My curent ones are
Know it alls (There's this plant know it all in my group in school, and he keeps saying my plant will die for being overwatered and I water it the correct amount and everyone's putting like, one cup of water in theirs when I put 10 droppers of water in mine)
People in my personal space, especially people that aren't my friend Ugh it bugs me so much.
Liars. I have a friend who has a lying problem and she always bends the truth to make herself seem better than she actually is.
Typing lessons at school. I'm the fastest typer in my class, and I'm forced to line up my fingers on the keyboard and type slow as crap. and the teacher claims, "You'll be a slow typer for the rest of your life if you don't use this method"
The words Shut Up. Gosh, it's such a rude way to tell someone to be quet, and I take it very offensive.