White V1 logs


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
I right now have a masktchi named kiara who is on 6th generation. I can't remember the whole family line.

I would like to do some debugging but maybe not.

Today Kiara was paused while I was at school so nothing really happend with her. Since I keep getting gozarutchis and masktchis with the matchmaker I will. . .

[SIZE=21pt]Will Mate With:[/SIZE]

A. Mimitchi

B. mametchi

C. memetchi

D. kutchipatchi

[SIZE=21pt]I Will Not Mate With[/SIZE]

A. gozarutchi

B. Masktchi

C. robotchi

D. hanatchi

So thats it.

I will just keep switching the time until I get one.

Kiara is only a young adult 4 years so I have time to think IF I change my mind.

Kiara is 5 years old. I need to exersize her a little later. She weighs 78 pounds. I hope to get a healthy baby boy. I have been cursed with girls for like 2-3 months! Thus I will not get my high hopes up. :kuribotchi: I need to save energy for crying when Shang and Mulan leaves.

Nothing happend for Kiara exept that she turned 6. Yayy! Only 1 more tamayear till the matchmaker. I want a mimitchi though.

The matchmaker stopped by. I let her mate with a robotchi after many tries I gave up. Now Kiara has a cute baby boy. I will name him. . .


I am watching Kiara leave her baby boy who is going to be named James.I will miss her. So now I will need to take care of the baby boy. Kiara just left. I am caring for james. He is such a cute little kurobabytchi.

When I got home from school to wake him up I saw that my Jamie was 1 year old. I set time forward and he evoved into oniontchi. Man! I keep getting bad characters but I still love my tam's. Oh well, I am 100% sure he will be a gozarutchi. Anyways for now james is an oniontchi.



Happy: 1/4

Years old: 1

Weight: 40 pounds

Current activity: bobbing around the screen

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Yesterday James evolved into a memetchi like Mimi. I was soo suprised. I thought he would be a gozarutchi. Anyways, I am happy. As for the first saturday in march. . . V3 time! I still need to do a few extra chores as I got 10 bucks, I am going to get some allowence, 5$ and my mom says if I do extra chores;

I will get an extra 5$.

James is leaving Roth. Jappy will be the youngest of the 3 boys.

I will miss him. :D is how he feels. I will post when Roth is a toddler.

Roth is now a ichigotchi! That means a mametchi or a kutchipatchi! It says ichigotchis are hasty. I was hoping for a young mimitchi *shifty eyes :rolleyes: * And Ichigotchis are. . . . . This single log thing is NOT working. I will make a new log.

*closed not really*


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