Whenever you had a crush on somebody


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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2006
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Just wonder If you do...Post it here :angry:

I do every time, its kinda sad :D

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well yes.....

but then he stopped liking her, started liking me, and asked me out!

sorry. that doesn't help. i would just get over the person. know that there's a lot of other people out there :) .

Post it here :huh: I do every time, its kinda sad :)
Well I wouldn't say heartbroken. I would say it's more a bummer than anything. I think heartbroken would happen when you are with someone you care about and they either end it out of the blue, or they throw you to the side for someone else. Luckily I had more times of being bummed someone I had a crush on was no longer available.

When I have a crush it usually turns out badly. I am ccurrently in a relationship with requited love, so this is turning out well!

I've only had what I would consider three real crushes, and two of those were because they liked me. The first one was because I was in third grade, and all the girls would talk about who they liked, so I decided I had to have someone to like too. I choose the boy who was always really nice to me (and he was cute too :) ), and I liked him for three years. I kind of liked someone at the start of this year, but that was really only because he liked me. I don't think I've ever got my heart 'broken' by a crush.

I've only really considered one girl as a potential partner so far. It ended in disaster - we were really good friends, and apparently we were both hiding feelings for each other throughout our friendship, etc. I stayed at her house everyday of the summer of '03 and '04. We were frighteningly close - people I talked to regularly actually thought we were related. I was also very close with her family - I watched the family's kids sometimes and even did chores around their house!

Eventually, she got jealous of me (or something, I really don't know - this is what happened according to our mutual friends) and this other girl I had befriended. So, to get back at me or express her irritation, or something, she started spreading rumours about how this other person had turned me into a terrible person. We finally stopped talking, because she refused to actually talk about it face-to-face. We then kind of glued it together again the year following the big fallout, but it was never really the same - it fell appart again soon after. Then, after THAT time, I went to some party she was at and we had a lot of fun hanging out again - at this point we pledged again to mend our fences and become friends.

It didn't work.

That's the biggest one in my life that went wrong.

i had a huge crush on a spanish student in my class called felipe last year but never told him i liked him and on the last dy of school he said to me 'i love you but i have to go now' in spanish (i can speak a little spanish) as he walked off to the car to go to the airport. i was so heartbroken but i hope to see him when i go to spain next year

*huggies you*

It always happens. So painful too. Nothing has never worked out for me. *sigh*


yep every crush i had, i got heartbroken, except my last crush, I'm with him now, and have been for 2 years ;)

I'm not allowed to have a bf, but...

Yeah, I have been heartbroken. When I saw one of my friends slow dance with the guy I have a huge crush on. She never knew I liked him.


I'm not allowed to have a bf, but...Yeah, I have been heartbroken. When I saw one of my friends slow dance with the guy I have a huge crush on. She never knew I liked him.

That happened to me too! I was kind of upset, but now I laugh about it with myself, because that boy hates my friend now! I realize there was no reason to get upset, and I don't even like him anymore. :blink:

I don't know if I ever had a real crush... lol. If I did, I would feel embarrassed because my friends would act different around me. They haven't had any crushes the whole time I've been friends with them.

I feel bad for whoever felt sad because of a crush (except for this icky brat I know). :blink: Hope you feel better now.

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