What do you think of school?


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
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What do you think of school?

I love my school. I love the people that are with me, and my teachers are awesome and so much fun. :D

Ugh. None of my friends are in my school,all the younger people are idiots,and the teachers are Psycho. It may be my 5th day,but i'm already Bored.

Sorry to hear that, B_B. I'm on my third week already, but I don't want it to go this fast.

I don't like it. I miss my old teachers, none of my friends are in my class, and just, bleh!!! It's only the third day, though. I guess I'll warm up to it once we get into the routine of things.

School is getting harder and I'm all =____=p

But it's not too bad.. I have all my friends and I only really don't like one of my teachers.

school?!.....mi opinian is it sux! 6th grade is annyoing cause in this grade we switch classes and u only have 2 mins and when a teacher is mad and keeps the hole class in OH!, it makes me mad! well...ya! AND LUNCH OH OH OH! MAKES ME NEVER WANNA GO TA SCHOOL!!!!!!! i cant bring luch cause we NEVER have any thing ta bring EVER!!!!! so....ya i dont like school!

School is blah. I have so much homework each night. The only good thing about school is that you get to be with your friends.



I don't like it but I don't hate it either.

PE is the worst thing ever and everything else is fine with me.

I like school!

It rocks!!!!!!!!!!! :p

I'm doing really well at the moment. We've had tonnes of carnivals that is really fun. :rolleyes:

I hope other people see the light... *Angel song plays*

I guess it just depends on the person.

I Hate It

Theres This Girl Who Refers Me As "Its Back" "She Scares Me" And Many Other Crap

The Teachers And The Princpal Suck

And The Bathrooms Are DISGUSTING! Theres Practliy A Yellow Fungus Growing On The Light Switch And Sink...Eww

My school is pretty good. It's okay... the teachers are nice.. but the classes get WAY out of control when there is a substitute, it gets on my nerves! But other than that I like it.

This year was my first year in Jr. High, and to tell you the truth, the day before I was mortified. But today dirung lunch I went back and visited my old grade 6 teacher, and she was exactly how I remembered her. This is the second full week of school for me, and I think I've gotten int the swing of things. My homeroom teacher is the Best, and we have English nearly everyday. So, unless we start getting major homework tomorrow, I think school is turning out WAY better than I imagined.

~Kelsey. (AKA Zoom)

The school is fine. The lessons and the teachers are fine.

Even p.e is more fine than it was last year.

I really hate the people.

I hate my 'friends'.

Ah well, two years and I can leave :]

My music teacher gave us a lecture on how we weren't 'special' because we were a 'mainstream high school' not 'g&t'

And then my art teacher (four lessons afterwards) tells us that we are special blahblah self-esteem blah.

I miss the old music teacher D:

I'm going to shut up now.

I'm homeschooled, so... P=

It's fairly normal. Except I'm graduating in two years, instead of four. ; )

Then after that, it's off to law school. I'll let you know how real school is when I get there. xP

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