xxxXMy Version 4.5 LogXxxx


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Well-known member
May 14, 2007
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Hello everyone this is a log of my v4.5 i purchased yesderday at argos (i live in the uk). I havent had time to start it up yesterday so im going to do it now! Throughout my log i will be writting in this color! (Unless i decide to have a color change :) )

And my tama will be writting in this color



p.s ill update later

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Well i played a few games of cloud. Its quite a hard game it bes easy until cloud number 22/23 because it goes really fast :furawatchi: Troy just got sick but i cleaned it all up! I wonder which toddler he'll turn into???

Goo goo ga gah gaaaaaa goooo


Awwww isnt he soo cute!

Well at the mo Troy is asleep so ill post his stats




training 0

skill points 11/4/9

0 year


name troy

gender boy


point910gp bye a gotta go know!

ill update laterz

Well Troy evolved into a toddler! he is a kuchimatchi(sp!!!) And he got accepted into preschool. Ive now got the tug of war game its quite hard i can only do 3 rounds!. Ill let Troy talk now


Hey everyone i can finally talk yipeee!!!!!!Well i got accepted into preschool its sooooo good! My teacher is called miss frill and she is so kind :) I never ever wanna leave her ever!!!!!


Well you have to leave her when you go to big school


Noooooooooooooooo never i love her to bits!!!!!!


Dont be silly Troy!!!


ok sowwy


Thank you Troy

YAHOOOO im in big school yayyyyy!!!! my teacher is really nice i like her a lot her name is miss sunflower! cool aint it. Ive got three more games to play but they are really had i have never got thirty on any of them :mametchi:


cya soon guys!

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!I hope you all had a good time. anywayz i havent neglected troy too much today. which is good i wonder which adult he'll turn into. he is a bit on the fat side though oops too many snacks!! :)


Yesterday i got a toothace because mommy is giving me too many snacks. i wish she'd stop its making me feel sick!

Wahoooo troy evolved into an adult yesterday he is that guy with the theartre mask on. cute!! he still hasnt had a job offer yet :) :(I can do climb now easy peasy! i think there is a glitch in manhole i goes past 30 and it goes up in 2s!!!!! once i get 55 it just fails!!????!! strange. i still havent a clue how to play shapes!


If you know whats wrong please tell me in a pm




Im an adult now yipeee!!!! i wonder when ill go to work i cant wait. guess what i got a love heart in the mail from a "secret admirer" :p well cya laterz

Hopefully the matchmaker will come in a few days. oh no troy is sick and done 2 poops and has no hearts!! better fill them up. ill have to disturb his bath then! oooh troys got mail! he had a fortune letter the king gave him 200gp lucky boy! and he's got an important mail too. hes said a sad goodbye to miss sunflower awwwwwww. ooh now hes got a job mail yay!!!! hes got rejected for a job that i thought looked good. its just went off the job screen. i might of accidently pressed c oh well ill get another job mail!


Hi everyone im really sad cos i had to leave miss sunflower she was really kind :) and i think mommy accidently pressed c on the job screen so it went off AND i lost all my hearts and done 2 poops AND got sick!!!!!!


There there troy its ok i made it better didnt i


yeh you did i suppose

3/1/07i wont be posting in this log anymore

im going to make another one

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