Who's got a Tama-go


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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2010
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I love mine! I've got a belltchi!

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I don't, but both of my little sisters do.

They really like them, and connect almost 24/7.

They plan on marrying them.

edit;; grammar fail

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i have one i and i love it but it is so hard to get lovelitchi on mine i really want her

I like my Tama-go very much.(not love) I'm not that attached to my TMGO, but I like it better then the other versions. :) I'm attempting to get Mikazukitchi(the moon Tamagotchi) but it's really hard. I even resetted my Tama-go trying to get her, but it's a failure. -_- Over all, I still like it, and it's very fun...... That is for Tamagotchi fans and who have the Tama-go. :D

~Memetchi ;)

I like it a lot, the only thing I have an issue with is the bedtimes and discipline feature.

I never know when it's going to go to bed. It doesn't go on the hour anymore >.<

As for discipline, I can't tell when to praise and when to time out. Ra had told me to praise when the character calls, and then comes up to the screen. Sometimes this works and I get the little happy dance, other times the character gets mad :/

If anyone has any info on either of these two things, that'd be awesome. These are honestly the only two things I don't like about the tama-go.

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This was not a failure. Who ever put that as there answer she bu shunned.

If your a true Tamagotchi lover your would never want them to stop making them!

This was not a failure. Who ever put that as there answer she bu shunned. If your a true Tamagotchi lover your would never want them to stop making them!
Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion (and no, I'm not the one who chose the "failure" option, I'm speaking in general) regardless of how much or how little they love Tamagotchis. :huh:

I love it and I think it is awesome and all, but because it is so honking big it is not very portable. I think of it as like the DSi XL for tamagotchis.

but I still love it!

I actually don't have one yet and am wondering if it's worth it to get one.

I understand that it's not in color..?

I really love the Tamagotchi iD, so if it's similar I might enjoy it.

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