Ok I bought a treasure chest, then I let my tama play with it, then when he opened it, he turned into a baby and lost like...30 lbs. What???? Happened???
Don't worry, it's normal. Some of the boxes may contain a grudge - makes your pet old or young. This takes away all full happy and hungry hearts. You know what to do!
1: Turn yiour tama into an older timer or baby for a few seconds- it will loose all happiness and hunger hearts and will drop down to it's base weight (it varys from character to character)
2: You can get money! I don't think I need I need to explain!
3: You can get a present! Yet again, I don't think I need to explain!
The chest does that sometimes, but it can also give out useful stuff likes points and items!
When the chest does that, it can be useful as it reduces the weight, but also the Happy and Hungry hearts. The Tamagotchi turns into either a boy or girl baby (Teletchi) or a boy (Ojitchi) or girl (Otokitchi) Old Timer, depending on it's gender.
EDIT: Sorry Rey Mysterio! We were posting at the same time!