Yasashiku's BIG Day


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Jun 4, 2006
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:huh: The Story of a Young Mimitchi who saved the World :huh:

One day, a young Mimitchi named Yasashiku* was walking home from school with his friends Ember, a Hinomatachi and Kisho** a young Mametchi. It was Friday afternoon and, as they were walking home, they were chatting about what they would do over the weekend.

“I get to baby-sit my little cousin, Bumper,” exclaimed Ember. “He is a Kinokamatchi waiting to change into a teenager. He really wants to be an Onion-chi! He can’t stop talking about it!”

“I have a date with my girlfriend Akina-Eirian*^ the UFO-chi on Saturday,” says Yasashiku.

“Wow, you two have a great thing going on between you there,” says Ember.

“ Yes, I am going to take her to the Tama-prom next Friday,” stated Yasashiku. “She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I am going to wear the nice blue tuxedo she got me last week. I want to buy her something really nice. Maybe a vase of Passionflowers. She flips for those!”

So, the three of them chatted on and on. They had a great weekend together. ... Finally, It was Friday, the day of the Tama-prom. Akina-Eirian absolutely LOVED the flowers, and Yasashiku wore the wonderful tuxedo she gave him.

“Oh, Yasashiku!” said Akina-Eirian. “I love you dearly! I can’t believe we’re 15 already! Tenth-graders at the Tama-prom!”

“I know!” says Yasashiku. “It seems like only yesterday I was waiting for my thirteenth birthday! Are you having fun?”

“Oh, yes,” says Akina-Eirian. “This is the best day of my life!”

She held Yasashiku and they shared a long, wonderful first kiss.

“Oh, that was wonderful,” said Akina-Eirian afterwards.

“What do you say we go to the tama-beat tomorrow and have a great time listening to music and shopping?”

“That would be great!”

“Well that’s great! I donated 30,000 gotchi points to the gotchi-king yesterday. What do you say we go there afterwards and get the ring, the cape, and the crown all in one trip after the tama-beat!” Exclaims Yasashiku.

“That would be great!” says Akina-Eirian. “Let’s do that!”

So, the pair did that, and had an excellent time. Then, just when all was perfect, an alien ship came, and vaporized everything in its path! Luckily, Yasashiku had recently purchased a rare blaster: Anti-Evil Alien Mark X! He fired it and, not only was the alien vaporized; all the damage done by that alien was reversed!

After many hours of Anti-evil and ugly alien annihilation (Say that five times fast), the alien leader, Visser X, a tentacled, horned, unidentified species of other world tamagotchi, came to face Yasashiku. With no time to lose, Yasashiku ran into the Gotchi-shop, and purchased an upgrade for his ray gun. Now, Instead of just one steady beam, his gun fired six double-laser shots with each firing. Just then, Ember, Kisho, and Akina-Eirian showed up. They had also recently purchased a few upgrades. Ember had a giant fireball, along with a fire-mobile, and a fire shield. Kisho purchased a laser sword. Akina-Eirian had her own built in laser, since she was a UFO-chi.

The foursome fought and fought. Visser X had lost a few tentacles, and suffered heavy burns of the 5th degree. Finally Yasashiku and the others unleashed their special attack: The Burning Rice Super-Laser of Terror!! He added his power to the laser, and the power of his strong smell, added to the weapon, dissolved Visser X in one shot! Yasashiku loaded his laser, and just then, Bumper showed up! Right as he was getting ready to attack, he evolved into Onion-chi!

From that day on, Yasashiku the Mimitchi was forever thought of as a hero by all, along with Akina-Eirian, the UFO-chi; Ember, the Hinomatachi; Kisho, the Mametchi; and Bumper, the Onion-chi.

The End

:lol: *Yasashiku means “Gentle and Polite”

;) **Kisho means “One who knows his own mind”

*^Akina-Eirian means “Spring flower-Alien


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