what is ur true age?


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*giggles* 11, though once I was mistaken for a seventh grader. ^0^


I dont think its safe to tell my age, plus, im just not in the mood. But mostly its not safe and on sites like these ( chat sites is what im refering to ), i try to be as safe as possible. wich includes no giving out personal information. When someone asks me my age, i consider it personal and only tell people I kow I can trust. Sorry if this disapoints you .

I am ten turning eleven in July :furawatchi:


I do agree with Spuishie but in most cases nothing can happen to you aslong you do not tell them your:


>Full name


>Phone number

>School address



I'll shut up here.



Tom you look pretty mature for a ten year old in my opinion :furawatchi:

Anyway, I just turned 14.. Why do I feel so old! :furawatchi:

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11 years old!

And the only time you should give out your address is when you are on tbay and only to the person you are buying/selling to! Even then is not so safe! Just don't tell anything to someone on tamatalk that you wouldn't tell a stranger! Phone #,Adress ect.

I am ten turning eleven in July :furawatchi:  

I do agree with Spuishie but in most cases nothing can happen to you aslong you do not tell them your:


>Full name


>Phone number

>School address



I'll shut up here.


Thats nice to know you agree with me, but you dont have to. I just want to be as safe as possible. & plus, I promissed my family ide watch my back. ( yea, im a suck up :3 )

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