Who Is The Cheapest Person You Know?


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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2007
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The cheapest person I know has to be my dad's mother. Both she and her husband work and make a great amont of money each year. However, that doesn't stop her from giving all her 8 grandchildren the same gift every year for 3 years, a pink flamingo beany baby that she gets for free at her job. She also gets lifesavers for free and gives us those aswell. Who gives a 1 year old lifesavers?? And she also gave my mother a really ugly red sweater with big bells and cotton balls all over it, with the price tag still on ($5), and if THAT IS NOT BAD ENOUGH, there was a card addressed TO HER from her friends still on it.


My dad. :angry: But he's really nice and I love him very much. When I was little I compared him to Mr. Krabs from Spongebob.

Me. D: I really don't like spending so much money on other people and myself. I think I get that from my dad. xD

My self...

If my mom tells me to go grocrey(SP) shopping some were, i alwas go to some were like a 711 or one of those quk markets so I dont have to spend much! x3

I don't like talking about people like this.

But I guess this is the truth, right?

The cheapest person I know is my Grandpa's sister. Jean..

She gets me gifts that she knows I don't want. And most of the time they are the same thing!

It's the thought that counts, right?

The cheapest person I know would have to be my Mum. She tries to find bargains everywhere. Once she went to some shop and they had something which costed 5 bucks. She then went to another shop which had the exact same thing for twice the price. She told them about the other shop, and they reduced the price to 4 bucks. She then went to another sho that had the exact ame thing for more and told them about the second shop, and tey reduced the price to 3 bucks.

Finding bargains my Mum's way ^_^

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LOL she isnt cheap but Avril Lavigne has millions of dollars yet she still shops at dollar stores n_n

Probably me, lol.

But when it comes to buying myself things...well, that's a different matter.

Defiantly my mom and dad. They're defiantly related to Mr. Krabs. My mom had a fit when I payed $80 for a Ps2. xDD

My stepdad. He doesn't want to sacrifice his precious money on little things, like toilet paper, garbage bags, and paper towels. He always buys the crappiest ones possible. And he doesn't buy brand names ever. It's always about the generics for him. I wish he understood that generic Corn Flakes taste like garbage!

I don't care for money really :/

If I had to say anyone.....Erm.....It would probably be my mom I guess. If I find say a Ino Yamanaka plushie on ebay for say 7 bucks, she won't buy it because it's 7 bucks. It has to be atleast 2 bucks or no >_> Or if I have the money.

My brother know's how to spend money. My friend LOVES money.

An aunt of mine has a passion for dollarstores...

But, its the thought that counts, right?

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