Mufin like eachother four faces! ^^ Yay!

I like to connect them- Lime just evolved today, check out her log! ;D

She's a nice young memetchi now! Yay!

Yep yep!

He's growing up!

I caught this moment he was taking his bath! ;]

Pretty Shweet! x3


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