It's interesting to find out how people view themselves!
Better Qualities:
*Very kind and compassionate inside-though I can be stoic or seem unphased by something...I just have a good poker face when need be.
*Passionate-I'm very passionate about what I love and feel strongly about.
*Goofy, Humorous-I love to laugh and joke and be a big kid when I can
*Very strong inside-I am extremely strong inside, especially when it comes to things such as nasty, hateful people, cruel acts toward people and animals, etc. If someone is continually hateful toward me or someone else who doesn't deserve it...I can be fierce in my defense of myself or the other person. I've learned this due to a particular family member who frequently behaves this way.
*Intuitive-I've always been this way, intuitive to other people's subtelities in a action or feelings, and to animal behaviour. Working with all sorts of animals for my entire life has greatly increased this.
*Logical-I don't easily panic or become shaken. I tend to view things logically, as opposed to becoming so muddled by emotion that I can't think clearly.
Not-So-Good Qualities:
*Procrastinate-I procrastinate in a BIG way when it comes to certain things.
*Worrying-I worry constantly about some things such as my house burning down, something bad happening to my birds Rima and Angelo, heart problems.
*Stubborn-If I feel like I've thought something through, and it just seems right...I can be very stubborn in my defense of that thing.
*Fiery-Certain things can trigger me, and I get super mad. I don't say mean things if this happens(though in some cases I should), but I do raise my voice. After all, I am a Fire sign.
*Messy/Unorganized-I don't like to be highly organized, it feels too institutional to me. I also tend to collect up some things where I don't really have the space for them.
*Unflexible about certain issues-Such as correct animal behaviour(esp. when it comes to dogs!), people exhibiting lack of respect for others, BAD attitudes coming from people who have no reason to be this way, etc.