What happened?


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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2008
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Okay, so I just unpaused my tama after playing it 2 years ago. It had 4 hearts next to happiness (so I guess it was fully happy). I bought a chest, used it, and my tama turned into a baby. I checked its happiness right after that- and the hearts were empty! I gave it a snack (an orange), checked it, and found that one of the hearts was filled in. Then, I gave it another snack (a melon) and my tama made this strange face! I checked its happiness and its hearts were all empty again! What happened?! :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Each character type has a most favorite and a least favorite food. It sounds like you've found your character's least favorite.

P.S. the hearts being emptied by the chest is a normal reaction, whenever the chest turns a character into a babie or oldie.

Sounds like your Tamagotchi doesnt like Melons. Each Tamagotchi characther has a like and a dislike of food. Remember to feed what it likes. What was your Tamagotchi version and characther? If you tell me, I can find out for you what your Tamagotchi likes and dislikes.

Oh, thanks! I guess I won't touch the melon ever again... :furawatchi:

Mine is a v4 and its a Pukatchi. Thanks :furawatchi:

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