[Wrong] Song Lyrics


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x.P O K E R F A C E

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2009
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Like, when you get used to singing a song wrongly, it's so annoying isn't it?

What did you ever think lyrics were?

I used to think 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' by Britney Spears was 'Sh!t On Me, Baby One More Time'.

And I thought 'Hot N Cold' by Katy Perry was 'Rot N Fold'.

And the lyrics 'Dont Trust A H*e' in 'Dont Trust Me' by 30H!3 were 'Don't Trust Her'.

Picture to burn:

I hate that stupid old pickup truck --> I hate that stupid old pickle truck


Apple bottom jeans --> Apple pie and jeans.

Before He Cheats- Carrie Underwood

What it's supposed to be

'Cause I dug my key into the side

Of his pretty little scooped up four wheel drive

Carved my name into his leather seats

What I heard

'Cause I dug my knee into the thigh

Of his pretty litte snooped out four wheel drive

Carved my nail into his legacy

That's just one.. there's many more, I just can't remember.

And Oh! In I'm On A Boat I thought that "I F'd a mermaid" was "I bought a mermaid" lol, Michelle corrected me x3

[SIZE=7pt]EDIT- typo[/SIZE]

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I've done that too many times to count.

Here's what happened with Dead On Arrival by FOB:

What I thought:

Dead on-- A rivalry grows so deep

Between me and this loss of of sleep, one or two?

This is side one, flip me over

I know I'm not your favorite record

But the songs you go to write

Never stick at first

What it really is:

Dead on-- A rivalry grows so deep

Between me and this loss of of sleep over you

This is side one, flip me over

I know I'm not your favorite record

But the songs you grow to like

Never stick at first

I thought that in Move Along -- All American Rejects, it said, "Mow the lawn." XD

In Welcome To The Black Parade -- MCR, I thought it said, "And through you're dead and gone, you'll see me" stead of, "And though you're dead and gone, believe me."

Oh my, and guess what I thought Cupid's Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes said the first time I heard it:

Take a look at my gofriend

And she's the only one I sought

Not much a girlfriend

I've never seen her eat a lot.

It's really:

Take a look at my girlfriend

She's the only one I've got

Not much of a girlfriend

I never seem to get a lot.

Either people don't pronounce stuff in music good anymore, or I've got hearing problems... I vote hearing problems. 8D


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Due to Lily Allen's accent, I get a ton of her songs wrong.

For instance, in Alfie:

What I heard:

I only said it because I care,

So please, could you, start pulling your hair?

Now, there is some need to swear,

Please, nes daire, mon dere frere.

What it is:

I only say it because I care,

So please, could you, stop pulling my hair?

Now, there is no need to swear,

Please don't despair, my dear mon frere.

I thought she said the complete opposite of what she meant o_o

I thought "Our song is the slamming screen doors" in Our Song - Taylor Swift was "Our song is the lamest green dogs"

ahahaha xD

I didn't sing it wrong, but;
In the diary of Jane sounded like in the diarrhea Jane XD

The song was The Diary Of Jane by Breaking Benjamin. I've listened to that song ALL DAY.

I thought that too the first time, but then I looked at the song title. I was in gr 4, so not very smart.

In the chorus of "Everything Falls Apart" by the Zebrahead, I thought the line "Manipulations on my mind" was "My vigulations on my mind."

Dude, I'm pretty sure that vigulations isn't even a word. xD

I always got a certain line in "Rock Star" by Smashmouth wrong.

what I thought:

All that litter disco (or something like that)

What it was:

All that glitters is gold.

Smelyalata by nevershoutnever!

I thought it was:

...with the slight scent of tea and ohhhhhh...

It really was

...with the slight scent of denile...

I have tons more.

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