Which shampoo do you use?


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I use this SunGlitz colored stuff.

It makes my hair darker over time, naturally. (Well not particularly naturally, but xD)

OMG Shayna. You just made me burst out in laughter. XD

But yes. Dove is amazingness.

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I use whatever I find in the shower. My Mum's the shampoo buyer in this house. Generally, I end up using Brunette Expressions or Tresemme shampoo. Both seem to work well and my hair is generally pretty fluffy, the way I like it. But the most important thing for me is my conditioner. If I don't use it, I spend forever trying to brush out the weird tangly mess thing that is my hair.

You. >o> (points at Krystal)

And you. <o< (points at Lady_Shay)

That was funny x]


I use "Length and Strength" aka "The dark blue circle."

I might get "Wonder Waves" aka "The pink light pink circle." next time.

^Is there a big difference between the different types, do you know?--because with the vagueish names I have no clue which is better for me. ):

EDIT: Awkward wording.

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^ I don't know... I just chose the light blue one because I like blue. Maybe its just color preferences...

I use Herbal Essences Hydralicous. (the orange one)
It pwns.
I use the green kind 8D "drama clean" or something.. also pwns.

But that's not all I use. I use a lot of different kinds, it's either Herbal Essences, Head and Shoulders, Dove GoFresh lemongrass, or Pantene.

I like Pantene a lot, because it makes my hair really silky! But we ran out..

So right now I mainly use Head and Shoulders (because I hate aving dandruff), and Dove GoFresh conditioner !

I use the smooth and silky Head and Shoulders. It's smells really good. I always get compliments on how good my hair smells, lol. I also use Biosilk, which also smells amazing, to add anti-frizz shine, and lushness to my highlighted blond locks, lol. ^_^

I use head and shoulders for sensitive scalp.

As the name suggests, my scalp is super sensitive, lol.

I don't have dandruff, but it makes my hair soft and protects my scalp from burning and itching.

VO5 and the kiddy one that doesn't sting your eyes.

I have a terrible habit of getting shampoo in my eyes, therefore mum buys me the child shampoo which doesn't sting your eyes. If we're out of that, than I use VO5 which is usually my mum's.

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