What is your middle name?


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
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You don't have to say your middle name if you don't want too! My middle name is Lea! Some people spell it Lee but my mom spelt it the other way! lol!

My middle name is Robin, the strange thing is one of my best friends is called Robin :lol:

Brooke everytime people ask me they think I say broke.

hey can someone have 5 middel mames mines nicole lol i can't even spell it XD
Oh yeah. I knew someone in school that had 4 middle names o_O;; It looks fancy on the birth certificate and all...but imagine the mother that has to call that kid in for dinner. Oy! XD!!

Mine's Lynn

mine is guadalupe! so when they r really mad they yell:YESENIA GUADALUPE BLA BLA BLA NO TV BLA I MAD BLA BLA BLA!but my first name is yesenia.but they just call me yesenia if they r not :)

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My middle name is Judith. It's one of the reasons some people call me AJ (my first name is Alyssa, so Alyssa Judith as AJ would make sense).

Even so I kinda want to change my middle name to Dolores. I don't know why, I just kinda do.

lilpunkkatie11, my sister's 1st name is Christina (what a coincidence)

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